Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. Plural of ‘I’ is ‘Me’ .
2. Plural of ‘I’ is ‘We’ .
Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. A text book is read only for the pleasure of reading it.
2. Reading is an encoding process of communication.
3. The intention of reading a medical report is to gain information.
When we read aloud our concentration is divided between ________ and _________.
Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. If the tone of the voice and body language are negative the communication will pass.
2. Semantic barriers mean that different words may have different meaning in different cultures.
3. Correct choice of channel is one of the main barriers to communication.
In a job application, Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. Write the name of the person who you are addressing in the salutation.
2. Write the vacancy you are applying for in the subject.
3. After your signature there is no need to write your full name clearly.
Usually the business letter is drafted in two styles.
Resume must include
1. Your skill
2. Your aims goals
3. Your projects, researches
1. ________ of these belong to the landed gentry.
2. ________ of the boys could get the prize.
_________ you can take a horse to the pond, __________ can make it drink.
Countable nouns are those nouns which.
1. Cannot be counted
2. Things that exist as separate and distinct individual unite
Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. Tomato , boy tree , man are plural
2. Tomatoes, boys, trees, and men are plural
The semantic markers used to indicate the development of ideas or to list the ideas arethe semantic markers used to indicate the development of ideas or to list the ideas are :

1. Primarily
2. Secondly
3. Finally
4. Consequently
Difference in values and perceptions which may effect the interpretation of the message by the receiver is called ________ barrier,
A tendency to judge, evahiate, approve or disapprove the views is called _________ barrier,
The main parts of an agenda are ________ and _________.
Reading for information may be both _______ and ________.
Professional reading is done when you need to continue _________ and ________ to develop thinking skills
Prior to note taking there is the aspect of _________ or _________.
An effective strategy for note – taking includes an ________ and ________ approach.
In making notes _________ and _________ are of outmost importance.
Which of the following statement is True(T) or False(F) are given below.

1. When we read a novel a comic strip a magazine it is extensive reading
2. When we read an article in order to write a review an it you read it intensively
1. Use of a foreign language is a linguistic or ___________ barriers,
2. Multiple meaning of words can create ________ barriers,
3. Lack of coordination between department causes ________ barriers,
A noun may be defined as the name of a ___________, ___________or __________.
_________ is a technique that involves changing a text-matter so that it is similar to the main source.
1. The best first line of defense when you meet a difficult customer is _________ bring sympathetic to him.
2. Tack ling a customer who is not satisfied with the treatment he has received needs __________ hearing.
Articles in English may be classified are _________&__________.

1. Specific
2. Concrete
3. Definite
4. Indefinite
1. Right environment is important because it will help the listener focus on what he is listening and avoid __________.
2. When you are too _________ involved in listening you tend to hear what you want to hear & not what is actually said.
In the writing of an apology letter, concentrate on
is the vital part of the letter which to as good as wishing the person.
Effective paraphrasing avoids the risk of _________.
________ Means linking words and phrases together so that the whole text is clear and readable.
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