S1: Religion is not a matter of mere dogmatic conformity.
P: It is not merely going through the ritual prescribed to us.
Q: It is not a question of ceremonial piety.
R: Unless that kind of transformation occurs, you are not an authentically religious man.
S: It is the remaking of your own self, the transformation of your nature.
S6: A man of that character is free from fear, free from hatred.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The right way to get people do things the way you want is not to compel them, drive them or for that matter even beg them or entreat them.
P: The sure way to antagonise an individual is to give him the impression that you are out to force or compel him to do something.
Q: The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whatever you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.
R: It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will.
S: Even young, innocent children resent being made to do things.
S6: The secret of motivation, therefore, lies in your ability to arouse the right kind of want or thirst in the other people.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Most people know that economics deals with such items as population, natural resources, incomes, tariffs, money and prices.
P: Instead, it is how it organises and analyses its materials; it is the perspective from which it views the world that makes it a special field of study.
Q: However, it is not what economics deals with that makes it a distinctive science.
R: Indeed, the list of topics can be greatly extended.
S: Economics is a particular view of reality.
S6: From this view, human behaviour is seen as activity directed towards the achievement of various objectives through the use of various resources.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: When you meet someone and discover areas of common interest and experience, you gain building blocks to develop a deeper relationship.
P: This gives you and your partner an opportunity to decide if you would like to get to know one another better.
Q: Remember, much of the point of conversation is to discuss different topics and experience in order to find a common bond.
R: So, when you discover a connection, tell your partner right away.
S: If you have enough in common, then hopefully you will want to see each other again to share common interests.
S6: This creates a sense of familiarity and indicates your interest in discussing the topic further and sharing your ideas.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Egypt is located in north-east of Africa.
P: The land should be productive.
Q: It is on the coast of Mediterranean Sea.
R: The important thing is not just the area.
S: Its area is almost four times that of England.
S6: Egypt is mostly desert or semi-desert.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: In a good many cases unnecessary timidity makes the trouble worse than it need be.
P: I am not, of course, thinking of extreme forms of defiance.
Q: If you show that you are afraid of them, you give promise of good hunting, whereas if you show indifference, they begin to doubt their own power and, therefore, tend to let you alone.
R: A dog will bark more loudly and bite more easily when people are afraid of him than when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has something of this same characteristic.
S: Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it than towards those who feel indifferent to it.
S6: If you hold in Delhi the views that are conventional in Delhi, you much accept the consequences.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: You live either in a village or a town of India.
P: Many villages and towns form a tehsil or a taluka.
Q: There are also some areas in our country called Union Territories.
R: Many tehsils or talukas form a district and many districts form a State.
S: These, together with all the states of our country make India.
S6: India is our motherland.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Several sub-cities have been planned around capital.
P : Dwarga is the first among them.
Q : They are expected to alleviate the problem of housing.
R : It is coming up in the south west of capital.
S : It will cater to over one million people when completed.
S6: Hopefully the housing problem will not be as acute at present after these sub-cities are built.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Forecasting the weather has always been a difficult business.
P : During a period of drought, streams and rivers dried up, the cattle died from thirst and were ruined.
Q : Many different things affect the weather and we have to study them carefully to make accurate forecast.
R : Ancient Egyptians had no need of weather in the Nile Valley hardly ever changes.
S : In early times, when there were no instruments, such as thermometer or the barometer, man looked for tell-tale signs in the sky.
S6: He made his forecasts by watching flights of the birds or the way smoke rose from fire.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: As he passed beneath her he heard the swish of her wings.
P : He was not falling head long now.
Q : The monstrous terror seized him.
R : But it only lasted a minute.
S : He could hear nothing.
S6: The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Films developed from the silent stage to the talkie stage with a tremendous mass appeal.
P: Film makers of those days used film media to portray our struggle for freedom.
Q: The thirties and forties were decades of tremendous social, political and cultural upheavals.
R: That is what 'Alam Ara' did to the delirious delight of the audience and thus triggered off a revolution.
S: In the turbulent thirties, the silent Indian films began to talk, sing and dance.
S6: Extolling the virtues of bravery and making patriotic films was the order of the day.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Of the scholars who compose a university, some may be expected to devote an unbroken leisure to learning, their fellows having the advantage of their knowledge from their conversation, and the world perhaps from their writings.
P: Others, however, will engage themselves to teach as well as to learn.
Q: Those who come to be taught at a university have to provide evidence that they are not merely beginners and not only do they have displayed before them the learning of their teachers, but they are offered a curriculum of study, to be followed by a test and the award of a degree.
R: But here again, it is the special manner of the pedagogic enterprise which distinguishes a university.
S: A place of learning without this could scarcely be called university.
S6: There classes of persons, then, go to compose a university as we know it - the scholar, the scholar who is also a teacher, and those who come to be taught, the undergraduate.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The essence of democracy is the active participation of the people in government affair.
P: When the people are active watchmen and participants, we have that fertile soil in which democracy flourishes.
Q: This democracy of ours is founded upon a faith in the overall judgement of the people as a whole.
R: When the people do not participate, the spirit of democratic action dies.
S: When the people are honestly and clearly informed, their common sense can be relied upon to carry the nation safely through any crisis.
S6: By and large it is the actual practice of our way of life.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Urban problem differ from State to State and city to city.
P: Most of the cities have neither water nor the required pipelines.
Q: The population in these cities has grown beyond the planners imagination.
R: However, certain basic problems are common to all cities.
S: Only broad macro - planning done for such cities, without envisaging the future growth, and this has failed to meet the requirements.
S6: There is no underground drainage system in most cities, and the narrow historical roads are already congested.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Exercising daily is a must for good health.
P: Luckily, there is no link between the amount of money spent and beneficent exercise, else the poor would have creaking bodies for ever.
Q: While some cost you nothing, others may require the investment of some amount of money.
R: However, it is important to remember that exercises should not be overdone.
S: It can take any form from sedentary ones like walking to vigorous work - outs like a game of squash.
S6: The key word, always, is moderation.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The tooth had abscessed and was causing considerable pain.
P: Finally, in desperation, she went inside a wooden pyramid model and sat down praying for miracles.
Q: Since it was Sunday morning, no dentist was available.
R: What happened she is not sure, but after ten minutes the pain simply faded away.
S: Common pain killers had been of no avail.
S6: It has not returned to this day.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Ms. Parasuram started a Petrol Pump in Madras.
P : A total to 12 girls now work at the pump.
Q : She advertised in newspapers for women staff.
R : They operate in 2 shifts.
S : The response was good.
S6: Thus she has shown the way for many others.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Sun birds are among the smallest of Indian birds.
P : Though they are functionally similar to the humming birds of the New World, they are totally unrelated.
Q : They do eat insects too.
R : They are also some of the most brilliantly coloured birds.
S : sun birds feed on nectar mostly and helped in pollination.
S6: Our common sun birds are the purple sun bird, the glossy black species and purple rumped sun bird, the yellow and maroon species.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Several sub-cities have been planned around the capital.
P: Dwarka is the first among them.
Q: They are expected to alleviate the problem of housing.
R: It is coming up in the south-west of the capital.
S: It will cater to one million people when completed.
S6: Hopefully the housing problem will not be as cute as at present after these sub-cities are built.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: India's non-alignment has not been an attitude of negative neutrality.
P: In other words, it is not an aloofness from or indifference to other nations.
Q: Instead, it has been an attitude of constructive neutrality.
R: On the contrary, India has been taking a keen interest in all international developments.
S: India wants the goodwill of all nations and is hostile towards none.
S6: This policy has been accepted, if not actually appreciated by the leading powers of the world.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: A noise started above their heads.
P : But people did not take it seriously.
Q : That was to show everyone that there was something wrong.
R : It was a dangerous thing to do.
S : For, within minutes the ship began to sink.
S6: Nearly 200 lives were lost on the fateful day.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: An elderly lady suddenly became blind.
P : The doctor called daily and every time he took away some of her furniture he liked.
Q : At last she was cured and the doctor demanded his fee.
R : She agreed to pay a large fee to the doctor who would cure her.
S : On being refused, the doctor wanted to know the reason.
S6: The lady said that she had not been properly cured because she could not see all his furniture.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: What are the causes of our chronic food shortage ?
P : To find for these growing new millions is desperate task.
Q : every year, we add more than a crore of persons to our population.
R : Despite stupendous efforts by our government, the population is growing unabated.
S : The chief cause is the population explosion.
S6: This unprecedented growth can drag us to the doors of starvation very soon.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: Our ancestors thought that anything which moved itself was alive.
P : The philosopher Descartes thought that both men and animals were machines.
Q : But a machine such as a motorcar or a steamship moves itself, as soon as machines which moved themselves had been made, people asked "Is man a machine?"
R : And before the days of machinery that was a good definition.
S : He also thought that the human machine was partly controlled by the soul action on a certain part of the brain, while animals had no souls.
S6: Therefore some scientists think that life is just a very complicated mechanism.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: There is no transportation system in any city that can compare in efficiency with the circulatory system of the body.
P: The larger one goes from the heart to the various other parts of the body.
Q: If you imagine two systems of pipes, one large and one small, both meeting at a central pumping station, you'll have an idea of the circulatory system.
R: These pipes are called arteries, veins and capillaries.
S: The smaller system of pipes goes from the heart to the lungs and back.
S6: Arteries are blood vessels in which blood is going away from the heart.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: We don't know whether the machines are the masters or we are.
P: They must be given or rather 'fed' with coal and given petrol to drink from time to time.
Q: Already man spends most of his time looking after and waiting upon them.
R: Yet he has grown so dependent on them that they have almost become the masters now.
S: It is very true that they were made for the sole purpose of being man's servants.
S6: And if they don't get their meals when they expect them, they will just refuse to work.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The third five - year plan ran into rough weather from the very start.
P: Large funds had to be diverted from development to defence.
Q: Food situation became critical and prices began to rise steep after the Indo - Pak conflict.
R: During this period, there was also the war with Pakistan in 1965.
S: There was the China War in 1962 which completely upset our economy.
S6: The government had to resort to devaluation of the rupee.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The art of growing old is one which the passage of time has forced upon my attention.
P: One of these is undue absorption in the past.
Q: One's thoughts must be directed to the future and to things about which these is something to be done.
R: Psychologically, there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.
S: It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.
S6: this is not always easy; one's own past is a gradually increasing weight.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: There is only one monkey we can thoroughly recommend as an indoor pet.
P : They quickly die from colds and coughs after the first winter fogs.
Q : It is beautiful and intelligent Capuchin monkey.
R : The lively little Capuchins, however, may be left for years in an English house without the least danger to their health.
S : The Marmosets, it is true, are more beautiful than a Capuchins and just as pleasing, but they are too delicate for the English climate.
S6: Finally let me say that no other monkey has a better temper or winning ways.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The study of speech disorders due to brain injury suggests that patients can think without having adequate control over their language.
P : But they succeed in playing games of chess.
Q : Some patients, for example fail to find the names of objects presented to them.
R : They can even use the concepts needed for chess playing, though they are unable to express many of the concepts in ordinary language.
S : They even find it difficult to interpret long written notices.
S6: How they manage to do this we do not know.

The Proper sequence should be:
0 h : 0 m : 1 s