What is used by the cognitive radio to justify the usage of resources?
  • a) Computational model
  • b) Component cycle
  • c) Function cycle
  • d) Cognition model
Which among the following is not a common feature between virtual channel management and network management?
  • a) Identification of resources
  • b) Verification of availability of resources
  • c) Matching resources with requirements of application
  • d) Applicable for radio resources
Which among the following is a challenge in security management?
  • a) Authentication
  • b) Validation
  • c) Encryption and decryption
  • d) Balancing convenience and security
Which among the following is used to represent interdependencies in cognitive radio?
  • a) Representation language
  • b) Constraint language
  • c) Ontology language
  • d) Modelling language
Which among the following caused the shift of complexity management from networks to cognitive radio?
  • a) Introduction of multiple bands in radio
  • b) Introduction of multiple modes in radio
  • c) Introduction of multiple bands and multiple modes in radio
  • d) Elimination of multiple bands in radio
What is parallel virtual machine?
  • a) Parallel virtual machine is a centralised computing system developed by joining a set of serial computers
  • b) Parallel virtual machine is a distributed computing system developed by joining a set of parallel computers
  • c) Parallel virtual machine is a centralised computing system developed by joining a set of parallel computers
  • d) Parallel virtual machine is a distributed computing system developed by joining a set of serial computers
Which among the following may be inferred by analysing temporal properties of simultaneous processes?
  • a) Time difference of transmission
  • b) Timeout in fault tolerant systems
  • c) Time of arrival in receiver
  • d) Time difference of arrival in receiver
Which among the following programming styles approach a problem as a series of constraints imposed on a possible solution?
  • a) Linear programming
  • b) Constraint programming
  • c) Object oriented programming
  • d) Aspect oriented programming
Which among the following is a characteristic observed in constraint programming?
  • a) No changes can made on definition of the system
  • b) Only independent variables are applied
  • c) Strict norms to compute a value
  • d) Definition of relationship between variables and constraints
What is the Tmodel of Mitsubishi?
  • a) Single-mode handset
  • b) Dual-mode handset
  • c) Three-mode handset
  • d) Four-mode handset
Parallel virtual machine is implemented using homogeneous computers.
  • a) True
  • b) False
Which among the following correspond to the point plotted in the graph?
  • a) COTS Handset
  • b) Digital cell site
  • c) Software defined radio
  • d) Cognitive radio
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