Assertion If the activation energy of a reaction is zero, temperature will have no effect on the rate constant Reason Lower the activation energy, faster is the reaction
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
  • b) The Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of Assertion
  • c) Assertion is true but, Reason is false
  • d) Assertion is false but, Reason is true
The activation energy for a hypothetical reaction A → Product is 12.49 kcal/mol. If temperature is raised from 295 to 305, the rate of reaction increases by ...
  • a) 20%
  • b) 50%
  • c) 60%
  • d) 100%
The rate of reaction increases with rise in temperature because of ...[ Karnataka PMT 2008]
  • a) increase in the number of activated molecules
  • b) increase in activation energy
  • c) decrease in the activation energy
  • d) increase in the number of molecular collision
For a reaction Ea=0 and k=2.3×104s-1 at 300k. the value of k at 310K would be
  • a) 6.4×104 s-1
  • b) 2.3×104s-1
  • c) 3.2×108s-1
  • d) 3.2×105s-1
For the decomposition of HI at 1000K 2HI → H2 + I2, the following data were obtained The oder of the reaction is
[HI],M Rate of decomposition of HI(mol L-1 s-1)
0.1 2.75×10-8
0.2 11×10-8
0.3 24.75×10-8
  • a) 0
  • b) 1
  • c) 1.5
  • d) 2
The rate of chemical reaction depends on ...[ AFMC 2002]
  • a) pressure
  • b) time
  • c) concentration
  • d) all of these
For an endothermic reaction, where, ΔH represents the enthalpy of the reaction in kJ/mol, the minimum value for the energy of activation will be ...
  • a) less than ΔH
  • b) zero
  • c) more than ΔH
  • d) equal to ΔH
Consider the following statements ...] i)increase in concentration of reactant increases the rate of a zero order relation ii)rate constant k is equal to collision frequency 'A' if Ea = 0 iii)rate constant k is equal to collision frequency 'A' if Ea = ∞ iv)logek vs T is a straight line v) loge vs 1/T is a straight line correct statement are ... [ Keranata PMT 2010]
  • a) (i) and (iv)
  • b) (ii) and (v)
  • c) (ii) and (iii)
  • d) (i) and (v)
The temperature dependence of rate constant (k) of a chemical reaction is written in terms of Arrhenius equation. k=A.e-Ea. Activation energyEa of the reaction can be calculated by plotting ...[ CBSE 2003]
  • a) log k vs T-1
  • b) k vs T
  • c)
  • d)
A first order reaction has half-life of 3 hrs. What percentage of the reactant will remain after 8 hrs?
  • a) 118.26%
  • b) 15.76%
  • c) 45.5%
  • d) 68.2%
For reaction aA → xP, where [A] = 2.2 m-M, the rate was found to 2.4 mMs-On reducing concentration of A to half, the rate changes to 0.5 mMs-The order of reaction with respect toA is ...[ AIIMS 2005]
  • a) 1.5
  • b) 2.0
  • c) 2.5
  • d) 3.0
Consider the endothermic reaction X → Y with the activation energies Eb and Ef for backward and forward reactions, respectively. In general
  • a) Eb < Ef
  • b) Eb > Ef
  • c) Eb = Ef
  • d) there is no definite relation between Ef and Eb
For the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g), if then value of
  • a) 1×10-4 mol L-1 s-1
  • b) 3×10-4 mol L-1 s-1
  • c) 4×10-4 mol L-1 s-1
  • d) 6×10-4 mol L-1 s-1
0 h : 0 m : 1 s