______________ is a set of one or more attributes taken collectively to uniquely identify a record.
  • a) Primary Key
  • b) Foreign key
  • c) Super key
  • d) Candidate key
Which command is used to remove a relation from an SQL?
  • a) Drop table
  • b) Delete
  • c) Purge
  • d) Remove
Which of the following set should be associated with weak entity set for weak entity to be meaningful?
  • a) Neighbour set
  • b) Strong entity set
  • c) Owner set
  • d) Identifying set
Which of the following command is correct to delete the values in the relation teaches?
  • a) Delete from teaches;
  • b) Delete from teaches where Id =’Null’;
  • c) Remove table teaches;
  • d) Drop table teaches;
Procedural language among the following is __________
  • a) Domain relational calculus
  • b) Tuple relational calculus
  • c) Relational algebra
  • d) Query language
_________________ operations do not preserve non-matched tuples.
  • a) Left outer join
  • b) Inner join
  • c) Natural join
  • d) Right outer join
Which forms have a relation that contains information about a single entity?
  • a) 4NF
  • b) 2NF
  • c) 5NF
  • d) 3NF
The top level of the hierarchy consists of ______ each of which can contain _____.
  • a) Schemas, Catalogs
  • b) Schemas, Environment
  • c) Environment, Schemas
  • d) Catalogs, Schemas
_______ indicates the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship.
  • a) Greater Entity Count
  • b) Minimum cardinality
  • c) Maximum cardinality
  • d) ERD
The user IDs can be added or removed using which of the following fixed roles?
  • a) db_sysadmin
  • b) db_accessadmin
  • c) db_securityadmin
  • d) db_setupadmin
Why the following statement is erroneous? SELECT dept_name, ID, avg (salary) FROM instructor GROUP BY dept_name;
  • a) Dept_id should not be used in group by clause
  • b) Group by clause is not valid in this query
  • c) Avg(salary) should not be selected
  • d) None
The traditional storage of data organized by the customer, stored in separate folders in filing cabinets is an example of ______________ type of ‘database’ management system.
  • a) Object-oriented database management system
  • b) Relational database management system
  • c) Network database management system
  • d) Hierarchical database management system
After groups have been established, SQL applies predicates in the ___________ clause, allowing aggregate functions to be used.
  • a) Where
  • b) Having
  • c) Group by
  • d) With
Which of the following is not the utility of DBMS?
  • a) i, ii, and iv only
  • b) i, ii and iii only
  • c) i, iii and iv only
  • d) All i, ii, iii, and iv
What does a foreign key combined with a primary key create?
  • a) Network model between the tables that connect them
  • b) Parent-Child relationship between the tables that connects them
  • c) One to many relationship between the tables that connects them
  • d) All of the mentioned
Which of the following is correct according to the technology deployed by DBMS?
  • a) Pointers are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
  • b) Cursors are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
  • c) Locks are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
  • d) Triggers are used to maintain transactional integrity and consistency
Which of the following is correct regarding the file produced by a spreadsheet?
  • a) can be used as it is by the DBMS
  • b) stored on disk in an ASCII text format
  • c) all of the mentioned
  • d) none of the mentioned
What is the function of the following command? CREATE ROLE rGRANT SELECT, INSERT ON oe. orders TO rGRANT r1 TO scott; GRANT SELECT ON oe. orders TO scott; REVOKE SELECT ON oe.orders FROM scott;
  • a) Clears entries from relation
  • b) Deletes relation
  • c) Deletes particular tuple from relation
  • d) All of the mentioned
______ resembles Create view.
  • a) Create table . . . as
  • b) Create view as
  • c) Create table . . .like
  • d) With data
The query specifying the SQL view is said to be updatable if it meets which of the following conditions?
  • a) select clause contains relation attribute names but not have expressions, aggregates, or distinct specification
  • b) from clause has 1 relation
  • c) query does not have group by or having clause
  • d) All of the mentioned
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