Of the four numbers, the first is twice the second, the second is one-third of the third and the third is 5 times the fourth. The average of the numbers is 24.75. The largest of these numbers is-
The average of ten numbers is 7. If each number is multiplied by 12, then the average of the new set of numbers is :
The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 37°C and of and of Tuesday to Thursday was 34°C. If the temperature on Thursday was $$\frac{4}{5}$$ that of Monday, the temperature of Thursday was-
The average of 8 numbers is 20. The average of first two numbers is $$15\frac{1}{2}$$ and that of the next three is $$21\frac{1}{3}$$. If the sixth number be less than the seventh and eighth numbers by 4 and 7 respectively, then the eight number is-
In an examination, a pupil’s average mark was 63 per paper. If he had obtained 20 more marks for his Geography paper and 2 more marks for his History paper, his average per paper would have been 65. How many papers were there in the examination?
The average annual income (in Rs.) of certain agricultural workers is S and that of other workers is T. The number of agricultural workers is 11 times that of other workers. Then the average monthly income (in Rs.) of all the workers is-
The average mark of student in 4 subjects is 75. If the student obtained 80 marks in the fifth subject, then the new average is-
A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is-
A car owner buys petrol at Rs. 17, Rs. 19 and Rs. 20 per litre for three consecutive years. Compute the average cost per litre, if he spends Rs 6460 per year.
The average of 50 numbers is 38. If the numbers 45 and 55 are discarded, then the average of the remaining numbers is-
Out of three numbers, the first is twice the second and is half of the third. If the average of the three numbers is 56, then difference of first and third numbers is
The average weight of three boys A, B and C is $$54\frac{1}{3}$$ kg, while the average weight of B, D and E is 53 kg. What is the average weight of A, B, C, D and E?
In a one-day cricket match the captain of one of the teams scored 30 runs more than the average runs scored by the remaining six batsman of that team who batted in the match. If the total runs scored by all the batsmen of that team were 310, how many runs did the captain score?
A grocer has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs. 6927, Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs. 6562 for 5 consecutive months. How much sale must he have in the sixth month so that he gets an average sale of Rs. 6500?
The average of 7 consecutive numbers is 20. The largest of these numbers is-
Of four numbers whose average is 60, the first is one-fourth of the sum of the last three. The first number is -
The average price of three items of furniture is Rs. 15000. If their prices are in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7, the price of the cheapest item is-
A school has 4 sections of chemistry in Class X having 40, 35, 45 and 42 students. The mean marks obtained in Chemistry test are 50, 60, 55 and 45 respectively for the 4 sections. Determine the overall average of marks per student.
The mean of 5 observations is 60, the mean of 10 observations is 30 and the mean of 15 observations is 20. The mean of all the 30 observations is-
The average of 11 results is 50. If the average of the first six results is 49 and that of the last six is 52, the sixth number is -
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