When a Jewish male reaches 13 (female 12), they celebrate ....
  • their wedding
  • their Bar Mitzvah
  • their 1st Holy Communion
  • by leading prayers in the synagogue on a regular basis
The Bible (Old Testament) states that it is the custom for Jewish people to pray ....
  • once a day
  • three times a day
  • only on the Sabbath and Festival Holy Days
  • whenever it is convenient to do so
The ancient Jewish custom of answering "Amen" to prayers, which continues to this day and has long since been adopted by Christianity and also to a certain extent by Islam, came about ....
  • as a method of hiding one's cough during prayers
  • so that people could confirm to those in charge they were taking part in the prayers
  • so that people could confirm to those in charge they understood the passage just read out
  • a standard response to particular blessings
Prayers in the synagogue are conducted in ....
  • English
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
  • English and Hebrew
Judaism and Christianity, both monotheistic (belief in one God) religions share many beliefs. Which one of the following Jewish beliefs do they not share?
  • Ultimate reality - one God, Jehovah, the God of Abraham
  • Nature of God - unity, one substance, one person
  • The Old Testament - canonical (a 'rule' book)
  • Status of Biblical prophets - true prophets
When a male non-Jewish person visits the synagogue (for example, to attend the wedding of a Jewish friend) aside from wearing a head covering (hat or skullcap) which of the following are they expected to also do?
  • Where parts of the service are conducted standing, to stand
  • Where parts of the service include bowing, bow
  • If male, to wear a Jewish prayer shawl (the white, tassled "Tallit")
  • To join and recite any common prayers such as the 'Blessing for the Royal Family'
Prayers in the synagogue are ....
  • read silently by the congregant in page order from a book of prayer
  • decided on the day and handed to the congregant on a sheet of pre-reprinted paper
  • lead by a male 'reader'
  • issued in advance by a learned member through the offices of the Rabbi
When praying, it is customary for Jewish people to pray facing ....
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West
In a typical synagogue, you will always find a ....
  • statue of Moses
  • water cooler
  • constantly burning (electric) light
  • basin at the top left of the main congregational room, with on-demand, cold running water
Which one of these is not a traditional Jewish blessing? (Bear in mind that very secular Jews will not recite these in the course of their daily lives - only the very religious adhere to their use)
  • Blessing for washing the hands
  • Blessing over bread
  • Blessing over wine
  • Blessing over sitting down
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