S1: One of the most dangerous insect pests is the locust.
P: At first they look just like ordinary grasshoppers, which are harmless and unable to fly very far.
Q: Until about thirty years ago, no one knew where locusts came from or why they appeared in the different countries they attacked.
R: Then they change in appearance and develop wings which enable them to fly long distance.
S: Then it was discovered that there are two stages in the life of locusts.
S6: At this stage, they gather in huge numbers and rise from the ground on theri powerful wings in cloud.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: In 1857, fighting broke out all over the country.
P: Everywhere the people rose in rebellion.
Q: In March 1858 British troops attacked the fort of Jhansi.
R: Thousands of people were killed on both sides.
S: The British fought back.
S6: The Rani's troops fought back bravely.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: In the last few years, there has been increasing realisation of the importance of fibrous diet.
P: Its role in human nutrition was not fully understood.
Q: Plants contain indigestible substances in their cell-walls, and these contain fibre.
R: Later research has thrown light on many other ingredients that are not digested by man.
S: In the early days, people only knew that this fibre prevented constipation.
S6: This has resulted in a better appreciation of the role of fibrous food in human health.

The Proper sequence should be:
S1: The 'age of computers' is considered to have begun in 1946.
P: Those early computers were huge and heavy affairs, with problems of speed and size.
Q: It was only with the introduction of electronics that the computers really came of age.
R: But computers were in use long before that.
S: They had several rotating shafts and gears which almost always doomed them to slow operation.
S6: And now it is difficult to find a field where computers are not used.

The Proper sequence should be:
0 h : 0 m : 1 s