In Orthodox and Conservative services, men and women sit separately for prayer because ....
  • the male’s mind is supposed to be on prayer and not on women
  • two separate services run in the synagogue, one for men and one for women
  • to allow men to chat about men’s ‘stuff’ and women to chat about women’s ‘stuff’ without embarrassment in the eyes of God
  • an invention of a jealous, unmarried, senior community elder in Spain around 1,600AD that was later adopted world-wide
The white prayer shawl (the "tallit") worn in synagogue by Jewish males over 13 (bar mitzvah) and in some progressive synagogues, by females over 12, is worn ....
  • because traditionally, in days of old, synagogues tended to be cold and draughty
  • to remind Jews of God's Commandments
  • to show that although he may be learned and respected, the Rabbi is on an identical social level to that of his/her congregation
  • to cover the congregation's clothing so all appear equal in the eyes of God
Wine, in particular special ceremonial wine as opposed to popular branded wine drunk at the dinner table, is a part of Jewish celebrations. However, ceremonial wine is usually ....
  • poured into matching glasses for the immediate family members
  • poured into a special ceremonial cup
  • used only on the Sabbath
  • blessed and used only by the rabbi
In order to become a rabbi (teacher), one has to be ....
  • 18 years of age
  • unmarried
  • married
  • pass a special "rabbi test"
The Star of David, the six-pointed star that has come to symbolise Jewish people, was first used ....
  • in 1354
  • in 1650 when the Religious Society of Friends acquired the nickname "Quakers"
  • during the Second World War when the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a yellow star
  • in 1948 when Israel declared its independence
Jewish ‘communal’ functions such as a wedding or a bar mitzvah (13 year-old boy’s ‘coming of age’) where a meal is served to guests will have to be strictly ‘kosher’ (using only permitted ingredients cooked in the permitted way). Assisting these functions will be a person called a ‘mashgiach’. This is ....
  • the equivalent of a rabbinical ‘MC’ for the event
  • a food supervisor
  • an on-looking, non-participant, to keep the event in order
  • a Jewish security guard
On the first Sabbath after a Jewish child is born ....
  • the male adults in the immediate family celebrate with a meal
  • the entire family celebrate with a meal
  • the family attend synagogue with the infant
  • the infant's father is called forward at the synagogue to recite a blessing
Under Jewish law, while children are not required to observe the commandments, they are nevertheless encouraged and educated to do so. Under Jewish law, a boy and girl are considered an ‘adult’ when they ....
  • turn 13 and 12 respectively
  • turn 18 and 17 respectively
  • turn 21 and 20 respectively
  • get married
Nearly all the prayers in a traditional Orthodox Jewish service can be recited in solitary prayer, although communal prayer has always been deemed more preferred. However communal prayer requires a quorum - called a “minyan” - comprised of ....
  • 5 people
  • 8 people and a rabbi
  • 10 men
  • 12 men and a rabbi
Upon first hearing of the death of a close relative (parent, child, sibling or spouse), grief is traditionally expressed by ....
  • wailing and crying
  • tearing one's clothing
  • immediately attending the synagogue
  • calling for a rabbi to attend the immediate relatives
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