Why do polar bears have white fur?
  • A. to help them grow strong and big
  • B. to help them swim in the ocean
  • C. to help them hide in the snow
What might a bird do before migrating?
  • A. make a new nest
  • B. store food as body fat to use later
  • C. look at a map
How does an animal prepare for migration?
  • The animal plays until it gets tired
  • It finds shelter
  • The animal eats lots of food and stores it as fat
Why do animals hibernate?
  • They are tired
  • They want to move to a warmer place
  • To help them survive the winter
Persistent objects and collections in hibernate are
  • Short-lived, single threaded objects
  • Long-lived, multi threaded objects
Why do animals sleep?
  • They need to recharge energy.
  • They had a busy day.
  • Their mom makes them.
  • They don't like the dark.
Why do animals eat a lot to prepare for hibernation?
  • To find a good place.
  • To use this fat to feed their bodies while they hibernate.
  • It burrows into the mud.
Why must an animal find a good place to hibernate?
  • To protect it from the cold.
  • To protect it from predators.
  • All of the above.
5.We need to specify @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) in the parent class and @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation in the subclasses.
  • a. True
  • b. False
Why do hibernating animals wake up in the spring?
  • it rains too much, and their homes get wet.
  • The birds wake them up.
  • They can find food, and its warmer
  • All of the above
Why do hibernating animals wake up in the spring?
  • It rains too much, and their homes get wet.
  • The birds wake them up.
  • They can find food, and its warmer
  • All of the above
The lesson suggests we think of hibernation as the animal putting their body on...
  • vacation.
  • pause.
  • display.
A hibernating bear needs less of ....
  • food
  • oxygen
  • water
  • All of above
Which of the following warm-blooded animal Does NOT hibernate?
  • Groundhog
  • Chipmunk
  • Prairie dog
  • Artic Fox
A bear does not really hibernate, becuase it can wake up.
  • True
  • False
When an animal wakes from hibernation it will have less ___________ than it did before hibernation.
  • body fat
  • fur
  • burrow
  • relatives
An animal chooses a place to hibernate based on its _________.
  • habits
  • habitat
  • mood
  • fat level
Instead of hibernating, some animals _______ to warmer places.
  • survive
  • sleep
  • burrow
  • migrate
What is one way snakes and many insects are alike?
  • Snakes and many insects eat mice.
  • Snakes and many insects hibernate in mud.
  • Snakes and many insects have six legs.
  • Snakes and many insects hibernate during winter.
What is the main idea of the book, Hibernation?
  • Some animals hibernate to survive the winter.
  • Hibernation is like a sound sleep.
  • Bats hibernate in caves.
  • Bears often wake up and move in winter.
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