How do the Agitated film evaporator increase heat transfer coefficient?
  • a) It has mixers that mix the fluid
  • b) It is a horizontal tube evaporator with agitated outer fluid
  • c) It is a type of climbing film evaporator with agitators
  • d) It has a set of blades that keeps renewing the film
Which one of the following is not an advantage of agitated film evaporator?
  • a) Ability of working at high vacuum (down to 0.001 mbar
  • b) Very low operation cost
  • c) Very low residence times (to avoid product degradation
  • d) Elevated heat transfer coefficients due to agitation.
The heat transfer coefficient for rising film and falling film evaporators is same because they can be used in the same setup.
  • a) False
  • b) True
Why is the calculated heat transfer area more than the inner surface heat transfer area of the evaporator?
  • a) Because the area is on a diameter between outer and inner diameter
  • b) Area is more than outer surface area
  • c) Because the area is outer surface area
  • d) Because the area is equivalent to a large diameter
Which one of the following is not an assumption in multiple effect evaporator’s calculations?
  • a) The entering steam is at their boiling point
  • b) Heat transfer surface does not undergo fouling
  • c) Pressure is same in every effect
  • d) There is no sub cooling of the condensate from different steam chests
Which one of the following is not a classification of boilers?
  • a) Fire tube and Water tube
  • b) Circulation
  • c) Feed type
  • d) Pressure
Avoiding the Critical heat flux is an engineering problem in heat transfer applications, such as nuclear reactors, where fuel plates must not be allowed to overheat. To cope with this, what measure can be taken?
  • a) Add more water
  • b) Add turbulence
  • c) Increase the pressure
  • d) Decrease the pressure
Which one of the following method removes water molecule by changing its chemical composition?
  • a) De-moisturising
  • b) Dewatering
  • c) Dehydration
  • d) Drying
Which one of the following batch-drying equipment has the least drying time/ residence time?
  • a) Agitated vacuum dryer
  • b) Furnace dryer
  • c) Drum dryer
  • d) Pan – dryer
The number of possible heat transfer units in a rotary dryer is approximately ___________
  • a) 6.5 – 9.5
  • b) 1.5 – 2.0
  • c) 2.0 – 3.0
  • d) 2.5 – 6.5
The convective heat transfer coefficients for condensation in Condensers usually lie in the range ____________
  • a) 2500-6000 W/m2K
  • b) 60-300 W/m2K
  • c) 0-200 W/m2K
  • d) 300-1000 W/m2K
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