The graph plotted between the controlling force of the governor and Radius of rotation is known as _______
  • a) Controlling force diagram
  • b) Radius of rotation diagram
  • c) Governor diagram
  • d) Sensitivity diagram
Controlling force is provided by spring and weight in the porter governor.
  • a) True
  • b) False
In the given figure, the x – axis represents radius of rotation and the y axis represents the controlling force. This graph is known as _________
  • a) Controlling force diagram of Porter governor
  • b) Controlling force diagram of Hartnell governor
  • c) Controlling force diagram of isochronous governor
  • d) Controlling force diagram of a general governor
What should be the stability condition for the angle made by OA and the x axis? (the x – axis represents radius of rotation and the y axis represents the controlling force.)
  • a) Angle must increase
  • b) Angle must decrease
  • c) Angle must remain constant
  • d) Stability is independent of this angle
How should the equilibrium speed vary with the increase of radius of rotation of the governor balls for stability?
  • a) Must increase
  • b) Must decrease
  • c) Must remain constant
  • d) Equilibrium speed independent of radius of rotation
For a more sensitive governor, the change in angle between OA and the x axis with change in radius of rotation should be? (the x – axis represents radius of rotation and the y axis represents the controlling force.)
  • a) Small
  • b) Large
  • c) Remain same
  • d) Is independent of this angle
In the given figure, the straight line OA represents _________ (the x – axis represents radius of rotation and the y axis represents the controlling force.)
  • a) Isochronous governor
  • b) Hartnell governor
  • c) Non – Isochronous governor
  • d) Stable governor
In the given figure if the angle between OA and x-axis is madedegrees, the rotation speed will become(the x – axis represents radius of rotation and the y axis represents the controlling force.)
  • a) True
  • b) False
0 h : 0 m : 1 s