
When you are given a set of tables and asked to create a database to store their data, the first step is to create the new database.

  • True
  • False

Multivalued dependencies create harmless anomalies that should be noted, but do not always need to be eliminated.

  • True
  • False

We use the SQL construct COLUMNS(*) to determine the number and type of columns in a table.

  • True
  • False

When assessing the table structure of an acquired set of tables with data, determining primary keys is (part of) the:

  • first step.
  • second step.
  • third step.
  • fourth step.

For a number of reasons, normalizations is not often an advantage for a(n) ________ database.

  • read-only
  • updateable
  • either a read-only or an updateable
  • None of the above is correct.

Each answer below shows example data from a table. Which answer is an example of the multivalue, multicolumn problem?

  • Three columns have the values 534-2435, 534-7867, and 546-2356 in the same row.
  • Three rows have the values Brown Small Chair, Small Chair Brown, and Small Brown Chair in the same column.
  • Three rows have the values Brown, NULL, and Blue in the same column.
  • One row has the value "He is interested in a Silver Porsche from the years 1978-1988" in a column.

One common design problem when designing a database from existing data is the presence of inconsistent values in the received data.

  • True
  • False

When building a database from an existing set of tables, we may safely assume that there are no multivalued dependencies in the data we are given.

  • True
  • False

When assessing the table structure of an acquired set of tables with data, accessing the validity of possible referential integrity constraints on foreign keys is (part of) the:

  • first step.
  • second step.
  • third step.
  • fourth step.

Normalization ________ data duplication.

  • eliminates
  • reduces
  • increases
  • maximizes

Most of the time, modification anomalies are serious enough that tables should be normalized into:

  • 1NF.
  • 2NF.
  • 3NF.
  • BCNF.

When assessing the table structure of an acquired set of tables with data, counting the number of table rows is (part of) the:

  • first step.
  • second step.
  • third step.
  • fourth step.

If a table has been normalized so that all determinants are candidate keys, then that table is in:

  • 1NF.
  • 2NF.
  • 3NF.
  • BCNF.

Using the SQL GROUP BY phrase with a SELECT statement can help detect which of the following problems?

  • The multivalue, multicolumn problem
  • The inconsistent values problem
  • The missing values problem
  • The general-purpose remarks column problem

Each answer below shows example data from a table. Which answer is an example of the inconsistent values problem?

  • Three columns have the values 534-2435, 534-7867, and 546-2356 in the same row.
  • Three rows have the values Brown Small Chair, Small Chair Brown, and Small Brown Chair in the same column.
  • Three rows have the values Brown, NULL, and Blue in the same column.
  • One row has the value "He is interested in a Silver Porsche from the years 1978-1988" in a column.
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