What is 20% of 25% of 300 ?
0.001 is equivalent to :
The price of an articles was increased by r%. Later the new price was decreased by r%. If the latest price was Rs. 1, then the original price was :
In September 2009, the sales of a product were $$\frac{2}{3}$$rd of the that in July 2009. In November 2009, the sales of the product were higher by 5% as compared to September 2009. How much is the percentage of increase on sales in November 2009 with respect to the base figure in July 2009 ?
The population of a town is 4.2 × 106. If the population increases by 75 per 1000 per annum, then what will be the population after 2 years ?
A's marks in Biology are 20 less than 25% of the total marks obtained by him in Biology, Maths and Drawing. If his marks in Drawings be 50, what are his marks in Maths ?
If x = 63% of y, then y2 is approximately what percent of x2 ?
A number is first decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number so obtained is 50 less than the original number. The original number is :
A city has a population of 300000 out of which 180000 are males. 50% of the population is literate. If 70% of the males are literate, then the percentage of female who are literate is :
40% of 60% of 32% of an amount is Rs. 432. What is the amount ?
In a test, minimum passing percentage for girls and boys is 35% and 40% respectively. A boy scored 483 marks and failed by 117 marks. What is the minimum passing marks for girls ?
A clothing supplier stores 800 coats in a warehouse, of which 15 percent are full-length coats. If 500 of the short-length coats are removed form the warehouse, then what percent of the remaining costs are full length ?
5 kg of metal A and 20 kg of metal B are mixed to form an alloy. The percentage of metal A in the alloy is ?
23% of 8040 + 42% of 545 = ? % of 3000
Peter could save 10% of his income. But two years later when his income is increased by 20%, he could save the same amount only as before. By how much percent has his expenditure increased ?
A papaya tree was planted 2 years ago. It grows at the rate of 20% every year. If at present, the height of three is 540 cm, what was it when the tree was planted ?
While purchasing one item costing Rs. 400, I had to pay the sales tax at 7% and on another costing Rs. 6400, the sales tax was 9%. What percent of the sales tax I had to pay, taking the two items together on an average ?
The difference between 54% of a number and 26% of the same number is 22526. What is 66% of that number ?
If 75% of a number is added to 75, then the result is the number itself. The number is :
A man spends a part of his monthly income and saves the rest. The ratio of his expenditure to the saving is 61 : 6. If his monthly income is Rs. 8710, the amount of his monthly savings is :
A number is increased by 15% and then decreased by 25% and the number becomes 22 less than the original number. The original number is :
What is the difference between 0.6 and 0.6% ?
A number is decreased by 10% and the resulting number is again decreased by 20%. What is the final percentage of decrease ?
In an office, 40% of the staff is female. 70% of the female staff and 50% of the male staff are married. The percentage of the unmarried staff in the office is :
A sample of 50 litres of glycerine is found to be adulterated to the extent of 20%. How much pure glycerine should be added to it so as to bring down the percentage of impurity to 5% ?
What percentage of the whole week does Ajay spend in office, if his office hours are 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday ?
The average marks obtained in a class of 50 students is 70%. The average of first 25 is 60% and that of 24 is 80%. What is the mark obtained by the last student ?
If 50% of (P - Q) = 30% of (P + Q) and Q = x% of P, then the value of x is :
A's salary was decreased by 50% and subsequently increased by 50%. How much percent does he lose ?
A man spend $$7\frac{1}{2}$$% of his money and after spending 75% of the remaining he had Rs. 370 left. How much money did he have :
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