Rosh Chodesh, the first day of each Jewish month, is considered a minor festival. There is a custom that ...
  • Jewish women do not work on the day
  • Jewish men do not work on the day
  • children attend synagogue in the morning for a celebration breakfast
  • if it falls on the Sabbath day it is ignored
“Sukkot” known as the Feast of Tabernacles, or the Feast of Booths is a time when the ritual is to ....
  • take four plant types, typically a citron fruit, a palm branch, a myrtle branch, and a willow branch, and to celebrate with them
  • refrain from drinking hot drinks for the week of the festival
  • joyously celebrate how far the Jewish people have come (from a timeline point of view) since slavery in Egypt in biblical times
  • dress very casually for synagogue services during the week of the festival
Hannukah, or the “Festival of Lights” that sometimes coincides with Christmas, is an 8-day minor Jewish holiday that commemorates the ....
  • Jewish equivalent of Christmas
  • Re-dedication of the 2nd Holy Temple in Jerusalem
  • Passover
  • Feast of Tabernacles
“Yom Hashoah” is the day each year Jews remember the Holocaust during the Second World War. It falls on the date of the ....
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  • liberation of Auschwitz, the largest extermination camp established by the Germans 37 miles west of Krakow (Cracow) in Poland where 1.1 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis
  • establishment of the State of Israel in 1948
  • the election of David Ben Gurion as Prime Minister of Israel in 1959
Yom Haatzmaut or Independence Day celebrates ....
  • American Independence Day
  • Israel Independence Day
  • the end of the Second World War and the freeing of the remaining Jewish prisoners held by the Nazis
  • the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day War
“Shavuot” is one of the Jewish harvest festivals and is also known as the festival of 'Weeks'. It marks the ....
  • start of the wheat harvest and the end of the barley harvest
  • start of the crop sowing season
  • moving clocks forward an hour at springtime to help harvesting
  • the harvesting of the first fruit crops of the year
“Tu bi-Shevat” (the New Year for Trees) actually celebrates a new ....
  • year for planting crops in Israel
  • year for planting trees in Israel
  • Spring after the Equinox
  • year looking forward to increased sustainability on the land
“Purim”, the festival of “lots” is celebrated around March and before Passover. It is very much ....
  • celebrated mainly at home
  • the only Jewish festival not to include the services of a rabbi
  • the only Jewish festival not celebrated in Israel
  • an “eat, drink and be merry” festival
“Tisha B'Av” a single day of national mourning and fasting marking the destruction of the Temples in ancient times occurs in late July or August. It is unusual because it’s ....
  • not widely observed outside the religious community
  • not widely observed inside the religious community
  • a festival for old men
  • a festival celebrated only by women
The main denominations or branches of Judaism - Orthodox, Progressive/Liberal/Reform and Conservative celebrate Jewish festivals ....
  • in their own way
  • completely differently
  • ignoring just some festivals completely
  • very much in the same way
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