A foreign substance that increase the speed of a chemical reaction is called
  • promotor
  • catalyst
  • moderator
  • inhibitor
What will be the value of instantaneous rate of reaction from the graph?
  • rinst = 1/ Slope
  • rinst = Slope
  • rinst = - Slope
  • rinst = - 1/ Slope
In a chemical reaction, x + 2 y → z, if the rate of appearance of z is 0.50 moles per litre per hour, then the rate of disappearance of y is
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
What will be the value of instantaneous rate of reaction from the graph?
  • rinst = Slope
  • rinst = -1/ Slope
  • rinst = 1/ Slope
  • rinst = - Slope
The following graph is plotted as time on the x - axis and concentration of A on the y - axis. Identify A.
  • Catalyst
  • Product
  • Reactant
  • Promoter
Identify the INCORRECT statement.
  • The rate of a typical reaction doubles with a 10° C rise in temperature.
  • The reaction mechanism is a step-by-step pathway by which reaction occurs.
  • The overall rate of reaction is determined by the rate of the fastest elementary step.
  • The reaction mechanism is typically a series of elementary reaction steps.
For the reaction . The variation of the concentration of the products is given by curve
  • Y correct
  • W
  • Z
  • X
The term in the rate expression refers to the:
  • Increase in concentration of the reactants
  • Average rate of the reaction
  • Instantaneous rate of the reaction
  • Concentration of the reactants
Instantaneous reaction expresses
  • Rate at particular moment of time correct
  • Pressure at particular time
  • Speed at particular time
  • Concentration at particular time
Identify A in the given diagram.
  • Order of reaction
  • Average rate of reaction
  • Concentration of the catalyst
  • Instantaneous rate of reaction
0 h : 0 m : 1 s

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