Haploid brown, hairlike, delicate unicellular outgrowths are:
  • a) Root hairs of gymnosperms.
  • b) Paraphysis of mosses.
  • c) Root nodules of pulses.
  • d) Rhizoids of ferns.
How many of the following statements are false? (i) Chlamydomonas, Chlorella and Acetabularia are unicellular green algae in which Chlamydomonas is motile. (ii) Volvox and Hydrodicton are colonial green algae. (iii) Ulothrix, Spirogyra and Cladophora are filamentous green algae in which Ulothrix (attached) and Spirogyra (floating) are unbranched. (iv) Ulva is an edible green algae which is multicellular and thalloid.
  • a) 1
  • b) 2
  • c) 3
  • d) 0
Multicellular haploid gametophytic generation alternates with multicellular diploid sporophytic generation. This cycle is called
  • a) medium of generation
  • b) alternation of generation
  • c) evolution of generation
  • d) alertness of generation
Which of the following statement is right?
  • a) Fronds are found in bryophytes.
  • b) Multiciliate sperms are found in Angiosperms.
  • c) Pyrenoids are found in Macrocystis.
  • d) Volvox and Fucus exhibit oogamy.
Select the true statement(s) from the following: (i) In Cycas, the growth of male plant and female plant is sympodial and monopodial respectively. (ii) Cycas is dioecious and the megasporophylls are not organized into definite cones. (iii) Cycas possess largest egg, ovule and male gametes. (iv) In Pinus branches, leaves and cones are dimorphic. (v) Pinus possess winged pollen grains and seeds and it exhibits a process called sulphur shower. (vi) In Pinus, the time taken from pollination to fertilization is 15 months and from cone formation to seed dispersal is 2 years. (vii) In Gymnosperms, the pollen chamber represents the cavity in the ovule in which the pollen grains are stored after pollination. (viii) Gnetum is a gymnosperm which exhibits many angiospermic characters. (ix) Circinate venation and presence of Ramenta are fern characters of Cycas. (x) Pinus exhibit Polyembryony and polycotyledony.
  • a) (i), (iii) and (iv) only.
  • b) (iv) and (v) only.
  • c) (ii), (iii), (v) and (vi) only.
  • d) All statements are true.
Which of the following statements are false: (i) Caulerpa is coenocytic green algae. (ii) Cladophora is a filamentous, branched, epizoic green algae. (iii) Dictyota and Ectocarpus are brown algae which exhibit Heterotrichous habit. (iv) Batrachospermum is a red algae which is neither red nor marine. (v) Chlorella, Ulva and Porphyra are edible green algae. (vi) Cephaleuros and Harveyella are parasitic red algae.
  • a) (i), (ii) and (iv) only.
  • b) (iii), (iv) and (vi) only.
  • c) (v) and (vi) only.
  • d) (ii), (v) and (vi) only.
The two events which leads to the phenomenon of alternation of generation are:
  • a) Mitosis and Syngamy.
  • b) Meiosis and Syngamy.
  • c) Endomitosis and Syngamy.
  • d) Gametogenesis and Syngamy
Select the mismatched pair: (i) Smallest bryophyte - Zoopsis. (ii) Largest bryophyte - Dawsonia. (iii) Smallest pteridophyte - Azolla. (iv) Largest pteridophyte - Cyathia. (v) Smallest gymnosperm - Zamia. (vi) Largest gymnosperm - Sequoia. (vii) Smallest angiosperm - Wolffia. (viii) Largest angiosperm - Eucalyptus.
  • a) (i), (iii) and (iv) only.
  • b) (iv) and (v) only.
  • c) (ii), (vii) and (viii) only.
  • d) None of these.
Select the mismatched pair:
  • a) Rhynia – Fossil pteridophyte.
  • b) Salvinia – Heterophylly and Heterospory.
  • c) Equisetum – Presence of strobili and silica deposition on their walls.
  • d) Selaginella – Heterospory and presence of strobili and prothallus.
How many of the following statements about gymnosperms are true? (i) Dominant phase is the diploid sporophyte and it follows Diplontic life cycle. (ii) It produces seeds but no fruits because ovules are not enclosed in ovary. (iii) They are vascular plants in which xylem lack vessels and phloem lack companion cells. (iv) Endosperm in gymnosperms is formed before fertilization and it is haploid. (v) Seeds of gymnosperms have three generations i.e. two sporophytic and one gametophytic generation.
  • a) 2
  • b) 3
  • c) 4
  • d) 5
If the diploid number of a flowering plant is 36, what would be the chromosome number in its endosperm?
  • a) 36.
  • b) 18.
  • c) 54.
  • d) 72.
Life cycle of spermatophytes is:
  • a) Diplontic.
  • b) Haplo – Diplontic.
  • c) Haplontic.
  • d) All of these.
Which of the following represents Tracheophyta (i.e. vascular plants?
  • a) Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms.
  • b) Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms.
  • c) Bryophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms.
  • d) Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Angiosperms.
In mosses, the predominant stage of life cycle:
  • a) The non – green protonema and the green leafy stage sporophyte.
  • b) The sporophytic green protonema and the gametophytic leafy stage.
  • c) The gametophytic green protonema and the gametophytic leafy stage.
  • d) The non – green protonema and the green leafy stage gametophyte.
The prothallus of pteridophytes:
  • a) Are diploid.
  • b) Grow in cool, dry and shady places.
  • c) Bear antheridia and archegonia at maturity.
  • d) Completely depends on sporophyte.
Read the following statements with regards to gymnosperms: (i) The cones bearing megasporophylls with ovules or megasporangia are called female strobili. (ii) The male or female cones or strobili may be born on the same tree (e.g. Pinus). (iii) In Cycas, male cones and megasporophylls are borne on different trees. (iv) One of the cells of nucellus differentiates into archegonia. (v) Ovule is a specialised Megasporangium which is integumented, indehiscent and permanently stores the megaspores. How many of the above statements are correct:
  • a) Three.
  • b) Five.
  • c) Four.
  • d) Two.
Statement 1: Salvinia is homosporous. Statement 2: Salvinia belongs to bryophytes.
  • a) Both statements -1 and statement - 2 are true and statement - 2 is the correct explanation of statement - 1.
  • b) Both statements -1 and statement - 2 are true but statement - 2 is not the correct explanation of statement - 1.
  • c) Statement -1 is true and statement - 2 is false.
  • d) Statement -1 is false and statement - 2 is true.
How many Peristomial teeth are present in the capsule of Funaria?
  • a) 16
  • b) 32
  • c) 64
  • d) 108
How many of the following matches are correct? (i) Chilgoza – Pinus gerardiana. (ii) Canada balsam – used to make permanent slide – Abies balsamea. (iii) Cedar wood oil – used in oil immersion microscope for clarity – Juniperus virginiana. (iv) Taxol – Anticancer drug obtained from the bark of Taxus. (v) Ephedra – Ephedrine – antiasthmatic drug.
  • a) 2
  • b) 3
  • c) 4
  • d) 5
Which of the following features represent the affinities of Gnetum with angiosperms?
  • a) Presence of embryo and endosperm.
  • b) Absence of resin duct and leaf venation.
  • c) Presence of xylem vessels and absence of archegonia.
  • d) Absence of ovary.
In bryophytes:
  • a) Zygote does not undergo reduction division.
  • b) Sporophyte is restricted to a single celled structure.
  • c) The gametophyte is dependent on the sporophyte.
  • d) The cells of sporophyte cannot undergo reduction division.
Which of the following is incorrect?
  • a) Gymnosperms form lax or cones.
  • b) Gymnosperms produce seeds and pollen grains.
  • c) Gymnosperms may be homosporous.
  • d) Gymnosperm plants can be monoecious or dioecious.
Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes, in gymnosperms the:
  • a) Male and female gametophytes do not have an independent free – living existence.
  • b) Male gametophytes have an independent existence but female gametophyte do not.
  • c) Male gametophytes do not have an independent existence but female gametophytes have.
  • d) Male and female gametophytes have an independent free – living existence.
Read the following statements regarding brown algae: (i) Sexual reproduction may be Isogamous, anisogamous or Oogamous. (ii) The gametes are always without flagella. (iii) Gracilaria belongs to brown algae. (iv) Common forms are Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria, Sargassum and Fucus. (v) The gametes are pyriform (pear shaped) and bear two laterally attached flagella. How many of the above statements are correct:
  • a) Two.
  • b) Three.
  • c) One.
  • d) Five.
Read the following sentences regarding numerical taxonomy: (i) It takes the use of computers. (ii) It is based on all observable characters of an organism. (iii) Numbers and codes are assigned to all the characters, data are then processed. (iv) Each character is given equal importance. (v) Hundreds of characters can be considered at the same time. How many of the above statements are correct?
  • a) Two.
  • b) One.
  • c) Five.
  • d) Four.
Which of the following statements are true regarding gymnosperms? (i) Male gametophyte in gymnosperms is represented by pollen grains. (ii) In Pinus, male and female cones are borne on same tree. (iii) Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes, in gymnosperms the male and female gametophyte does not have an independent free living existence. (iv) In majority of Gymnosperms, all the spores are of similar kinds i.e. heterosporous. (v) In Cycas, the male gametes are multiciliated and Siphonogamy is followed by Zooidogamy.
  • a) (i), (ii) and (v) only.
  • b) (i), (ii), (iii) and (v) only.
  • c) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v) only.
  • d) (iii) and (iv) only.
Which of the following degenerates in the embryo sac after double fertilization in angiosperms?
  • a) Synergids and Antipodals.
  • b) Synergids only.
  • c) Antipodals only.
  • d) Polar nuclei.
Read the following statements about pteridophytes: (i) The main plant body is sporophyte. (ii) The sporophyte is differentiated into true roots, stem and leaves. (iii) The gametophyte lacks vascular bundles. (iv) Macrophylls are found in Selaginella and microphylls are found in ferns like Dryopteris. (v) Strobili or cones are found in Adiantum and Pteris. How many of the above statements are correct:
  • a) Four.
  • b) Five.
  • c) Two.
  • d) Three.
Which of the following is not correct about Chlorophyceae?
  • a) Green algae.
  • b) Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b.
  • c) Embryophyta.
  • d) Biflagelleted zoospores.
Match the column with regards to algae:
Column I Column II
a. Unicellular algae Ulothrix
b. Filamentous algae with collar shaped chloroplast Spirogyra
c. Filamentous algae with ribbon shaped chloroplast Volvox
d. Colonial coenobial algae. Chlamydomonas
  • a) a → 3; b → 4; c → 2; d → 1
  • b) a → 1; b → 2; c → 3; d → 4
  • c) a → 4; b → 1; c → 2; d → 3
  • d) a → 4; b → 4; c → 3; d → 2
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