"The PRESENT I gave her for her birthday was a board game." In this sentence PRESENT is a NOUN. Choose the sentence below in which PRESENT is a VERB.
  • The father, on his birthday, considered the son's excellent report card as a surprise present.
  • He was wondering what present to give his sister on her birthday.
  • I will present her with a board game on her birthday.
  • The boy stopped crying when he received a present.
"He slipped on the PEEL of a banana and fell down." In this sentence PEEL is a NOUN. Choose the sentence below in which PEEL is a VERB.
  • Monkeys peel bananas very easily.
  • Monkeys can eat a banana peel.
  • A banana peel is a favourite of the monkeys.
  • A monkey and the peel of a banana are made for each other.
"PLANT the seed in a pot and place it in the sun." In this sentence PLANT is a VERB. Choose the sentence below in which PLANT is a NOUN.
  • The thief wanted to steal the plant.
  • You need to plant poppy seeds to grow opium.
  • The murderer wanted to plant a fake clue to foll the police.
  • The Prime Minister was asked to plant a tree to mark his visit to the country.
"Light is able to travel in a VACUUM." In this sentence VACUUM is a NOUN. Choose the sentence below in which VACUUM is a VERB.
  • Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.
  • The maid had to vacuum the house twice to clean the house thoroughly.
  • The vacuum cleaner broke down.
  • There is a vacuum between two layers of glass in a vacuum flask which ensures that hot liquids stay hot.
"The roses SMELL so sweet at this time of the year." In this sentence SMELL is a VERB. Choose the sentence below in which SMELL is a NOUN.
  • The footballers smell awfully after a game.
  • As soon as I entered the house I was aware of the smell of the dog.
  • As soon as I went in I could smell the dog.
  • Would you say dogs smell more than cats?
"The cricket match I watched was a waste of time as it ended in a DRAW." In this sentence DRAW is a NOUN. Choose the sentence below in which DRAW is a VERB.
  • A Clint Eastwood film is always a good draw at the box office.
  • This match was the third consecutive draw in the series.
  • I took a draw on my cigarette and started coughing.
  • Can you draw the map for me please?
"His heroic STRUGGLE bore fruit when his team won the match." In this sentence STRUGGLE is a NOUN. Choose the sentence below in which STRUGGLE is a VERB.
  • The adage 'life is full of struggle' is so very true in his case.
  • After a long and brutal struggle, the man won his battle in court.
  • His struggle with grammar was comical.
  • The couple had to struggle to make both ends meet.
"I had to PARK the car a mile away from the venue." In this sentence PARK is a VERB. Choose the sentence below in which PARK is a NOUN.
  • Can you park the car in the basement please?
  • Bicycle owners park their bicycles in the cycle stand.
  • Formula 1 cars park only for a few seconds at the pit stop.
  • The biological park was close to the venue.
Now we move our search onto nouns. "To PRODUCE rice you need paddy." In this sentence PRODUCE is a VERB. Choose the sentence below in which PRODUCE is a NOUN.
  • The farmer's produce is sold in the nearby market.
  • I want to know what ingredients you used to produce this yummy ice cream.
  • Can you produce the same level of performance every time?
  • I am going to produce the best comedy film of the year.
"The wicked mistress made the maid SLAVE for her everyday." In this sentence SLAVE is a VERB. Choose the sentence below in which SLAVE is a NOUN.
  • Managers were asked to ensure that the workers slave for 8 hours a day.
  • In the Roman times many women were asked to slave for Cleopatra.
  • The dog is a wonderful companion to a blind man as it can slave for him faithfully.
  • The maid was a slave who ran away from her wicked mistress.
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