Statements : Some ants are parrots. All the parrots are apples.

Conclusions :
I. All the apples are parrots.
II. Some ants are apples.
Statement : Some hens are cows. All the cows are horses.

Conclusion :
I. Some horses are hens.
II. Some hens are horses.
Statements : Some pens are pencils. No pencil is sharpener.

Conclusions : I. Some pens being sharpeners is a possibility. II. Some sharpeners are pencils.
Statements : Some cats are mouse. Some cows are cat.

Conclusions : I. Some cows are mouse. II. All cows being mouse is a possibility.
Statements : Some cars are jeeps. All the boxes are jeeps. All the pens are cars.

Conclusions :
I. Some cars are boxes.
II. No pen is jeep.
III. Some boxes are cars.
Statements : Some mangoes are yellow. Some tixo are mangoes.

Conclusions :
I. Some mangoes are green.
II. Tixo is a yellow.
Statements : Some pots are keys. Some keys are locks. All keys are rings.

Conclusions :
I. Some pots are locks.
II. Some pots are not locks.
III. Some pots are rings.
IV. Some pots are not rings.
Statements : Some dogs are cows. Some cows are cats.

Conclusions :
I. All dogs being cats is a possibility.
II. Some cats are dogs.
Statements : No mat is fan. Some fans are cars. All cars are shirts.

Conclusions :
I. All mats are cars.
II. All shirts are cars.
III. Some shirts are fans.
IV. No shirt is a mat.
Statement : Some raises are promotions.
All promotions are hikes
All hikes are advance Conclusion : I. Some hikes are raises.
II. Some advances are not promotion.
Statements : Some clips are copies. Some copies are magazines. No magazines is a dictionary

Conclusions :
I. No copies are dictionary.
II. Some copies are dictionary.
III. Some copies are not dictionary.
IV. No clips are magazines.
Statements : Some headphones are earphones. All earphones are telephones. No telephones are television.

Conclusions :
I. No earphones are television.
II. Some headphones are not television.
III. Some headphones are telephones.
IV. Some telephones are not television.
Statements : All fans are lamps. Some lamps are birds.

Conclusions :
I. Some birds are fan.
II. All fan being birds is a possibility.
Statements : All tourists are politicians. Some tourists are leaders. Some politicians are ministers.

Conclusions :
I. Some leaders are ministers.
II. All leaders are politicians.
III. Some ministers are not politicians.
IV. Some politicians are not tourists.
Statements : All the bottles are boxes. All the boxes are bags. Some bags are trays.

Conclusions :
I. Some bottles are trays.
II. Some trays are boxes.
III. All the bottles are bags.
IV. Some trays are bags.
Statements : All the ties are shirts. Some pants are shirts.

Conclusions : I. Some ties are pants. II. No ties is a pants.
Statements : All the goats are tigers. All the tigers are lions.

Conclusions :
I. All the goats are lions.
II. All the lions are goats.
III. Some lions are goats.
IV. Some tigers are goats.
Statements : Some keys are staplers. Some staplers are stickers. All the stickers are pens.

Conclusions :
I. Some pens are staplers.
II. Some stickers are keys.
III. No sticker is key.
IV. Some staplers are keys.
Statements : No door is dog. All the dogs are cats.

Conclusions :
I. No door is cat.
II. No cat is door.
III. Some cats are dogs.
IV. All the cats are dogs.
Statements : All green are blue. All blue are white.

Conclusions :
I. Some blue are green.
II. Some white are green.
III. Some green are not white.
IV. All white are blue.
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