What will be the output of the following CSS code snippet? span { border: 1px solid red; outline: green dotted thick; }
  • a) All span elements will have a green thick border and a red outline
  • b) All span elements will have a red border and a green dotted outline
  • c) All span elements will have a outer green dotted border and an inner red border
  • d) All span elements will have an outer red border and inner green dotted border
Which of the following CSS property sets the shadow for a box element?
  • a) set-shadow
  • b) box-shadow
  • c) shadow
  • d) canvas-shadow
Which of the following CSS property is used to set the color of the text?
  • a) text-decoration
  • b) pallet
  • c) colour
  • d) color
Which of the following CSS Property controls how an element is positioned?
  • a) static
  • b) position
  • c) fix
  • d) set
Which of the following CSS selector selects the elements that are checked?
  • a) :checked
  • b) E ~ F
  • c) ::after
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following is an appropriate value for the overflow element?
  • a) scroll
  • b) hidden
  • c) auto
  • d) all of the mentioned
Which of the following CSS property is used to specify table borders in CSS?
  • a) table:border
  • b) table
  • c) border
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following property is used to align the text in a table?
  • a) text-align
  • b) align
  • c) text
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following CSS Property sets the stacking order of positioned elements?
  • a) y-index
  • b) z-index
  • c) x-index
  • d) all of the mentioned
What will be the output of the following CSS code? div { border-width:5px; border-style:dotted solid double dashed; }
  • a) Box having dotted bottom outline, solid right outline, double top outline and dashed left outline
  • b) Box having dotted bottom outline, solid left outline, double top outline and dashed left outline
  • c) Box having dotted top outline, solid right outline, double bottom outline and dashed left outline
  • d) Box having dotted top outline, solid left outline, double bottom outline and dashed right outline
Which of the following property allows a marquee to be used in the case of a text-overflow?
  • a) overflow-marquee
  • b) overflow-style
  • c) overflow-text
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following CSS property defines the space between cells in a table?
  • a) border-spacing
  • b) border-style
  • c) border
  • d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following CSS3 property can be used to allow line breaks within words?
  • a) line-break
  • b) line-wrap
  • c) word-wrap
  • d) word-break
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