In a CAD package, mirror image of apoint P (is to be obtained about a line which passes through the origin and makes an angle ofcounterclockwise with the X-axis. The coordinates of the transformed point will be
  • a) (7.5, 5)
  • b) (10, 5)
  • c) (7.5, -5)
  • d) (10, -5)
In a CNC program block, NGGXZ40…, GAND Grefer to
  • a) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction and incremental dimension
  • b) Circular interpolation in counterclockwise direction and absolute dimension
  • c) Circular interpolation in clockwise direction and incremental dimension
  • d) Circular interpolation in clockwise direction and absolute dimension
For generating Coons patch we require
  • a) A set of grid points on surface
  • b) A set of control points
  • c) Four bounding curves defining surface
  • d) Two bounding curves and a set of grid control points
NC contouring is an example of
  • a) Continuous path positioning
  • b) Point-to-point positioning
  • c) Absolute positioning
  • d) Incremental positioning
The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (to (while performing an operation. The center of the arc is at (5). Which one of the following NC tool path commands performs the above mentioned operation?
  • a) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
  • b) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
  • c) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
  • d) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
During the execution of a CNC part program block NOGO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will be
  • a) Circular Interpolation – clockwise
  • b) Circular Interpolation – counterclockwise
  • c) Linear Interpolation
  • d) Rapid feed
In a 2-D CAD package, clockwise circular arc of radius,specified from P1 (15,to P2 (10,15)will have its center at
  • a) (10, 10)
  • b) (15, 10)
  • c) (15, 15)
  • d) (10, 15)
In an NC machining operation, the tool has to be moved from point (5,to point (7,along a circular path with center at (5,2). Before starting the operation, the tool is at (4). The correct G and M code for this motion is
  • a) N010 G03 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
  • b) N010 G02 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
  • c) N010 G01 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
  • d) N010 G00 X7.0 Y2.0 I5.0 J2.0
In computer aided drafting practice, an arc is defined by
  • a) Two end points only
  • b) Center and radius
  • c) Radius and one end point
  • d) Two end points and center
In finish machining of an island on a casting with CNC milling machine, an end mill withmm diameter is employed. The corner points of the island are represented by (0), (30), (and (0). By applying cutter radius right compensation, the trajectory of the cutter will be
  • a) (-5, 0), (-5, 35), (55, 35), (55,-5), (-5,-5)
  • b) (0,-5), (55,-5), (55, 35), (-5, 35), (-5,-5)
  • c) (5, 5), (5, 25), (45, 25), (45, 5), (5, 5)
  • d) (5, 5), (45, 5), (45, 25), (5, 25), (5, 5)
0 h : 0 m : 1 s