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Science and Technology Quizzes - Science Quiz General Knowledge

Have fun with our Science Quiz for kids and adults. So, the students who wants to test their knowledge can play Science Quiz and win the game by scoring highest points. You can play it as a fun game with lot of values. When you play Science Quiz Game you will have fun and also helps in expanding your knowledge on the subject.

Astronomy Quiz

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Astronomy Questions and Answers

Astronomy Quiz Question Answer
Which spacecraft had an encounter with space dust in 1967? Mariner 4
What is one source of space dust? Comets
What is the other name for space dust? Micrometeoroids
What is the name of the object that is sometimes mistaken for a comet? Asteroid
What space object is considered rarer than gold, platinum, or diamonds? Meteorites
What are called the "dirty snowballs" from space? Comets
What are cousins of asteroids? Meteoroids
What is an asteroid called when it comes very close to the Earth? Near Earth Objects
What is the name of the disk-like area that is composed of icy bodies and can be found around Neptune's orbit? Kuiper Belt
What are stony-irons? Meteorites

Aviation Quiz

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Aviation Questions and Answers

Aviation Quiz Question Answer
Which is the oldest airline that is still in operation? KLM
In which country is Boeing based? USA
In which year was the first fatal accident in aviation reported? 1908
What is the term used for "moving along the ground" in the aviation sector? Taxi
Which is the world's largest airplane manufacturer? Airbus
How many forces help an airplane to fly? 4
Which aircraft has wings but no motor? Glider
Where is the oldest airport in the world situated? Maryland
Who performed the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean? Charles Lindbergh
Who is credited with coining the word "aviation"? Gabriel La Landelle

Biology Quiz

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Biology Questions and Answers

Biology Quiz Question Answer
What is the normal pH for the human body? 7
Which scientist is credited with discovering the idea of natural selection? Charles Darwin
What metal is present in the blood? Iron
What is the longest bone in the body? Femur
How many pairs of chromosomes can be found in the human gene? 23
What does the A in DNA stand for? Acid
What word is used to describe a single-celled organism that doesn't have a nucleus? Prokaryote
When you eat both plants and animals, what are you called? An omnivore
Which blood type can receive blood from anyone? AB
How many bones are in the average adult human body? 206

Chemistry Quiz

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Chemistry Questions and Answers

Chemistry Quiz Question Answer
What is the only element that doesn't solidify? Helium
What is the most expensive element Californium
In what year was the first Nobel Prize for Chemistry awarded? 1901
What country is named after an element? Argentina
How many elements are there in the periodic table? 118
How many elements are liquid at room temperature? 2
What is the most abundant element in the universe? Hydrogen
What color is oxygen? Blue
Of all the metals in existence, how many are non-silvery? 2
Why is the only letter that doesn't appear in the periodic table? J

Computer Science Quiz

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Computer Science Questions and Answers

Computer Science Quiz Question Answer
How many bits make one byte? 8
Assembly language is converted in machine language by which program? Assembler
Name the main extension used in new excel files from 2007 onwards? .xlsx
What is called the brain of the computer? CPU
The symbol @ was chosen to be used in the email address in which year? 1971
Who was the first computer programmer? Ada Lovelace
Which number system is used by computers to perform data operations? Binary
What language does the computer understand? Machine Language
Which company designed the first computer language? IBM
The first CPU was designed by which company? Intel

Earth Quiz

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Earth Questions and Answers

Earth Quiz Question Answer
Where can you find The Great Barrier Reef? Australia
What is someone who studies earthquakes known as? Seismologist
What layer of the earth's atmosphere absorbs a larger part of the destructive ultraviolet light commencing the sun? The Ozone Layer
What are the seasonal rains in Southeast Asia called? Monsoon
What is the usual color of the gemstone ruby? Red
Who was the proponent of the Theory of Continental Drift? Alfred Wegener
Which precious mineral does graphite develop into when exposed over a long period under extreme heat and pressure? Diamond
What are the three eras or periods of dinosaurs? Triassic Period, Jurassic Per,iod and Cretaceous Period
Which two elements mostly comprise the mass of the earth? Iron (32%) and Oxygen (30%)
What is the biggest desert in the world except for the deserts in Antarctica? The Sahara Desert in Africa

Ecology Quiz

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Ecology Questions and Answers

Ecology Quiz Question Answer
Living organisms such as humans and animals constitute which parts of the ecosystem? Biotic
Which part of the Earth supports life? Biosphere
Non-living parts of the environment such as soil, water, and sunlight constitute which part of the ecosystem? Abiotic
What do we call the natural environment in which an organism lives? Habitat
Every year birds travel a long distance to get warm, then return when the weather changes. How is this process called? Migration
A terrestrial ecosystem is located where? On Land
By what name is the variety of life present in an ecosystem known as? Biodiversity
To which trophic level do the primary consumers belong? 2nd Level
The relationship between humans, living organisms, and their physical environment is called? Ecology
What is the ultimate source of energy for every ecosystem? Sun

Evolution Quiz

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Evolution Questions and Answers

Evolution Quiz Question Answer
What is evolution, according to Darwin? A slow, gradual and continuous process
Where are fossils most commonly preserved? Sedimentary rocks
Where did life originate on Earth? Oceans
Name a fossil that looks like a bird but has many other features found in reptiles? Archaeopteryx
What is the name of the process by which new species develop from existing species? Speciation
Aves (Birds) have evolved from which species? Reptiles
Which hominid was the first to evolve? Ardipithecus ramidus
Who invented the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection? Charles Darwin
On what basis is the age of rocks calculated? Radiometric Dating

Famous Scientist History Inventors Quiz

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Famous Scientist History Inventors Questions and Answers

Famous Scientist History Inventors Quiz Question Answer
Where is the Davy lamp used? In flammable atmospheres
In 1242 AD, what was Rogen Bacon’s discovery about the possibility of a gunpowder's explosion? It will explode if it is confined in a small space
Dmitri Mendeleyev was the Russian chemist that arranged the chemicals in cards, which are now famous and used around the world. What is the name of Mendeleyev's card arrangement? Periodic Table of Elements
Max Planck, a German theoretical physicist, revolutionized the study and understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, and he also discovered that energy could be emitted or absorbed in small amounts. What is the name of Planck's discovery? Energy quanta
What revolutionary discovery about gasses did Robert Boyle make in 1660? Gas volume varies inversely when applied with pressure
Alfred Nobel, a Swedish scientist, was known for inventing a Nobel Prize winning material. What is it? Dynamite
Which phrase best explains the famous equation of Albert Einstein on relativity: "E equals m times c squared"? Mass is energy
Why was the Haber Process, invented by Fritz Haber, which synthesized ammonia from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas, important? It paved the way to the production of synthetic fertilizers
Why is Roger Bacon named as 'Father of Modern Science?’ He wrote down his experiments
What is the result of the Wohler synthesis that Friedrich Wohler described in 1828? Urea, a waste product

Geology Quiz

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Geology Questions and Answers

Geology Quiz Question Answer
By which name do we call the molten rock found inside the Earth? Magma
The layer of water that covers the Earth's surface is known as? Hydrosphere
How many types of rocks are there? 3
Basalt is a type of which rock? Igneous Rocks
Fossils are found in which special type of rock? Sedimentary
What type of rocks are formed due to volcanic activity? Igneous Rocks
Name the hardest element found on Earth? Diamond
Who is the father of geology? James Hutton
Which is the most rigid part of the Earth? Lithosphere
The least dense layer of the Earth is known as? Crust

Medical Quiz

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Medical Questions and Answers

Medical Quiz Question Answer
What is the longest bone in the human body? Femur
What kind of drugs increase activity in the central nervous system? Stimulants
What kind of medicine is amoxicillin? Antibiotic
Who discovered the smallpox vaccine medicine? Edward Jenner
Which kind of medicines are used to reduce a fever? Antipyretics
What does the abbreviation "b.i.s" on a prescription mean? Twice a day
Sinusitis is caused by which microorganism? Virus
In which year was the first Nobel Prize for medicine awarded? 1901
Name the category of drugs used to reduce pain? Analgesics
What does the abbreviation "q.i.d" on a prescription mean? Four times a Day

Microbiology Quiz

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Microbiology Questions and Answers

Microbiology Quiz Question Answer
Who was the microbiologist who isolated streptococcus pneumonia for the first time? Louis Pasteur
In which year was Penicillin discovered? 1928
To which essential process is Okazaki fragments associated? DNA replication
What was the name given to the first virus that was discovered? Tobacco mosaic virus
How many nuclei does a Paramecium have? 2
Who developed a vaccine against yellow fever? Max Theiler
How do bacteria reproduce? Binary Fission
What disease does Plasmodium cause? Malaria
Name the antimicrobial medicine against tuberculosis? Isoniazid
Vaccine against smallpox was discovered by which microbiologist? Edward Jenner

Organic Chemistry Quiz

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Organic Chemistry Questions and Answers

Organic Chemistry Quiz Question Answer
Name the organic compound that is used in LPG gas? Butane
Name the simplest alkane? Methane
Phenylethylamine is an active compound in which popular food? Chocolate
Which common organic compound that contains acetic acid is used for making sauces? Vinegar
Name the common organic compound that is used as a fertilizer? Urea
Name the polymer of ethylene we use in everyday life? Polythene
Name the organic compound that contains sucrose and is used for baking cakes? Sugar
Which element is present in all organic compounds? Carbon
Which organic compound is present in tea and coffee? Caffeine
How many elements combine to form carbohydrates? 3

Physics Quiz

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Physics Questions and Answers

Physics Quiz Question Answer
Which of these behaves both as a particle and a wave? Light
What is the formula for the electric current? I = V/R.
Which of these values is inversely proportional to volume in a closed system? Pressure
What is the formula for pressure in a liquid? P = P0 + ρgh
The phenomenon whereby water moves upwards in a narrow tube is known as what? Capillary action
How is the sun's energy transmitted through space to us? Radiation
Which of these formulas best describes potential energy? E = mgh
The product of force and distance is referred to as what? Work
What equation is Einstein famous for? E = mc2
How much would a 200 pounds person weigh on Mars? 76 pounds

Science And Nature Quiz

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Science And Nature Questions and Answers

Science And Nature Quiz Question Answer
Aristotle was a student of? Plato
The natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena is? Astrology
Earth science is also known as ________? Geoscience
Which of the planets in our solar system are also known as Ice Giants? Neptune and Uranus
The central science is another name for which of the following? Chemistry
Who introduced the term scientist? William Whewell
Gas was discovered by ______? Robert Boyle
What aspect of biology deals with the examination of the cell? Cellular Biology
In which century was microbiology introduced? 17th century
How many planets are in the solar system? 8

Scientists Inventors And Inventions Quiz

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Scientists Inventors And Inventions Questions and Answers

Scientists Inventors And Inventions Quiz Question Answer
Who is the inventor of the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
Who invented the rubber balloon? Michael Faraday
Who invented the air-conditioner? Willis Carrier
Who invented the adhesive tape? Richard Drew
Who invented the printing press? Johannes Gutenberg
Who invented the steam engine? Thomas Savery
Who invented the ceiling fan? Philip Diehl
Who invented the postage stamp? Rowland Hill
Who developed the ballistic missile? Wernher Von Braun
Who invented the lightbulb? Thomas Edison

Scientists Inventors And Inventions 2 Quiz

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Scientists Inventors And Inventions 2 Questions and Answers

Scientists Inventors And Inventions 2 Quiz Question Answer
Who invented the thermometer? Galileo Galilei
Who invented the dishwasher? Josephine Cochrane
Who invented the Linux Operating System? Linus Torvalds
Who invented the calculator? Blaise Pascal
Who invented the television? John Logie Baird
Who invented the seismograph? John Milne
Who invented the seaplane? Glenn Curtiss
Who was the inventor of video games? Ralph Baer
Who invented the diagnostic X-Ray system? Robert Ledley
Who invented the mobile phone? Martin Cooper

Solar System Quiz

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Solar System Questions and Answers

Solar System Quiz Question Answer
What percentage of the sun is made of helium? 9%
What year was the planet Pluto classified as a dwarf planet? 2006
The largest volcano in the solar system is found on which planet? Mars
What planet is closest to the sun? Mercury
What feature of the earth protects it from solar radiation? Its atmosphere
All the planets bear a common feature in relation to their naming, with the exception of? Earth
The first planet to be discovered using a telescope is? Uranus
The habitability of the planet Earth is linked to the presence of ______? Liquid water
The Allende Meteorite, which was scattered over Mexico, fell in what year? 1969
A common feature of both Jupiter and the sun, is that both are composed mainly of ? Hydrogen and Helium

Space Quiz

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Space Questions and Answers

Space Quiz Question Answer
How many people have been sent into space? 566
What two major gases make up the sun? Hydrogen and Helium
Which of these is a natural satellite? Moon
What is the planet with the coldest average temperature in the solar system? Neptune
Which planet has one-third of its surface covered by water? Pluto
What is a light-year? The distance covered by light in a year
Where is the asteroid belt located? Between Mars and Jupiter
Which of these planets has an 88-day long year? Mercury
What is the hottest planet in the solar system? Venus
How many days does it take Mars to complete one revolution around the sun? 686.93 Earth days

Technology Quiz

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Technology Questions and Answers

Technology Quiz Question Answer
Which company is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer? Honda
What company developed a computer with the codename "Lisa" in the 1980s? Apple
Which company made the first electronic printer? Epson
In which year was the first commercial steam iron made? 1926
How many bits make a byte? 8
Who is the earliest known researcher of electricity? Thales
Who is regarded as the inventor of cars? Carl Benz
Who discovered that electric current also contains a heating effect? James P. Joule
Originally Amazon only sold which product? Books
In which year was the laser discovered? 1960

Trees Quiz

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Trees Questions and Answers

Trees Quiz Question Answer
What is the common term for linden trees in the UK? Lime trees
What genus of trees do cherries, apricots, plums, and peaches belong to? Prunus
What is the most generic name for the sloe tree that is often used to create walking or riding sticks? Blackthorn
Who was the American Civil War general that was behind the name of the giant sequoia tree situated at Sequoia National Park, California, that was the biggest known living single stem tree on Earth in terms of its volume? General Sherman
What tree used to be one of the unique trees in the English countryside trees and can be seen in the John Constable painting named Salisbury Cathedral from the South-West? In the year 1990, only a few mature ones remained in Britain. Elm
What is the name of the tree in the British Isles, which has nuts called conkers? Horse-chestnut tree
Which tree had the wood that was the best option for water pipes until the 1700s, as it does not decay when kept permanently wet compared with other woods? Elm
What do you call the trees that drop their leaves right after the growing season and produce new leaves during the spring season? Deciduous trees
What name did the Victorians give the Araucaria Araucana species for its spiny spiraling branches? Monkey Puzzle
What is the only country that takes its name after a kind of tree? Brazil