The population of a village is 25000. One-fifth are females and the rest are males, 5% of males and 40% of females are uneducated. What percentage on the whole are educated ?
In what ratio must a mixture of 30% alcohol strength be mixed with that of 50% alcohol strength so as get a mixture of 45% alcohol strength ?
Tulsiram's salary is 20% more then that of Kashyap. If Tulsiram saves Rs. 720 which is 4% of his salary, then Kashyap's salary is :
The ratio of the number of boys to that of girls in a village is 3 : 2. If 30% of boys and 70% of girls appeared in an examination, the ratio of the number of students, appeared in the examination to that not appeared in the same examination is :
If three-fifth of sixty percent of a number is 36, the number is :
A number is first decreased by 10% and then increased by 10%. The number so obtained is 50 less than the original number. The original number is :
If a man receives on one-fourth of his capital 3% interest, on two third 5% and one the remaining 11%, the percentage interest he receives on the whole is :
An army lost 10% of its men in war. 10% of the remaining died due to disease and 10% of the rest were declared disabled. Thus the strength of the army was reduced to 729000 active men. The original strength of the army was :
In an examination, 35% of total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and 20% failed in both. Find the percentage of those students who passed in both the subjects ?
If X is 20% less then Y, then find the value of $$\frac{Y - X}{Y}$$  and $$\frac{X}{X - Y}$$ :
The ratio of the number of boys to that of girls in a school is 4 : 1. If 75% of boys and 70% of the girls are scholarship holders, then the percentage of students who do not get scholarship is :
The value of a machine is Rs. 6250. It decreases by 10% during the first year, 20% during the second year and 30% during the third year, What will be the value of the machine after 3 years ?
A person gave 20% of his income to his elder son, 30% of remaining to the younger son and 10% of the balance, he donate to a trust. He is left with Rs. 10080. His income was :
X has twice as much money as that of Y and Y has 50% more money than that of Z. If the average money of all of them is Rs. 110, then the money, which X has is :
The price of an article was increased by r%. Later the new price was decreased by r%. If the latest price was Rs. 1, then the original price was :
The difference of two numbers is 15% of larger sum. The ratio of the larger number to the smaller number is :
A number if reduced by 25% becomes 225. By what percent should it be increased so that it becomes 375 ?
A man had a certain amount with him. He spent 20% of that to buy any article and 5% of the remaining on transport. Then he gifted Rs. 120. If he is left with Rs. 1400, the amount he spent on transport is :
The income of a company increases 20% per annum. If its income is Rs. 2664000 in the year 2012. Then its income in the year 2010 was :
An individual pays 30% income tax. On this he has to pay a surcharge of 10%. Thus, the net tax rate, he has pay is :
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and the denominator is decreased by 5%, the value of the new fraction becomes $$\frac{5}{2}$$. The original fraction is :
A line of length 1.5 metres was measured as 1.55 metres by mistakes. What will be the value of error percent ?
In an examination, 65% of the students passed in Mathematics, 48% passed in Physics and 30% passed in both. How much percent of students failed in both the subjects ?
If the height of a cylinder is increased by 15% and the radius of its base is decreased by 10% then the percentage change in its curved surface area is :
In 2 kg mixture of copper and aluminium, 30% is copper. How much aluminium powder should be added to the mixture so that the quantity of copper becomes 20% ?
If 20% of (A + B) = 50% of B, then value of $$\frac{2A - B}{2A + B}$$   is :
Two persons contested an election of Parliament. The winning candidate secured 57% of the total votes polled and won by a majority of 42000 votes. The number of total votes polled is :
In a factory 60% of the workers are above 30 years and of these 75% are male and the rest are females. If there are 1350 male workers above 30 years, the total number of workers in the factory is :
When 75 added to 75% of a number, the answer is the number. Find 40% of that number.
Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% of the third number. What percent is the first number of the second ?
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