A critical ratio scheduling
A golden rule for the procurement of construction stones, suggests
If a is the optimistic time, b is the pessimistic time and m is most likely time of an activity, the expected time of the activity, is
A four wheel truck or whose operating weight is 12000 kg is pulled along a road having a rising slope of 2% at a uniform speed. Assume grade resistance factor = 10 kg/tonne. The tension in the tow cable is 720 kg. The rolling resistance of the road will be
A tractor whose weight is 20 tonnes has a drawbar pull of 2500 kg, when operated on a level road having a rolling resistance of 30 kg per tonne. If this tractor is operated on a level road having a rolling resistance of 40 kg per tonne, then the drawbar pull of the tractor will
For the supply of materials for concrete, form work reinforcing and placing of concrete, removal of form work and curing of concrete, number of bar(s) required on bar chart, is
Various activities of a project, are shown on bar charts by
The normal time required for the completion of project in the above problem is
If to, tp and tm are the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time estimates of an activity respectively, the expected time t of the activity will be
The first stage of a construction, is
A father notes that when his teenage daughter uses the telephone, she takes not less than 6 minutes for a call and som? times as much as an hour. Fifteen minutes call are more frequent than calls of any other duration. If these phone calls were an activity in PERT project, then phone calls expected duration will be
The time with which direct cost does not reduce with the increase in time is known as
If the gross vehicle weight of a truck is 30 tonne and rolling resistance is 30 kg/tonne, then the tractive effort required to keep the truck moving at a uniform speed is
A construction schedule is prepared after collecting
If an activity has its optimistic, most likely and pessimistic times as 2, 3 and 7 respectively, then its expected time and variance are respectively
Bar charts are suitable for
The probability of completion of any activity within its expected time is
For a given activity, the optimistic time, pessimistic time and the most probable estimates are 5, 17 and 8 days respectively, The expected time is
For a given size of bucket, the ideal output of a dragline will be least in
For the network shown in the given figure, the expected time for the activity
Construction Planning and Management mcq question image
Railway projects are treated as
If the excavation of earth is done manually then it costs Rs. 10 per cum. A machine can excavate at a fixed cost of Rs. 4000 plus a variable cost of Rs. 2 per cum. The quantity of earth for which the cost of excavation by machine will be equal to the cost of manual excavation is
Construction team means
Assertion (A): Activity 57 is critical.
Reason (R): Earliest finish time and latest finish time for events 57 are same
The time which results in the least possible construction cost of an activity, is known as
The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as
If the scheduled completion time of a project is more than the earliest expected time for completion of the project, then the probability of completion of the project within the scheduled completion time will be
The direct cost of a project with respect to normal time is
The area under the Beta distribution curve is divided into two equal parts by
The grade resistance factor for an earth moving machine can be obtained by multiplying grade percentage by a factor approximately equal to
0 h : 0 m : 1 s