What is one function of magnet?
  • magnets can attract objects that are made of metal
  • magnets can attract plastic and rubber objects.
  • magnets can attract everything.
What are the parts of a circuit?
  • wire and battery.
  • battery, wire, electrical appliances and switch
  • electrical appliances and battery
Choose name of action on the forces for change the shape of an object ?
  • pound, press,twist and bend
  • push and pull
Choose name of the tools stay on the toolbox.
  • Screwdriver, Hammer, pliers and blowtorch
  • knife, Scissors, Stapler and Sharpener
How can you conserve energy in your home?
  • Turn up heat up to warm your home faster
  • Open a window and turn on the ac
  • Turn off lights when you do not need them
Things __________ of the water. They will float.
  • fall to the bottom
  • stay on top
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