Which of the following are the most distantly related to one another?
  • a) Sunfish and dolphins.
  • b) Tree frogs and snakes.
  • c) Vampire bats and birds.
  • d) Bears and whales.
A. : Arrhenius considered the panspermia mainly responsible for transfer for germs from other planets to Earth. R. : Present day study of meteorities as Allan Hills-84001 knocked out from Mars in Antarctica is rich aromatic hydrocarbons deposited by biological activity.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
What was the resultant found in place marked E ?
  • a) Glucose, fatty acids and lipids
  • b) Some fatty acids and organic acids
  • c) Some amino acids as glycine and alanine and
  • d) Organic esters only
Mega – evolution is ______.
  • a) Changes in the gene pool
  • b) evolution due to mutations
  • c) origin of a new biological group
  • d) the evolution that takes centuries
The earliest organisms were ______.
  • a) heterotrophic and anaerobic
  • b) autotrophic and anaerobic
  • c) heterotrophic and aerobic
  • d) autotrophic and aerobic
A. : The first molecules formed for replicating cells were most probably RNA. R. : This was proved by origin of ribozyme in 1987 by T. Cech in Tetrahymena.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
The determine which molecules might have formed spontaneously on early earth, Stanley Miller used an apparatus with an atmosphere containing ______.
  • a) oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen
  • b) oxygen, hydrogen, ammonia and water vapour
  • c) oxygen, hydrogen and methane
  • d) hydrogen, ammonia, methane and water vapour
Anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria appeared on the earth about ______.
  • a) 500 million years ago
  • b) 1500 million years ago
  • c) 2500 million years ago
  • d) 3500 million years ago
Which one of the following terms would most correctly describe the relationship between the flight organs of animals like locust, bat, swallow, and flying fish ?
  • a) Atavism
  • b) Analogous
  • c) Homologous
  • d) Vestigeal
Many of the animals and plants found on islands are ______.
  • a) endemic
  • b) exotic
  • c) sympatric
  • d) none of these
These are some examples of vestigial structures in man
  • a) wisdom tooth vermiform appendix, hair
  • b) wisdom tooth, vermiform appendix, coccyx
  • c) wisdom tooth, head, nails
  • d) none of these
A. : Ear muscles of external ear in man are poorly developed R. : These muscles are useful which move external ear freely to detect sound efficiently.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
Which one is not a vestigial organ in man ?
  • a) Wisdom teeth
  • b) Muscles of external ear-pinna
  • c) Fossa ovalis
  • d) Ileum
Darwin’s theory of natural selection is objected, because it
  • a) stresses upon slow and small variations
  • b) explains the adaption of certain inherited characters
  • c) stresses on interspecific competition
  • d) explains that natural calamities take a heavy annual toll of lives
Industrial melanism is an example of
  • a) natural selection
  • b) mutation
  • c) adaptive convergence
  • d) artificial selection
A. : All the finches on the Galapagos Islands descended from common ancestor. R. : They show variations only in their beaks as they got adapted to different feeding habits.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
Which of the following is from the same lineage as that of Triceratops?
  • a) Stegosaurus.
  • b) Tyrannosaurus.
  • c) Brachiosaurus.
  • d) Pteranodon.
Phylogenetic evolution refers to
  • a) genetic relationship and evolutionary sequence
  • b) similar habitat
  • c) natural affinity of genes
  • d) similar character
Neanderthal man differs from modern man is ______.
  • a) receeding jaw
  • b) protuding jaw
  • c) could make good tools
  • d) could make good picture
Which of the following is the most fit in an evolutionary sense?
  • a) A lion who is successful at capturing prey but has no cubs.
  • b) A lion who has many cubs, eight of which live to adulthood.
  • c) A lion who overcomes a disease and lives to have three cubs.
  • d) A lion who cares for his cubs, two of who live to adulthood
Which of the following is not an example of a monophyletic taxon?
  • a) The first fish species and every living organism that looks like a fish
  • b) The first mammal species and all its descendants.
  • c) The first bird species and all its descendants
  • d) All of the above.
In which of the following ways is natural selection not analogous to artificial selection?
  • a) With natural selection "picking" is due to the fit of an organism with its environment; whereas in artificial selection, the breeder "picks" which organisms will breed.
  • b) Natural selection depends upon the presence of variation, artificial selection does not.
  • c) Natural selection occurs within populations, artificial selection does not.
  • d) There is a limit to how much change can be brought about by natural selection, no such limit exists for artificial selection.
Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?
  • a) Two children have different eye colors.
  • b) One person is older than another
  • c) One person has a scar, but her friend does not.
  • d) Tod eats meat, but his brother Rod is a vegetarian
Select the correct group of homologous structures
  • a) wings of a bird and butterfly
  • b) wings of a pigeon and a bat
  • c) wings of a butterfly and a bat
  • d) Forelimbs of a cow,a duck and a lizard
Mesozoic era is called golden period of ______.
  • a) birds
  • b) amphibians
  • c) reptiles
  • d) pisces
The Haeckel’s theory of biogenetic Law means that ______.
  • a) all organisms start as an egg
  • b) life history of an organism reflects its evolutionary history
  • c) nonliving matter from life
  • d) progeny resembles parents
Coacervates were experimentally produced by .............
  • a) Sydney Fox and Oparin
  • b) Fischer and Huxley
  • c) Jacob and Monod
  • d) Urey and Miller
A. :The first molecules formed for replicating cells were most probably RNA. R. : This was proved by origin of ribozyme in 1987 by T. Cech in Tetrahymena.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
The first photoautotroph organisms were ______.
  • a) bryophytes
  • b) algae
  • c) cyanobacteria
  • d) bacteria
The sequence of origin of life may be considered as ______.
  • a) Amino acid Protein Chlorophyll
  • b) Chlorophyll Starch Glycogen
  • c) Nucleic acid Amino acid Chlorophyll
  • d) Chlorophyll Nucleic acid Amino acid
An old view about evolution states that the organisms were created by a super organism in the same condition as they exist now. This theory is called ______.
  • a) theory of special creation
  • b) theory of natural selection
  • c) Lamarck’s theory of evolution
  • d) theory of spontaneous generation
A. : Genetic drift refers to change in allelic frequencies of a gene pool due to chance and occurs both in large and small populations. R. : Small populations will, therefore, suffer more than larger ones.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
Mass extinction of the end of Mesozoic era was probably due to ?
  • a) continental drift
  • b) the collision of earth with large meteorites
  • c) massive glaciations
  • d) change in earth’s orbit
A. : Java man and peking men were called Homo erectus by Mayer. R. : They appeared same as both used fire.
  • a) A is correct and R is its explanation.
  • b) A and R both are correct but R is not an explanation to A
  • c) A is correct and R is false
  • d) A is false and R is correct
One of the oldest, best preserved and most complete hominid fossil commonly known as ‘Lucy’ belongs to the genus.
  • a) Oreopithecus
  • b) Dryopithecus
  • c) Pithecanthropus
  • d) Australopithecus
There are two opposing views about origin of modern man, According to the view Homo erectus in Asia were the ancestors of modern man. A study of variation of DNA however suggested African origin of modern man. What kind of observation on DNA variation could suggest this ?
  • a) Greater variation in Africa than in Asia
  • b) Variation only in Asia and no variation in Africa
  • c) Greater variation in Asia than in Africa
  • d) Similar variation in Africa and Asia
Identify the following figure:
  • a) Pteranodon – H, Stegosaurus – G, Brachiosaurus – D, Archaeopteryx – F, Tyrannosaurus – E, Triceratops – I
  • b) Pteranodon – H, Stegosaurus – E, Brachiosaurus – D, Archaeopteryx – I, Tyrannosaurus – F, Triceratops – G
  • c) Pteranodon – H, Stegosaurus – G, Brachiosaurus – E, Archaeopteryx – F, Tyrannosaurus – I, Triceratops – D
  • d) Pteranodon – H, Stegosaurus – E, Brachiosaurus – D, Archaeopteryx – F, Tyrannosaurus – I, Triceratops – G
Present age of human known as ______.
  • a) atomic age
  • b) iron age
  • c) bronze age
  • d) silver age
Assertion : According to Hardy – Weinberg Equilibrium, the frequency of an allele remains the same generation after genetation. Reason : The only way to bring about a change is by natural selection.
  • a) A is correct and R is its explanation.
  • b) A and R both are correct but R is not an explanation to A
  • c)A is correct and R is false
  • d) A is false and R is correct
In a population, group of individuals of similar phenotypes are formed due to differential reproduction due to
  • a) genetic drift
  • b) natural selection
  • c) migration
  • d) selective hybridization
A. : Mutations occurring in the germinal cells of the gonads are called germs mutations. R. : They are heritable raw materials for natural selection lead to origin of new species.
  • a) If A and R both are true and R is correct explanation of A
  • b) If A and R both are true but R is not correct explanation of A
  • c) If A is true and R is wrong
  • d) If A is wrong and R is true
Which statement is correct ?
  • a) Lamarck theory – Struggle for existence
  • b) Darwin theory – Use and disuse of organ
  • c) Biogentic law – Recapitulation theory
  • d) Lamarck theory – Theory of continuity of germplasm
Theory of Lamarck was based on
  • a) adaptive collisions
  • b) adaptive rediations
  • c) adaptive modifications
  • d) none of these
Sympatric speciation arises due to
  • a) non-overlapping population of the same area
  • b) geographical isolation
  • c) overlapping population of the same area
  • d) non-reproductive population of the same area
Potato and sweet potato ______.
  • a) have edible parts which are homologous organs
  • b) have edible part which are analogous organs
  • c) have been introduced in India from the same place
  • d) None of the above
Evolution and natural selection is demonstrated by
  • a) DDT resistance in mosquito
  • b) sickel cell anaemia in pygmies
  • c) industral melanism
  • d) all above
Which of the following leads to evolution ?
  • a) Separation of species leading to evolution
  • b) Differentiation of species
  • c) Loss of few advanced characters
  • d) Differentiation and adaption of species as unique entities
Postanal tail can be traced in ______.
  • a) cobra
  • b) earthworm
  • c) scorpion
  • d) centipede
All mammals, whale, dolphin, bat, monkey and horse have some common trait, but they also show conspicuous differences. This is due to the phenomenon of
  • a) normalisation
  • b) genetic drift
  • c) convergence
  • d) divergence
The best way of dating fossils recent origin is by ______.
  • a) radio carbon method
  • b) uranium lead method
  • c) potassium argon method
  • d) a combination of all these
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