Choose the correct way to call subroutine fun() of the sample class? class a{ public void x(int p, double k) { Console.WriteLine("k : csharp!"); }}
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d) all of the mentioned
Which of the following is the correct way to call the function abc() of the given class in the following C# code? delegate void del(int i); x s = new x(); del d = new del(ref s.x); d(2.2f);
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following is the correct way to call the subroutine function abc() of the given class in the following C# code? delegate void del(int p, double k); del d; x s = new x(); d = new del(ref s.x); d(2.2f);
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d) None of the mentioned
What will be the output of the following C# code snippet? x s = new x(); delegate void d = new del(ref x); d(2.2f);
  • a) Test Your
  • b) ur C#.NET
  • c) ur C#.NET Skills
  • d) None of the mentioned
What will be the output of the following C# code snippet? class csharp{ public int abc(int a) { Console.WriteLine("A:Just do it!"); return }}
  • a) Test Your
  • b) Test-Your-C#.NET-Skills
  • c) ur C#.NET Skills
  • d) None of the mentioned
Choose the statements which makes delegate in C#.NET different from a normal class?
  • a) Delegates in C#.NET is a base class for all delegates type
  • b) Delegates created in C#.NET are further not allowed to derive from the delegate types that are created
  • c) Only system and compilers can derive explicitly from the Delegate or MulticasteDelegate class
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following are the correct statements about delegates?
  • a) Delegates can be used to implement callback notification
  • b) Delegates permit execution of a method on a secondary thread in an asynchronous manner
  • c) Delegate is a user defined type
  • d) All of the mentioned
What will be the output of the following C# code? delegate void del(int a); csharp s = new csharp(); del d = new del(ref s.abc); d(10);
  • a) Test Ykur C#.NET Skills
  • b) Test Ykour C#.NET Skills
  • c) Test Your C#.NET Skills
  • d) Test ur C#.NET Skills
Incorrect statements about delegates are?
  • a) Delegates are reference types
  • b) Delegates are object oriented
  • c) Delegates are type safe
  • d) Only one method can be called using a delegate
Select the modifiers which control the accessibility of the delegate?
  • a) new
  • b) protected
  • c) public
  • d) all of the mentioned
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