A number of two digits has 3 for its unit's digit, and the sum of digits is $$\frac{1}{7}$$ of the itself. The number is :
The sum and product of two numbers are 12 and 35 respectively. The sum of their reciprocals will be :
A number consists of 3 digits whose sum is 10. The middle digit is equal to the sum of the other two and the number will be increased by 99 if its digits are reversed. The number is :
The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 20 more than the first of these numbers. What is the middle number ?
The sum of two numbers is 40 and their difference is 4. The ratio of the numbers is :
A number consists of two digits such that the digit in the ten's place is less by 2 than the digit in the unit's place. Three times the number added to $$\frac{6}{7}$$ times the number obtained by reversing the digits equals 108. The sum of the digits in the number is :
If (73)2 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 5075. What is the number ?
Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is 3 more than twice the third. The integer is :
If 50 is subtracted from two-third of number, the result is equal to sum of 40 and one-fourth of that number. What is the number ?
The sum of two numbers is 25 and their difference is 13. Find their product :
A student was asked to divide the half of a certain number by 6 and the other half by 4 and then to add the two quantities so obtained. Instead of doing so the student divided the number by 5 and the result fell short by 4. The given number was ?
The sum of three consecutive odd numbers and three consecutive even numbers together is 231. Also, the smallest odd number is 11 less than the smallest even number. What is the sum of the largest odd number and the largest even number ?
The product of two numbers is 192 and the sum of these two numbers is 28. What is the smaller these two numbers ?
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by $$\frac{1}{4}$$ and the denominator is decreased byy $$\frac{1}{3}$$, the new fraction obtained is $$\frac{33}{64}$$. What was the original fraction ?
If doubling a number and adding 20 to the result gives the same answer as multiplying the number by 8 and taking away 4 from the product, the number is :
There are two numbers such that the sum of twice the first number and thrice the second number is 100 and the sum of thrice the first number and twice the second number is 120. Which is the larger number ?
If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100, then the number is :
The sum of seven consecutive numbers is 175. What is the difference between twice the largest number and thrice the smallest number ?
The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of a two-digit number is lesser than the original number by 54. If the sum of the two digit of the number is 12, then what is the original number ?
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2 and the denominator is increased by 3, the fraction becomes $$\frac{7}{9}$$ and if both the numerator as well as he denominator are decreased by 1, the fraction becomes $$\frac{4}{5}$$. What is the original fraction ?
The difference of two numbers is 20% of the larger number. If the smaller number is 12, the larger one is :
If the sum of numbers is 33 and their difference is 15, the smaller number is ?
In a two-digit positive number, the digit in the unit's place is equal to the square of the digit in ten's place, and the difference between the number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 54. What is 40% of the original number ?
243 has been divided into three parts such that half of the first part, one-third of the second part and one-fourth of the third part are equal. The largest part is :
The sum of four numbers is 64. If you add 3 to the first number, 3 is subtracted from the second number, the third is multiplied by 3 and the fourth is divided by 3, then all the results are equal. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest of the original numbers ?
The sum of five consecutive odd numbers is 575. What is the sum of the next set of five consecutive odd numbers ?
If the square of a two-digit number is reduced by the square of the number formed by reversing the digits of the number, the final result is :
The difference between the numerator and the denominator of a fraction is 5. If 5 is added to its denominator, the fraction is decreased by $$1\frac{1}{4}$$. Find the value of the fraction.
A number whose fifth part increased by 4 is equal to its fourth part diminished by 10, is :
The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 11. If 1 is added to the numerator and 2 is subtracted from the denominator, it becomes $$\frac{2}{3}$$. The fraction is :
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