What is thermodynamics?
  • a) study of the relationship between heat and other forms of energy
  • b) study of the conversion of chemical energy to other forms of energy
  • c) study of the relationship between mechanical energy to other forms of energy
  • d) study of the conversion of mechanical energy to other forms of energy
Which of the following is a branch of thermodynamics?
  • a) Equilibrium thermodynamics
  • b) Classical thermodynamics
  • c) Chemical thermodynamics
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is a thermodynamics law?
  • a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • b) Faraday’s Law of thermodynamics
  • c) Ideal Gas Law of thermodynamics
  • d) Boyle’s Law of thermodynamics
Heat does not spontaneously flow from a colder body to a hotter one. Which of the following thermodynamics law states this?
  • a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
  • b) First law of thermodynamics
  • c) Second law of thermodynamics
  • d) Third law of thermodynamics
Which of the following is an application of thermodynamics?
  • a) Refrigerators
  • b) Gas compressors
  • c) Power plants
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is a type of thermodynamic system?
  • a) Open system
  • b) Closed system
  • c) Thermally isolated system
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following occurs without a change in the internal energy?
  • a) Isochoric process
  • b) Isenthalpic process
  • c) Steady-state process
  • d) Isenthalpic process
Which of the following thermodynamic law gives the concept of enthalpy?
  • a) First law of thermodynamics
  • b) Second law of thermodynamics
  • c) Third law of thermodynamics
  • d) Fourth law of thermodynamics
What is the value of the absolute thermodynamic temperature scale?
  • a) 3K
  • b) 0K
  • c) 1K
  • d) 4K
Which of the following follows the Carnot theorem?
  • a) Heat engines
  • b) Gas turbine engines
  • c) Gas compressors
  • d) All of the mentioned
If a piston/cylinder with a cross-sectional size of 0.m2 is resting on the stops, what should the water pressure be to lift the piston with an outside pressure ofkPa?
  • a) 218kPa
  • b) 168kPa
  • c) 198kPa
  • d) 318kPa
At 100°C, a sealed rigid vessel with a volume of 1 m3 and 2 kg of water has a volume of 1 mThe vessel has now been warmed up. What pressure should a safety pressure valve be adjusted to achieve a maximum temperature of 200°C if one is installed?
  • a) 431.3 kPa
  • b) 231.3 kPa
  • c) 831.3 kPa
  • d) 131.3 kPa
When the diver is 8 meters below the surface, the pressure gauge on his air tank readskPa. The gauge pressure will be 0 at what depth?
  • a) 44.118 m
  • b) 24.118 m
  • c) 34.118 m
  • d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following is the standard fixed point of thermometry?
  • a) The steam point
  • b) The triple point of water
  • c) The ice point
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is chosen as the standard thermometric substance?
  • a) Liquid
  • b) Solid
  • c) Gas
  • d) None of the mentioned
What is the magnitude of mechanical work?
  • a) product of the force and distance travelled perpendicular to the force
  • b) product of the force and distance travelled parallel to the force
  • c) sum of the force and distance travelled perpendicular to the force
  • d) sum of the force and distance travelled parallel to the force
Which of the following gives the Mechanical efficiency of the engine?
  • a) IP/BP
  • b) 1/(BP*IP)
  • c) (BP*IP)
  • d) BP/IP
Which of the following type of motion does Shaft uses to do work?
  • a) vertical motion
  • b) horizontal motion
  • c) rotational motion
  • d) none of the mentioned
A refrigerator with a 2 kW motor for powering the compressor giveskJ of cooling to the refrigerated space duringminutes of operation in a thermally insulated kitchen. Calculate the change in internal energy of the kitchen if the condenser coil behind the refrigerator rejectskJ of heat to the kitchen over the same time period.
  • a) 3600 kJ
  • b) 2400 kJ
  • c) 4800 kJ
  • d) none of the mentioned
At 15°C, a steel pot with a 5 mm thick bottom is filled with liquid water (conductivityW/m K). The pot has acm radius and is now placed on a stove with a heat transmission ofW. Calculate the temperature on the bottom of the outer pot assuming the inner surface is 15°C.
  • a) 15.8°C
  • b) 16.8°C
  • c) 18.8°C
  • d) 19.8°C
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