Which of these are true?
  • Two angles x and y are adjacent, The sum x+y will always be 180°
  • Sum of all the interior angles of the polygon is $(n-2) \times 180$
  • The exterior angle in a triangle is equal to 180° - ( sum of two opposite interior angles)
  • None of these
Which of the following is not true?
  • 100° and 80° are supplementary pair of angles
  • Angles forming a linear pair are complementary
  • 30° and 60° are complementary pair of angles
  • 75° and 105° are supplementary pair of angles
When a transversal intersect two parallel lines ,which of the following is false?
  • Corresponding angles are equal
  • alternate interior angles are equal
  • Each pair of consecutive interior angles are supplementary
  • None of these
Which of these is true?
  • A triangle can have all angles less than 60°
  • When a transversal intersect two lines,The two lines will be parallel if the sum of interior angle on any side of transversal equals to 180°
  • A triangle can have two obtuse angles
  • None of the above
Two lines intersect each other,The angle ∠AOC= 54 and ∠COB= $x$ respectively . What is the value of $x$ ?
  • 54°
  • 36°
  • 126°
  • none of the above
A transversal intersect the two parallel lines,The sum of the two interior angles on any side of the transversal is?
  • 90°
  • 120°
  • 180°
  • None of the above
Two statement are made Statement A: Angle between 180° and 360° are called reflex angles Statement B: Angle between 90° and 180° are called acute angle which of the below is correct option?
  • A is correct only
  • B is correct only
  • A and B both are correct
  • A and B both are incorrect
Angles of the triangles are in the ratio 2:4:The greatest angle in the triangle is
  • 80°
  • 40°
  • 110°
  • 90°
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