Write For Us!

Greetings Writers!

Do you have something interesting that you’d like to share? Submit your content idea to Team OnlineCalculator.Guide. Scroll down a little and get through the guidelines to write, content type that we accept, and complete submission procedure.

What We Accept?

We only accept posts on the topics as mentioned below:

Link Placement will be done with a small Fee

What We Don't Accept?

We do not accept any writings regarding gambling, trading, or adults.

What Writing Style You Ought to Adopt?

Below are the guidelines for SEO optimized structure:

Important Elements Of A Blog:

The important elements that every blog must have are as under:

  1. Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Well Structured Body with H2 and H3 Tags (Subheadings)

Understanding Our Blog Structure

Title of the Blog (H1 Tag)


Note: You can keep the SEO Title same as the H1 Tag.

Body of the Blog (Structure of Our Blogs)



  1. Start off with the focus keyword
  2. Let our audience know what they will be learning from the article
  3. How the content will assist them in resolving various calculations problems
  4. Focus on the pivot idea and briefly explain how it will be handy
  5. Use the focus keyword at least twice in the introduction
  6. Use secondary keywords as well
  7. Write at least 7-8 sentences in the introduction
  8. Break into two paragraphs if possible

H2 Tag:

  1. Must have focus keyword
  2. You can have only one H2 Tag in a blog post

Content Under H2 Tag:

1.   Few sentences about the topic you are writing – could be an extension of the introduction

2.   Can use a relevant table, like Overview of the Exam

H3 Tags: All subheadings that come after H2 should be H3

1.   Can have multiple H3 Tags

2.   Good to have focus keyword in some H3 Tags if not all

3.   Keep secondary keywords

4.   Give relevant information under each H3 Tag

5.   Each H3 should convey one point

6.   Can include tables if necessary

7.   Tables shouldn’t be more than three columns

8.   No sentences should be used in the tables

9.   If there are too many H3s (or if the word count of the entire post is very high), give a second and if required, third CTA after suitable interval

10.  Interlink wherever possible, do not overdo it

11. Avoid over-optimization and artificial stuffing of keywords

12. Use images or infographics to better illustrate the concept under study

13. Use bullets to highlight various tricks to resolve particular problems

14. We accept word count in the range 500-1500/Article


1.   Must have the focus keyword and secondary keyword

Meta Description

It is basically the post snippet that shows up in Google search results, just below the blue clickable link (title of the post).


1.   Explain the post title, tell what the post is about and how it can help in brief

How to Submit?

You can send us your writing piece via an email ([email protected]). It can either be a Doc File or a Word File

What Happens Next?

After you submit or send your content to us, it is screened through the following procedure: