The remainder when 757575 is divide by 37.
The product of the digits of a three digit number is a perfect square and perfect cube both is :
The HCF and LCM of 24, 82, 162, 203 are :
The four digit smallest positive number which when divided by 4, 5, 6 or 7, it leaves always the remainder as 3:
Sunil entered a shopping center and spent one half of the money that he had. When he finished his purchase he found that he had as many paise as he had rupees and half as many rupees as he had paise when he went. How much money did he have when he entered?
What is the least number of soldiers that can be drawn up in troops of 12, 15, 18 and 20 soldiers and also in form of a solid square?
The LCM of two numbers is 1020 and their HCF is 34 the possible pair of number is:
Sunny gets $$\frac{7}{9}$$ times as many marks in QA as in ENGLISH. If his total combined marks in both the papers is 90. His marks in QA is:
A string of length 221 metre is cut into two parts such that one part is $$\frac{9}{4}$$ th as long as the rest of the string, then the difference between the larger piece and the shorter piece is :
The sum of 100 terms of the series 1 - 3 + 5 - 7 + 9 - 11 .......... is:
The greatest number will divide 3026 and 5053 leaving remainders 11 and 13 respectively?
A two digit number ab is added to another number ba, which is obtained by reversing the digits then we get three digit number. Thus (a + b) equals to:
A gardener plants his garden with 5550 trees and arranged them so that there is one plant more per row as there are rows then number of trees in a row is:
The remainder of $$\frac{{{6^{36}}}}{{215}}:$$
The number of prime factors in the expressions 64 × 86 × 108 × 1210 is:
x is five digit number. The digit in ten thousands place is 1. the number formed by its digits in units and ten places is divisible by 4. The sum of all the digits is divisible by 3. If 5 and 7 also divide x, then x will be.
The difference between three times and seven times of a number comes to 36. What is the number?
Amitabh picks a random integer between 1 and 999, doubles it and gives the result to Sashi. Each time Sashi gets a number from Amitabh, he adds 50 to the number, and gives the result back to Amitabh, who doubles the number again. The first person, whose result is more than 1000, loses the game. Let 'X' be the smallest initial number that results in a win for Amitabh. The sum of the digit of 'X' is:
The sum of two numbers is 18. The greatest product of these two number can be:
A man sells chocolates which are in the boxes. Only either full box or half a box of chocolates can be purchased from him. A customer comes and buys half the number of boxes which the seller had plus half box more. A second customer comes and purchases half the remaining number of boxes plus half a box. After this the seller is left with no chocolate boxes. How many chocolate boxes the seller had initially?
If x + y + z = 0, then x3 + y3 + z3 is equal to :
Given, N = 98765432109876543210 ..... up to 1000 digits, find the smallest natural number n such that N + n is divisible by 11.
Prof. Suman takes a number of quizzes for a course. All the quizzes are out of 100. A student can get an A grade in the course if the average of her scores is more than or equal to 90. Grade B is awarded to a student if the average of her scores is between 87 and 89 (both included). If the average is below 87, the student gets a C grade. Ramesh is preparing for his last quiz and he realizes that he must score a minimum of 97 to get an A grade. After the quiz, he realizes that he will score 70, and he will just manage a B. how many quizzes did Prof. Suman take?
A student got twice as many sums wrong as he got right. If he attempted 48 sums in all, how many did he solve correctly?
A number when divided by 14 leaves reminder of 8, but when the same number is divided by 7, it will leave the remainder :
To write all the page numbers of a book, exactly 136 times digit 1 has been used. Find the number of pages in the book.
The number of two digit prime numbers which remain prime even inverting the position of its digits is:
The remainder when 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + ........ + 440 is divided by 17 is:
The remainder when 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + . . . . . . . + 3200 is divided by 13 is:
$$\left( {{3^{25}} + {3^{26}} + {3^{27}} + {3^{28}}} \right)$$     is divisible by :
The smallest number, which should be added to 756896, so as to obtain a multiple of 11, is :
If sum of two numbers be a and their product be b, then the sum of their reciprocals is :
The number of numbers from 1 to 200 which are divisible by neither 3 nor 7 is :
P is a prime number and (P2 + 3) is also a prime number . The no. of numbers that P can assume is:
A naughty boy Amrit watches a Sachin Tendulkar inning and acts according to number of runs he sees Sachin scoring. The details are:
1 run - place one orange in the basket
2 runs - place one mango in basket
3 runs - place a pear in the basket
4 runs - remove a pear and a mango from the basket
One fine day, at the start of the match, the basket is empty. The sequence of runs scored by Sachin in that inning are given as 11232411234232341121314. At the end of the above inning, how many more oranges were there compared to mangoes inside the basket ? (The Basket was empty initially).
A number of boys raised Rs. 400 for a famine relief fund, each boy giving as many 25 paise coins as there were boys. The number of boys was -
The greatest whole number, by which the expression n4 + 6n3 + 11n2 + 6n + 24 is divisible for every natural number n , is -
The distance between the house of Rajan and Raman is 900 km and the house of former is at 100th milestone where as the house of Raman is at 1000th milestone. There are total 901 milestone at a regular interval of 1 km each. When you go to Raman's house from the house of Rajan which are on same highway, you will find that if the last digit (i.e. unit digit) of 3 digit number on every milestone is same as the first (i.e. hundreds digit) of the number on the next milestone is same, then these milestones must be red colour and rest will be of black. Total number of red colour milestone is:
Half way through the journey from Delhi to Lahore Atalji began to look out of the window of the Samjhauta Express and continued it until the distance which was remained to cover was half of what he has covered. Now at this time how much distance he has to cover?
$${\text{999}}\frac{{998}}{{999}} \times 999$$   is equal to :
$$0.\overline {001} $$   is equal to -
If the sum of two numbers is 3 and the sum of their squares is 12, then their product is equal to -
The unit digit in the product 771 × 663 × 365 = ?
If sum of the two number is 80 and ratio is 3 : 5, then find numbers :
If the numbers $$ \root 3 \of {9} , \root 4 \of 20 , \root 6 \of {25} $$   are arranged in ascending order, then the right arrangement is -
Which of the following fraction is the smallest ?
$$\frac{8}{{15}},$$ $$\frac{{14}}{{33}},$$ $$\frac{7}{{13}},$$ $$\frac{{11}}{{13}}$$
Which one of the following numbers is not a square of any natural number ?
The fractions $$\frac{1}{3}{\text{,}}\frac{4}{7}$$ and $$\frac{2}{5}$$ written in ascending order given by -
Three mangoes, four guavas, and five watermelons cost Rs. 750. Ten watermelons, six mangoes and 9 guavas Cost Rs. 1580. What is the cost of six mangoes, ten watermelons and 4 guavas?
The sum of all natural numbers from 75 to 97 is -
0 h : 0 m : 1 s