1 : I have not come
P : even if it means some humiliation
Q : but the boy must learn
R : to complain, he said,
S : to be honest
6 : and admit he broke our window pane.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : The establishment of Delhi Sultanate
P : new features in art and architecture
Q : and their diffusion to all parts of the country
R : saw the introduction of
S : leading the growth of
6 : India's composite culture.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : A number of measures
P : the financial conditions
Q : for mobilisation of resources
R : in order to improve
S : are being taken by the State Governments
6 : of the Municipal Corporations.

The Proper sequence should be:
The man
P : is generally the one
Q : who can work very hard
R : when he must work
S : who can play most heartily when he has the chance of playing

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : The candidate will be expected to have
P : and will be responsible
Q : a commitment to application oriented research
R : for development of methods/products
S : in the emerging
6 : field of biotechnology.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : The two men who were following
P : and who were separated from the tigress by the rock,
Q : when they saw me stop
R : a few yards behind me
S : stood still
6 : and turn my head.

The Proper sequence should be:
The workhouse authorities
P : in the household
Q : of a shopkeeper
R : find her a job
S : and she succeeds in placing Jackie with a kindly widow

The Proper sequence should be:
I have never met
P : a friendliness and hospitality
Q : in your city,
R : like the one
S : I have met
6 : Calcutta.

The Proper sequence should be:
There was
P : needed for its everyday life
Q : a time when each family
R : for itself most of the things it
S : actually produced

The Proper sequence should be:
He reached his office at 10.00 a.m. and
P : no sooner
Q : than there was a huge explosion
R : had he got out of the car
S : and it went up in flames

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : Those who
P : expect others
Q : cannot treat
R : should not
S : others well
6 : to treat them well.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : Inspite of repeated attempts,
P : in the dictionary
Q : and finally had to ask his teacher
R : he could not locate
S : the strange-looking word
6 : what it meant.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : As his hunting skill increased,
P : till at last it was as impossible for him
Q : so did his love for the hunt
R : as it is for the opium eater
S : to pass a day without it
6 : to forgo his daily potion.

The Proper sequence should be:
By this time
P : at the railway station
Q : reported mass looting
R : reports of violence were flooding in
S : while police dispatches

The Proper sequence should be:
The natives of the Carribean
P : regarded the papaya
Q : because of its ability
R : as a magic tree
S : to keep them healthy

The Proper sequence should be:
P : since they are swayed exclusively
Q : the mental horizon of students
R : has narrowed these days
S : by consideration of career

The Proper sequence should be:
P : supported by soft term loans
Q : to supply imported equipment worth Rs. 8 crore
R : the Hungarian Government has offered
S : with a very low rate of interest

The Proper sequence should be:
After the awarding speeches
P : the prize given
Q : and
R : had been made
S : I got up to give my address in reply

The Proper sequence should be:
Churchill observed that
P : the impressive and inspiring spectacle
Q : displayed the vigour and efficiency
R : of the civil defence forces of London
S : he had witnessed in Hyde park that morning

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : The little girl
P : for the mother to leave
Q : said to her friend
R : little children on their own
S : it was not quite right
6 : and go to work.
The Proper sequence should be:
1 : They're mostly people
P : and they find the club very convenient,
Q : to get a reasonable meal
R : who work in the neighbourhood
S : because it enables them
6 : without too much trouble.

The Proper sequence should be:
P : a foreigner wishes to
Q : learn standard English
R : learn English
S : he will, of course,

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : At the end of the assignment,
P : the field worker
Q : submitted his papers
R : for the work done by him
S : and also bills
6 : to the office superintendent.

The Proper sequence should be:
I was
P : and stay for a few days in Delhi
Q : when my father told me
R : very excited
S : that I could go with him

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : Every body
P : attracts every other
Q : whether big or small,
R : body with the force
S : in the universe
6 : of gravitation.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : The man whom I hit on the head
P : says that when he meets me
Q : on my way back home from school
R : on the road
S : he will beat me
6 : till I cry for mercy.

The Proper sequence should be:
The leader of the opposition,
P : in the manner he had planned to convince them
Q : on realising that he had failed to convince the assembly
R : who had a reputation for speech making,
S : was very much disappointed

The Proper sequence should be:
A French woman
P : committed suicide
Q : where she had put up
R : who had come to Calcutta
S : by jumping from the first floor balcony of the hotel

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : I wasn't sure
P : to hear his voice
Q : in my heart of hearts
R : through that window once more,
S : what I really wished
6 : or never to see him there again.

The Proper sequence should be:
1 : On reaching the station
P : he first looked around
Q : and when he could find none
R : he just lifted his luggage
S : for a coolie
6 : and walked down to the platform.

The Proper sequence should be:
0 h : 0 m : 1 s