
In an RC differentiator, responding to repetitive pulses, the average value of the output

  • is zero
  • is equal to the input voltage
  • is 63 percent of the input voltage
  • cannot be determined

The output of an RC integrator is taken across the

  • diode
  • capacitor
  • resistor
  • source

In an RC differentiator, the sum of the capacitor voltage and the resistor voltage at any instant

  • must be zero
  • must be equal to the applied voltage
  • is less than the applied voltage but greater than zero
  • cannot be determined

When aV input pulse with a width equal to five time constants is applied to an RC integrator, the capacitor charges to

  • 24 V
  • 15.12 V
  • 20.64 V
  • 12 V

If the capacitor in an integrator becomes leaky,

  • the time constant will be effectively reduced
  • the waveshape of the output voltage across C is altered
  • the amplitude of the output is reduced
  • all of the above

If a periodic pulse waveform has a pulse width and the time between pulses each equal to or greater than five time constants, the capacitor will

  • partially charge and fully discharge during each period of the input waveform
  • fully charge and partially discharge during each period of the input waveform
  • fully charge and fully discharge during each period of the input waveform
  • partially charge and partially discharge during each period of the input waveform

A steady-state condition is reached when

  • the output voltage reaches the average value of the input voltage
  • the output voltage reaches the input voltage
  • the output voltage reaches approximately 63% of the input voltage
  • the output voltage reaches the effective value of the input voltage

If the RC time constant of an integrator is increased, as the time constant is increased

  • the capacitor charges more during a pulse and discharges less between pulses
  • the capacitor charges less during a pulse and discharges more between pulses
  • the capacitor charges more during a pulse and discharges more between pulses
  • the capacitor charges less during a pulse and discharges less between pulses

If the capacitor in an integrator opens, the output has the same voltage as the input.

  • True
  • False

The flat portions of a pulse waveform contain low-frequency components.

  • True
  • False

An RC differentiator acts as a

  • low-pass filter
  • high-pass filter
  • band-pass filter
  • band-stop filter

In electronic systems, repetitive-pulse waveforms are encountered

  • more often than single pulses
  • less often than single pulses
  • about as often as single pulses
  • twice as often as single pulses

The rising and falling edges of a pulse waveform contain the higher frequency component.

  • True
  • False

In electronic systems, repetitive-pulse waveforms are encountered

  • more often than single pulses
  • less often than single pulses
  • about as often as single pulses
  • twice as often as single pulses

To understand how the output voltage is shaped by a differentiator, you must consider

  • the response to the rising pulse edge
  • the response between the rising and falling edges
  • the response to the falling pulse edge
  • all of the above

In an RL differentiating circuit, the output voltage is taken across the resistor.

  • True
  • False

In an RC integrating circuit, the output voltage is taken across the capacitor.

  • True
  • False

In an RL differentiator, when the input pulse goes from its low level to its high level,

  • the inductor prevents a sudden change in voltage
  • the inductor prevents a sudden change in current
  • voltage across the inductor instantly reaches 63% of input voltage
  • voltage across the inductor is zero

In an RC differentiator, the capacitor

  • charges exponentially at a rate depending on the RC time constant
  • charges exponentially at a rate depending on the input voltage
  • charges when the input voltage is decreasing
  • charges to approximately one time constant

When aV input pulse with a width equal to two time constants is applied to an RC integrator, the capacitor charges to

  • 15 V
  • 12.9 V
  • 8.6 V
  • 19.45 V

In an electric circuit, the reaction of a circuit to a given pulse input is known as the pulse response.

  • True
  • False

A dc component is the peak value of a pulse waveform.

  • True
  • False

To understand how the output voltage is shaped by a differentiator, you must consider

  • the response to the rising pulse edge
  • the response between the rising and falling edges
  • the response to the falling pulse edge
  • all of the above

To understand how the output voltage is shaped by a differentiator, you must consider

  • the response to the rising pulse edge
  • the response between the rising and falling edges
  • the response to the falling pulse edge
  • all of the above

In an RC differentiating circuit, the output voltage is taken across the resistor.

  • True
  • False

In an RL integrating circuit, the output voltage is taken across the inductor.

  • True
  • False

Referring to Problemhow long will it take the capacitor to discharge if the internal resistance of the pulse source is?

  • 300 s
  • 600 s
  • 900 s
  • 1.5 ms

In an integrator, when the pulse width of the input is much less than the transient time, the output voltage approaches the shape of the input.

  • True
  • False

Referring this figure, on the falling edge,

  • the resistor voltage drops to –5 V and then goes back to zero exponentially
  • the resistor voltage jumps to –5 V and then goes back to zero exponentially
  • the capacitor voltage remains constant
  • the resistor voltage jumps to +5 V and then decreases exponentially to zero

To understand how the output voltage is shaped by a differentiator, you must consider

  • the response to the rising pulse edge
  • the response between the rising and falling edges
  • the response to the falling pulse edge
  • all of the above
0 h : 0 m : 1 s