Each side of a rectangular field is diminished by 40%. By how much percent is the area of the field diminished ?
If 35% of A's income is equal to 25% of B's income, then the ratio of A's income to B's income is :
If y% of one hour is, 1 minute 12 seconds, then y is equal to :
If 30% of A is added to 40% of B, the answer is 80% of B. What percentage of A is B ?
What % of a day is 30 minutes ?
A scored 72% in a paper with a maximum marks of 900 and 80% in another paper with a maximum marks of 700. If the result is based on the combined percentage of two papers, the combined percentage is :
If A is equal to 20% of B and B is equal to 25% of C. Then what percentage of C equal to A ?
The marked price of an article is Rs. 5000 but due to festive offer a certain percent of discount is declared. Mr. x availed this opportunity and bought the article at reduced price. He then sold it at Rs. 5000 and thereby made a profit of $$11\frac{1}{9}$$%. The percentage of discount allowed was ?
When 60% of a number is subtracted from another number, the second number reduces to its 52%, the ratio of the first number to the second number is :
What percentage of 3.6 kg is 72 gms. ?
The tax imposed on an article is decreased by 10% and its consumption is increased by 10%. Find the percentage change in revenue from it.
The length of a rectangle is increased by 10% and breadth decreased by 10% Then the area of the new rectangle is :
A village lost 12% of its goats in a flood and 5% of remainder died from diseases. If the number left now is 8360. What was the original number before the flood ?
If 'basis points' are defined so that 1 percent is equal to 100 basis points, then by how many basis points is 82.5 percent greater than 62.5 percent.
In an examination a candidate must secure 40% marks to pass. A candidate, who gets 220 marks, fails by 20 marks. Find the maximum marks for the examination ?
The percentage of metals in a mine of lead ore is 60%. Now the percentage of silver is $$\frac{3}{4}$$% of metals and the rest is lead. If the mass of ore extracted from this mine is 8000 kg, the mass (in kg.) of lead is :
If 120 is 20% of a number, then 120% of that number will be :
A's salary is 50% more than that of B. Then B's salary is less than that of A by :
If 60% of A = 30% of B, B = 40% of C and C = x% of A, then value of x is :
The square of a positive number is 2000% greater than the number itself, then the square of that number is :
The cost of a car is 400% greater than the cost of a bike. If there is an increase in the cost of the car is 15% and that of bike 20%. Then the total increase in the cost of the 5 cars and 10 bikes is:
A college has raised 75% of the amount it needs for a new building by receiving an average donation of Rs. 600 from the people already solicited. The people already solicited represent 60% of the people, the college will ask for donations. If the college is to raise exactly the amount needed for the new building, what should be the average donation from the remaining people be solicited?
In the Bombay Stock Exchange there are 45% female employees and thus the number of male employees is exceeded by 72. Hence the total no. of employees in the BSE is:
0.01 is what percent of 0.1 ?
498 is 17% less than a number then the number is :
If radius of a circle is increased by 5%, then the increase in it's area is :
If 60% of A's income is equal to 75% of B's income, then B's income is equal to x% of A's income. The value of x is :
In an examination 70% of the candidate passed in English, 80% passed in Mathematics, 10% failed in both subjects. If 144 candidates passed in both, the total number of candidates was :
Raman's salary is increased by 5% this year. If his present salary is Rs. 1806, the last year's salary was :
If 80% of A = 50% of B and B = x% of A, then the value of x is :
0 h : 0 m : 1 s