Jewish businesspeople can enter a business partnership with a non-Jew ....
  • with no restrictions
  • providing they agree not to practice their own religion in the premises
  • providing they do not work on the Sabbath day
  • providing the non-Jew is only a junior partner
The New Testament, written after the Five Books of Moses and the Old Testament, ....
  • is viewed with great scepticism by Jewish people
  • is wholly rejected by Jews because it discusses aspects of faith Jews do not believe in
  • contains portions that are read during the Jewish New Year
  • is considered a book that should be read by Jews at some point in order to achieve Jewish literacy
A Jewish person can marry a non-Jewish person ....
  • in a synagogue
  • in a church
  • during the weeks between Shrove Tuesday and Easter
  • providing it is not on the Sabbath Day
Jews can entertain non-Jews in their home ....
  • if the visitors bring a portion of Kosher food (food that is allowed by Jewish Law) to the table
  • with absolutely no restrictions
  • if the visitors recite a small Hebrew prayer in English prior to eating
  • but in a different room if food is being served, because Jews do not permit non-Jewish people to eat with them
Can a Jewish person attend a non-Jewish funeral held in a church or funeral chapel?
  • Under no circumstances
  • With permission of the Rabbi
  • Yes they may attend
  • Yes, they may attend providing they do not take an active part in the service
In order to be classed as Jewish under Jewish Law ....
  • the father must be Jewish
  • the mother must be Jewish
  • both mother and father must be Jewish
  • the grandparents must be Jewish
The Jewish obligation of “tzedakah”, the giving to charity, charitable causes and to those less-fortunate is ....
  • for Jews to help less-fortunate Jews
  • a tradition to help the less well-off celebrate the Sabbath
  • to help anyone less-fortunate, not just Jewish people
  • to maintain synagogues
The main reason Jewish Law may seem to want to separate Jews from non-Jews (referred to as gentiles) is ....
  • very biblical, aiming as it did at the time to prevent Jews from adopting idolatrous behaviour
  • to limit the opportunity for intermarriage
  • to prevent Jews desecrating the Sabbath Day
  • to stop Jews leaving the Jewish faith
During the rise of Hellenism, aside from Greek language, what other aspect of Greek life did Jews begin to incorporate into their lives?
  • Jews began to use Greek methods of prayer
  • Jews began to adopt Greek personal names
  • Jews began to think of their ancient heroes such as Moses and Abraham as divine men
  • Jews began to worship Greek gods
Those wishing to convert to Judaism must ....
  • if Christian, immediately stop going to church
  • do so on a Sunday, the day after the Jewish Sabbath day
  • undergo a period of learning that could last a couple of years
  • denounce their current religion
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