Ticket for all but 100 seats in a 10000 seat stadium were sold. Of the ticket sold, 20% were sold at half price and the remaining tickets were sold at the full price of Rs. 20. The total revenue from the ticket sales, (in Rs.) was :
In the last financial year, a car company sold 41800 cars. In this year, the target is sale 51300 cars. By what percent must the sale be increased ?
One third of a number is 96. What will 67% of that number be ?
If 15% of (A + B) = 25% of (A - B), then what percent of B equal to A ?
When 60 is subtracted from 60% of a number, the result is 60. The number is :
In an examination A got 25% marks more than B, B got 10% less than C and C got 25% more than D. If D got 320 marks out of 500, the marks obtained by A were :
2 is what percent of 50 ?
15% of 45% of a number is 105.3. What is 24% of that number.
10% of the voters did not cast their vote in an election between two candidates. 10% of the votes polled were found invalid. The successful candidate got 54% of the valid votes and won by a majority of 1620 votes. The number of voters enrolled on the voters list was :
Subtracting 6% of x from x is equivalent to multiplying x by how much ?
If the duty on an article is reduced by 40% of his present rate by how much percent must its consumption increase in order that the revenue remains unaltered ?
The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as a percent equals :
If 60% of A = $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of B, then A : B is :
In an examination, 93% of students passed and 259 failed. The total number of students appearing at the examination was :
605 sweets are distributed equally among children in such a way that the number of sweets received by each child is 20% of the total number of children. how many sweets did each child receive ?
Asha's monthly income is 60% of Deepak's monthly income and 120% of Maya's income. What is Maya's monthly income if Deepak's monthly income is Rs. 78000 ?
By how much percent must a motorist increase his speed in order of reduce by 20%, the time taken to cover a certain distance ?
If 90% of A = 30% of B and B = 2x% of A, then the value of x is :
18% of which number is equal to 12% of 75 ?
Out of his total income, Mr. Kapur spends 20% on house rent and 70% of the rest on house hold expenses. If he saves Rs. 1800 what is his total income (in Rs.) ?
45% of 300 + $$\sqrt {?} $$ = 56% of 750 - 10% of 250
40% of 265 + 35% of 180 = 50% of ?
If a exceeds b by x%, then which one of the following equations is correct ?
The price of an article is reduced by 25%. In order to retain the original price, the present price has to be increased by :
Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. If 20% of the smaller number added to 20, is equal to the sum of 10% of the larger number and 25, the the smaller number is :
The enrolment of students in a school increases from 560 to 581. What is the percent increase in the enrolment ?
If the average of number, its 75% and its 25% is 240, then the number is :
A batsman scored 110 runs which included 3 boundaries and 8 sixes. What percent of his total score did he make by running between the wickets ?
10% of 5 and 5% of 10 add up to
In an examination, 30% and 35% students respectively failed in History and Geography while 27% students failed in both subjects. If the number of students passing the examination is 248, find the total number of students who appeared in the examination.
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