In a biphasic system, the thickness of the aqueous layer (δ) around an immobilised enzyme lowers the rate of reaction.
  • a) True
  • b) False
For immobilized enzymes, the volumetric surface area (A/V) is an important parameter which does not govern which of the following?
  • a) The overall flux of the substrate to the biocatalytic surface
  • b) Effectiveness of the enzyme
  • c) Recovery of the biocatalyst
  • d) Productivity
Which of this is true for optimizing a two-phase system for enzyme-catalyzed reactions?
  • a) Protection of the contained enzyme
  • b) More facile recovery of the biocatalyst
  • c) The difference between the Log P values of the substrates and the interphase should be as small as possible
  • d) Allowing efficient and continuous use of biphasic PBRs
Which of the following rule belongs to optimization of the two-phase system for enzyme-catalyzed reactions?
  • a) The difference between the Log P values of the products and the organic phase should be as small as possible
  • b) Allows to be used with low molecular weight hydrophilic coenzymes with the assistance of a coenzyme regenerating process
  • c) Allowing efficient and continuous use of biphasic PBRs as long as the moving organic phase is saturated with water
  • d) Allowing efficient and continuous use of biphasic PBRs
In the biphasic system, which of the following methodology is not used to remove the excess water present?
  • a) Use of hydrolases
  • b) Chromatography
  • c) Use of molecular sieves
  • d) Vacuum distillation
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