Two vertical poles are 200 m apart and the height of one is double that of the other. From the middle point of the line joining their feet, an observer finds the angular elevations of their tops to be complementary. Find the heights of the poles.
From the foot and the top of a building of height 230 m, a person observes the top of a tower with angles of elevation of b and a respectively. What is the distance between the top of these buildings if tan a = $$\frac{5}{{12}}$$ and tan b = $$\frac{4}{{5}}$$
A vertical pole fixed to the ground is divided in the ratio 1 : 9 by a mark on it with lower part shorter than the upper part. If the two parts subtend equal angles at a place on the ground, 15 m away from the base of the pole, what is the height of the pole?
From a tower of 80 m high, the angle of depression of a bus is 30°. How far is the bus from the tower?
The angle of elevation of the sun, when the length of the shadow of a tree is equal to the height of the tree, is:
From a point P on a level ground, the angle of elevation of the top tower is 30º. If the tower is 200 m high, the distance of point P from the foot of the tower is:
The angle of elevation of the top of the tower from a point on the ground is $${\sin ^{ - 1}}\left({\frac{3}{5}} \right).$$   If the point of observation is 20 meters away from the foot of the tower, what is the height of the tower?
A ladder 10 m long just reaches the top of a wall and makes an angle of 60° with the wall.Find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the wall $$\left( {\sqrt 3 = 1.73} \right)$$
A ladder 15 m long just reaches the top of a vertical wall. If the ladder makes an angle of 60° with the wall, then the height of the wall is
The angles of depression and elevation of the top of a wall 11 m high from top and bottom of a tree are 60° and 30° respectively. What is the height of the tree?
The elevation of the summit of a mountain from its foot is 45°. After ascending 2 km towards the mountain upon an incline of 30°,the elevation changes to 60°. What is the approximate height of the mountain?
A man on the top of a vertical observation tower observers a car moving at a uniform speed coming directly towards it. If it takes 8 minutes for the angle of depression to change from 30° to 45°, how soon after this will the car reach the observation tower?
An aeroplane when 900 m high passes vertically above another aeroplane at an instant when their angles of elevation at same observing point are 60° and 45° respectively. Approximately, how many meters higher is the one than the other?
A man is watching from the top of a tower a boat speeding away from the tower. The boat makes an angle of depression of 45° with the man's eye when at a distance of 100 metres from the tower. After 10 seconds, the angle of depression becomes 30°. What is the approximate speed of the boat, assuming that it is running in still water?
The angle of depression of a car, standing on the ground, from the top of a 75 m tower, is 30°. The distance of the car from the base of the tower (in metres) is
A lower subtends an angle of 30° at a point on the same level as its foot. At a second point h metres above the first, the depression of the foot of the tower is 60°. The height of the tower is
A ladder makes an angle of 60° with the ground when placed against a wall. If the foot of the ladder is 2 m away from the wall, then the length of the ladder (in metres) is
Two persons are on either sides of a tower of height 50 m. The persons observers the top of the tower at an angle of elevation of 30° and 60°. If a car crosses these two persons in 10 seconds, what is the speed of the car?
A man standing at a point P is watching the top of a tower, which makes an angle of elevation of 30º with the man's eye. The man walks some distance towards the tower to watch its top and the angle of the elevation becomes 45º. What is the distance between the base of the tower and the point P?
To a man standing outside his house, the angles of elevation of the top and bottom of a window are 60° and 45° respectively. If the height of the man is 180 cm and he is 5 m away from the wall, what is the length of the window?
0 h : 0 m : 1 s