If the true discount on a certain sum due 6 months hence at 15% is Rs. 120, what is the banker's discount on the same sum for the same time and at the same rate?
The present worth of a certain bill due sometime hence is Rs. 800 and the true discount is Rs. 36. The banker's discount is:
The banker's gain on a bill due 1 year hence at 12% per annum is Rs. 6. The true discount is:
The present worth of a bill due sometime hence is Rs. 1100 and the true discount on the bill is Rs. 110. Find the banker’s discount and the banker’s gain.
The banker's gain on a certain sum due $$1\frac{1}{2}$$ years hence is $$\frac{3}{{25}}$$ of the banker's discount. The rate percent is:
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