The HCF of two numbers , each having three digits, is 17 and their LCM is 714. The sum of the numbers will be ?
The product of two numbers is 396 × 576 and their LCM is 6336. Find their HCF = ?
The greatest number, which when subtracted from 5834, gives a number exactly divisible by each of 20, 28, 32 and 35 is ?
The LCM of three different numbers is 120. Which of the following cannot be their HCF ?
If the product of two numbers is 324 and their HCF is 3, then their LCM will be = ?
What is the least number which when divided by the number 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 leaves in each case a remainder 2 but when divided by 22 leaves no remainder ?
The smallest number, which when divided by 5, 10, 12 and 15, leaves remainder 2 in each case , but when divided by 7 leaves no remainder , is = ?
If the sum of two numbers is 36 and their HCF and LCM are 3 and 105 respectively, the sum of the reciprocals of the numbers is = ?
21 mango trees, 42 apple trees and 56 orange trees have to be planted in rows such that each row contains the same numbers of trees of one variety only. Minimum number of row in which the trees may be planted is = ?
The greatest possible length which can be used to measure exactly the lengths 7m, 3m 85cm, 12m 95cm is = ?
The LCM of two numbers is 20 times their HCF. The sum of HCF ans LCM is 2520. If one of the number 480, the other number is = ?
The largest 4-digit number exactly divisible by each of 12, 15, 18 and 27 is?
Two numbers are in the ratio 3:4. Their LCM is 84. The greater number is ?
If HCF of p and q is x and q = xy, then the LCM of p and q is = ?
0 h : 0 m : 1 s