Without stoppage, a train travels a certain distance with an average speed of 60 km/h, and with stoppage it covers the same distance with an average speed of 40 km/h. On an average, how many minutes per hour does train stop during the journey ?
A train without stopping travels 60 km/h and with stoppage 40 km/h. What is the time taken for stoppage on a route 300 km?
A thief sees a jeep at a distance of 250 m, coming towards him at 36 km/h. Thief takes 5 seconds to realize that there is nothing but the police is approaching him by the jeep and start running away from police at 54 km/h. But police realise after 10 second, when the thief starts running away, that he is actually a thief and gives chase at 72 km/h. How long after thief saw police did catchup with him and what is the distance police had travel to do so?
A person X starts from Lucknow and another person Y starts from Kanpur to meet each other. Speed of X is 25 km/h, while Y is 35 km/h. If the distance between Lucknow and Kanpur be 120 km and both X and Y start their journey at the same time, when they will meet ?
Two persons A and B started from two different places towards each other. If the ratio of their speed be 3 : 5, then what is the ratio of distance covered by A and B respectively till the point of meeting?
A car travels from P to Q at a constant speed. If its speed were increased by 10 km/hr, it would have taken one hour lesser to cover the distance. It would have taken further 45 minutes lesser if the speed was further increased by 10 km/hr. The distance between two cities is :
A man covers $$\frac{9}{20}$$ distance by bus and the remaining 10 km on foot. His total journey (in km) is :
A runs $$\frac{7}{4}$$ times as fast as B. If A gives B a start of 300 m, how far must the winning post be if both A and B have to end the race at same time?
The speed of two trains are in the ratio 6 : 7. If the second train runs 364 km in 4 hours, then the speed of first train is :
2 km 5 metres is equal to ?
A man completes a certain journey by a car. If he covered 30% of the distance at the speed of 20kmph. 60% of the distance at 40km/h and the remaining of the distance at 10 kmph, his average speed is:
A man travels the distance of his journey $$\frac{3}{4}$$ by bus, $$\frac{1}{6}$$ by rickshaw and remaining 2 km on foot. The total distance travelled by the man is :
The ratio of speeds of A and B is 2 : 3 and therefore A takes 20 minutes more time than B. What is the ratio of time taken by A and B?
Four people are running around a circular ground from a point on the circumference at 9.00 am. For one round, these four persons take respectively 40, 50, 60 and 30 minutes. At what time will they meet together again ?
How many seconds will a 500 metre long train take to cross a man walking with a speed of 3 km/hr in the direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is 63 km/hr ?
A train is moving with the speed of 180 km/hr. Its speed (in metres per second) is :
A train 270 metres long is running at a speed of 36 km per hour then it will cross a bridge of length 180 metres in :
If a distance of 50 m is covered in 1 minute, 90 m in 2 minutes and 130 m 3 minutes. Find the distance covered in 15th minute.
A bus moving at a speed of 45 km/hr catches a truck 150 metres ahead going in the same direction in 30 seconds. The speed of the truck is :
A car goes 10 meters in a second. Find its speed in km/hour.
A bullock cart has to cover a distance of 120 km in 15 hours. If it covers half of the journey in $$\frac{3}{5}$$th time, the second to cover the remaining distance in the time left has to be :
A truck covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 kms in 45 minutes. The ratio of their speed is :
A train passes two persons walking in the same direction at a speed of 3 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively in 10 seconds and 11 seconds respectively. The speed of the train is :
A train, 150 m long, passes a pole in 15 seconds and another train of the same length travelling in the opposite direction in 12 seconds. The speed of the second train is :
A man can reach a certain place in 30 hours. If he reduces his speed by $$\frac{1}{15}$$th, he comes 10 km less in that time. Find his speed in km per hour.
A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 metres the thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km/hr and 11 km/hr respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes ?
A man walks a certain distance in certain time, if he had gone 3 km per hour faster, he would have taken 1 hour less than the scheduled time. If he had gone 2 km per hour slower, he would have taken one hour longer on the road. The distance (in km) is :
A train, 110 m long is running at a speed of 60 km/hr. How many seconds does it to cross another train, 170 m long standing on parallel track ?
A train 300 m long is running with a speed of 54 km/hr. In what time it cross a telephone pole ?
A can give 40 metres start to B and 70 metres to C in a race of one kilometre how many metres starts can B give to C in a race of one kilometre ?
0 h : 0 m : 1 s