
The 1's complement of 1010102 is _________.

  • 0101102
  • 0101012
  • 1101112
  • 1010112

The fast carry or look-ahead carry circuits found in most 4-bit parallel-adder circuits:

  • increase ripple delay
  • add a 1 to complemented inputs
  • reduce propagation delay
  • determine sign and magnitude

If you borrow from a position that contains a 0, you must borrow from the more significant bit that contains aAll 0s up to that point become 1s, and the digit last borrowed from becomes a 0.

  • True
  • False

A technique to speed parallel addition by eliminating the delay caused by the carry bit propagation is called fast carry, or look-ahead carry.

  • True
  • False

Two 4-bit adders could be cascaded to form a(n) ___________.

  • 16-bit parallel-adder circuit
  • 8-bit parallel-adder circuit
  • full-adder circuit
  • arithmetic-logic unit

All digital systems that perform arithmetic operations must indicate _______ and ________ for numbers.

  • size, base
  • sign, magnitude
  • sign, base
  • magnitude, base

The carry propagation delay in 4-bit full-adder circuits ____________.

  • is normally not a consideration because the delays are usually in the nanosecond range
  • is cumulative for each stage and limits the speed at which arithmetic operations are performed
  • decreases in direct ratio to the total number of full-adder stages
  • increases in direct ratio to the total number of full-adder stages, but is not a factor in limiting the speed of arithmetic operations

End around carry is an operation in 1's complement subtraction where a 1 is added to the sum of the 1's complement of both numbers.

  • True
  • False

An input to the mode pin of an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) determines if the function will be _________.

  • one's complemented
  • positive or negative
  • with or without carry
  • arithmetic or logic

The 2's complement of 1101102 is _________.

  • 1101002
  • 1010102
  • 0010112
  • 0010102

The operands in an addition operation consist of the augend and the addend.

  • True
  • False

In binary number systems the sign of a number is indicated by _________.

  • placing a negative sign in front of the number
  • using a 0 (zero) bit in front of negative numbers
  • inverting the bits if the number is negative
  • including a sign bit along with the magnitude bits
0 h : 0 m : 1 s