Which of the following is a biography of Lady Mountbatten?
Match List-I and List-II.
List-I (Books) List-II (Authors)
a. The child and the State in India 1. Atul Kohli
b. The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics 2. Pranab Bardhan
c. The Political Economy of Development in India 3. Christopher Jaferlot
d. Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India 4. Myron Weiner
Match Lis-I with List-II and select the correct answer.
List-I (Authors) List-II (Books)
a. Atul Kohli 1. Divide and Quit
b. Granville Austin 2. The Success of India's Democracy
c. Penderal Moon 3. The Republic of India : Development of its laws and Constitution
d. Alan Gledhill 4. Working a Democratic Constitution : A History of the Indian Experience
Who is the author of "The Kalam effect : My years with the president"?
Who has written the book 'My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir'?
Author of the book 'My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir'?
'A China Passage' book was written by -
Who has written the famous book 'Anna Karenina'?
Which of the statements given below are correct?
1. The author of 'Forty Thieves' is Jonathan Franzen.
2. Author of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
3. Author of 'Middlesex' is Jeffrey Eugenides.
'The Old Man and the Sea' was a short novel written by
Who wrote the book 'Why Socialism'?
Which of the following is a book written by Shashi Tharoor?
George Bernard Shaw, the great dramatist, was -
Which of the statements given below are correct?
1. Author of the novel 'Missile Gap' is Charles Stross.
2. The author of the novel 'Bird Box' is Victor Valle.
3. Author of 'The City and the city' is China Mieville.
Which of the statements given below are correct?
1. Author of 'Brave New World' is Aldous Huxley.
2. Author of 'An Affair Downstairs' is Sherri Browning.
3. Author of 'Darkness at Noon' is Victor La Valle.
Who is the author of the book named "Not Just an Accountant"?
Which of the statements given below are correct?
1. The author of the novel 'Gilead' is Don Wirslo.
2. The author of the novel 'Wolf Hall' is Stephen Dobyns.
3. The author of the novel 'To Kill a Mocking bird' is Harper Lee.
Who is the author of the book named 'Pinjar'?
Which author employed India's obsession for cricket as the theme for his recent book 'selection day'?
'A Secular Agenda' is a book written by -
Who said 'Man is a political animal'?
The book "Born Again on the Mountain" is authored by which of the following Indian mountaineer?
Who is the author of the book "The Interpreter of Maladies"?
Who has written the book 'The Famished Road'?
Travelling Through Conflict is a book written by -
Rabindranath Tagore was awarded Noble Prize for his literary work named -
Which of the following statements given below are correct?
1. Author of 'Half of a Yellow Sun is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
2. Author of the novel 'Middlesex' is Jeffrey Eugenides.
3. Author of 'Missile Gap' is China Mieville.
1. Author of 'Darkness at Noon' is Victor La Valle.
2. Author of 'The Great Gatsby' is F. Scott Fitzgerald.
3. Author of 'The Sound and the Fury' is Hubbard.
Which of the statements given above are not correct?
Which of the statements given below are correct?
1. The author of the novel 'Dodgers' is Bill Beverly.
2. The author of the novel 'Forty Thieves' is Thomas Perry.
3. Author of 'The Corrections' is Jonathan Franzen.
Consider the following statements:
"If you feel you are trapped in a black hole, don't give up. There is a way out."
Who among the following made the above statement?
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