Why is a food web more realistic way of portraying an ecosystem than a food chain?
  • a) Because it shows the relation of organisms with each other in a habitat
  • b) Because food chains use only a small sampling of organisms
  • c) Because it doesn’t shows the relation of organisms with each other in a habitat
  • d) Because it compares the number of consumers to the number of micro-organisms.
What is called for an organism that helps to define an entire ecosystem?
  • a) Super species
  • b) Keystone species
  • c) Dominant species
  • d) Precious species
What is called for the diagram that shows how food chain linked together into more complex feeding relationship?
  • a) Food web
  • b) Food chain
  • c) Food circle
  • d) Food triangle
Which of the following condition is true for food web?
  • a) A food web only follows just one path
  • b) A food web ends with a producer
  • c) A food web starts with a consumer
  • d) A food web shoes many paths plants and animals connected.
Which one of the following is the major difference between food web and food chain?
  • a) Food chain and food web are linear pathway
  • b) Food chain and food web are interconnected pathway
  • c) Food chain is a single linear pathway and food web is interconnected pathway
  • d) Food chain is interconnected pathway through which food web is single linear pathway
Food webs derive their energy from sunlight.
  • a) True
  • b) False
In which of the following we can have more than one source of organisms for energy?
  • a) Food chain
  • b) Food web
  • c) Food circle
  • d) Food rotation
Which of the following is the highest trophic level organism in grassland food web?
  • a) Grass
  • b) Grasshopper
  • c) Lizard
  • d) Hawk
Which of the following is correct order of food web for aquatic food web?
  • a) Diatoms->pteropods->lantern fish->squid->marlin
  • b) Diatoms->lantern fish->squid->marlin->pteropods
  • c) Lantern fish-> diatoms-> squid-> marlin->pteropods
  • d) Lantern fish-> diatoms-> squid-> pteropods-> marlin
Why large sharks remain in the highest trophic level in the aquatic food web?
  • a) Because large sharks are predators
  • b) Because large sharks are top predators
  • c) Because large sharks are phytoplankton
  • d) Because large sharks are zooplankton
Why detritivores are considered at the zero level in the food web?
  • a) Because it eats only producers
  • b) Because it eats only consumers
  • c) Because it eats producers as well as consumers
  • d) Because it do not eat producers as well as consumers
Why lions are apex predators in grassland ecosystem?
  • a) Because lion do not eat other organisms
  • b) Because no other animal hunt lion for food
  • c) Because lion is the king of the jungle
  • d) Because lion is a herbivore animal
“Trees produce acorns which acts as food for many insects and mice” is an example of__________________
  • a) Food chain
  • b) Food cycle
  • c) Food web
  • d) Food rotation
Food webs are more stable than food chains.
  • a) True
  • b) False
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