on Q103) The two alleles of a gene pair are located on:
  • a) Homologous sites on homologous chromosomes
  • b) Heterologous sites on homologous chromosomes
  • c) Homologous sites on heterologous chromosomes
  • d) Heterologous sites on heterologous chromosomes
on Q104) Which of the following statements is not true of two genes that show 50% recombination frequency?
  • a) the genes may be on different chromosomes
  • b) the genes are tightly linked
  • c) the genes show independent assortment
  • d) If the genes are present on the same chromosome, they undergo more than one crossovers in every meiosis
on Q105) In Mendel's experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled seeds (rr); Yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon (yy). What are the expected phenotypes in the F2 generation of the cross RRYY x rryy?
  • a) Only round seeds with green cotyledons
  • b) Only wrinkled with yellow cotyledons
  • c) Only wrinkled seeds with green cotyledons
  • d) Round seeds with yellow cotyledons and wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyledons.
on Q106) Percentage of recombination between A and B is 9%, A and C is 17%, B and C is 26%, then the arrangement of genes is
  • a) ABC
  • b) ACB
  • c) BCA
  • d) BAC
on Q107) A colour-blind man marry with a daughter of colour-blind father, the generation will be
  • a) there will be no daughter colour-blind
  • b) all sons will be colour-blind
  • c) all daughter will be colour-blind
  • d) half sons will be colour-blind
on Q108) A cross between tall and dwarf plant was performed and 120 offspring were produced in which 90 plants were tall and 30 were dwarf. Find out the genotype of their parents.
  • a) Tt and TT
  • b) Tt and Tt
  • c) TT and tt
  • d) tt and tt
on Q109) A cross was performed between pea plants P1 (violet flower) and P2 (white flower). If obtained progeny showed ratio of 1 (violet): 1 (white), then determine the genotype of P1.
  • a) Homozygous recessive
  • b) Heterozygous
  • c) Homozygous dominant
  • d) Can’t be determined
on Q110) Chromosomal theory of inheritance is a combination of
  • a) Knowledge of chromosomal segregation with Mendelian principle
  • b) Knowledge of Dihybrid cross with motion of chromosome
  • c) Knowledge of Law of dominance with chromosomal appearance
  • d) Knowledge of classical genetics with modern molecular biology
on Q111) The concept of X body was given by
  • a) T. H. Morgan
  • b) Walter Sutton
  • c) Alfred Sturtevant
  • d) Henking
on Q112) Study the pedigree chart given below to identify the disorder
  • a) Sickle cell anaemia
  • b) Haemophilia
  • c) Myotonic dystrophy
  • d) Phenylketonuria
on Q113) In humans, Albinism (c) is recessive to normal condition (C). If two heterozygous parents have a progeny. What is the probability that it will be albino?
  • a) 3/4
  • b) 1/2
  • c) 1/4
  • d) 1
on Q114) In a person affected with Phenylketonuria, phenylalanine is converted into:
  • a) Phenyl pyruvic acid.
  • b) Pyruvic acid.
  • c) Tyrosine.
  • d) α – keto pyruvic acid.
on Q177) Holandric genes are located
  • a) both in X and Y-chromosome
  • b) only in Y-chromosome
  • c) only in X-chromosome
  • d) only in autosomes
on Q115) A polygenic trait is controlled by 3 genes A, B and C. In a cross AaBbCc × AaBbCc, the phenotypic ratio of the offspring’s was observed as 1 : 6 : x : 20 : x : 6 :What is the possible value of x?
  • a) 3.
  • b) 6.
  • c) 15.
  • d) 25.
on Q116) The idea of mutation was brought forth by:
  • a) Gregor Mendel, who worked on Pisum sativum.
  • b) Hardy Weinberg, who worked on allele frequencies in a population.
  • c) Charles Darwin, who observed a wide variety of organisms during sea voyage.
  • d) Hugo de Vries, who worked on Oenothera lamarkiana.
on Q117) In a family, father has a blood group 'A' and mother has a blood group 'B', Children show 50 % probability for a blood group "AB" indicate that -
  • a) Father is heterozygous
  • b) Mother is heterozygous
  • c) Either of parent is heterozygous
  • d) Mother is homozygous
on Q118) Which law of Mendel can be explained on chromosomal basis of inheritance ?
  • a) Law of dominance
  • b) Law of segregation
  • c) Law of independent assortment
  • d) All the above
on Q119) Assertion (A) :- strong linkage allow the variations to come into population Reason (R) :- Linkage does not maintain parental gene combination
  • a) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  • b) If both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  • c) If (A) is true but (R) is false
  • d) If both (A) and (R) are false.
on Q120) Cri - du -chat Syndrome in humans is caused by the AIPMT - 2006
  • a) trisomy of 21st chromosome
  • b) Fertilization of an XX egg by a normal Y - bearing sperm
  • c) loss of half of the short arm of chromosome 5
  • d) loss of half of the long arm of chromosome 5
on Q121) Study the pedigree chart of a certain family given below and select the correct conclusion which can be drawn for the character
  • a) The female parent is heterozygous
  • b) The parent could not have had a normal daughter for this character
  • c) The trait under study could not be colourblindness
  • d) The male parent is homozygous dominant
on Q122) The possibilities of hereditary and evolutionary changes are greatest in species that reproduce by
  • a) fission
  • b) budding
  • c) asexual means
  • d) sexual means
on Q123) A dihybrid test cross produces the following progeny - AaBb = 240; Aabb =754; aaBb = 746; aabb =What is the distance between the two genes on the chromosome?
  • a) 12.5 map units
  • b) 1 map unit
  • c) 20 map units
  • d) 25 map units
on Q124) A woman receives her X chromosomes from:
  • a) Her mother only
  • b) Her father only
  • c) Both her mother and father
  • d) Mitochondria of mother only
on Q125) A human female with turner's syndrome
  • a) has 45 chromosomes with XO
  • b) has one additional X-chromosome
  • c) exhibits male characters
  • d) is able to produce children with normal husband
on Q126) Test cross involves:
  • a) crossing between two genotypes with recessive trait
  • b) crossing between two F1 hybrids
  • c) crossing the F1 hybrid with a double recessive genotype
  • d) crossing between two genotypes with dominant trait
on Q127) A point mutation comprising the substitution of a purine by pyramidine is called
  • a) transition
  • b) translocation
  • c) deletion
  • d) transversion
on Q128) If both parents are carriers for Thalassemia, which is an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances of pregnancy resulting in an affected child?
  • a)25%
  • b) 100%
  • c) No chance
  • d) 50%
on Q129) A woman is married for the second time. Her first husband was ABO blood type A, and her child by that marriage was type O. Her new husband is type B and their child is type AB. What is the woman's ABO genotype and blood type?
  • a) IAIO; Blood type A
  • b) IAIB; Blood type AB
  • c) IBIO; Blood type B
  • d) IOIO; Blood type O
on Q130) Which of the following was not explained by the Mendel’s law of dominance?
  • a) Characters are controlled by discrete units called factors.
  • b) Factors occur in pairs.
  • c) Every factor has alternate forms known as alleles
  • d) In a dissimilar pair of factors one member of the pair dominates the other.
on Q131) Assertion: Aneuploidy is due to the non – disjunction of homologous chromosomes. Reason: Disjunction of homologous chromosomes occurs during Anaphase II.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
on Q132) If a man consists of an extra copy of chromosome number 18, then the condition is known as
  • a) Monosomy
  • b) Trisomy
  • c) Nullisomy
  • d) Polyploidy
on Q133) Linkage was described by Morgan in Drosophila. Which of the following combinations are correct? (i) He hybridised yellow bodied, white-eyed females to brown-bodied, red eyed males and then intercrossed their F1 (ii) The ratio of F2 generation is same as that of 9:3:3:1 in this cross. (iii) The parental combinations are observed more than recombinants. (iv) According to Morgan Linkage was observed due to chemical association of genes. (v) All the genes present on same chromosomes have same efficiency to link.
  • a) (ii), (iv), (v)
  • b) (i), (iii)
  • c) (i), (iii), (v)
  • d) (i) and (iv)
on Q134) In which of the following male heterogametey is not observed?
  • a) Insects
  • b) Birds
  • c) Humans
  • d) (1) and (2)
on Q135) Which of the following disorder can’t be transmitted from a single diseased parent?
  • a) Sickle cell anaemia
  • b) Haemophilia
  • c) Cystic fibrosis
  • d) Myotonic dystrophy
on Q136) In case of Pea plant, grey seed colour (G) is dominant to white (g). If the progenies are formed in the following phenotypic ratio, find the genotypes of parents. Grey was crossed with white, 49 grey and 54 white were formed. The genotype of the grey parent will be
  • a) Gg
  • b) GG
  • c) gg
  • d) GGG
on Q137) What phenotypic ratio will be there when selfing of a trihybrid is performed in which two gene pairs are completely dominant and one gene pair is co dominant?
  • a) 3:9:1:2:1:3
  • b) 27:9:3:1:3:3:1
  • c) 9:3:3:1:18:6:6:2:9:3:3:1
  • d) 18:6:6:2:1:2:1:2:1
on Q138) Mendel formulated the law of segregation on the basis of:
  • a) Monohybrid cross.
  • b) Test cross.
  • c) Back cross.
  • d) Dihybrid cross.
on Q199) Diandric inheritance means:
  • a) Father’s X linked character passes to the daughter.
  • b) Mother’s X linked character passes to the granddaughter through son.
  • c) Father’s X linked character passes to the grandson through daughter.
  • d) Father’s Y linked character passes to the grandson through son.
on Q139) Which one of the following can not be explained on the basis of Mendel's law of dominance?
  • a) The discrete unit controlling a particular character is called a factor
  • b) Out of one pair of factors one is dominant, and the other recessive.
  • c) Alleles do not show any blending and both the characters recover as such in F2 generation.
  • d) Factors occur in pairs
on Q140) In a cross between a pure tall plant with green pod and a pure short plant with yellow pod. How many short plants are produced in F2 generation out of 16?
  • a) 1
  • b) 3
  • c) 4
  • d) 9
on Q141) The most popularly known blood grouping is the ABO grouping. It is named ABO and not ABC, because "O" in it refers to having ... ..
  • a) Overdominance of this type on the genes for A and B types
  • b) One antibody only - either anti - A or anti - B on the RBCs
  • c) no antigens A and B on RBCs
  • d) other antigens besides A and B on RBCs
on Q142) A man and a woman, who do not show any apparent signs of a certain inherited disease, have Seven Children (2 daughters and 5 sons). Three of the Sons suffer from the given disease but none of the daughters affected. Which of the following mode of inheritance do you suggest for this disease?
  • a) Sex - linked dominant
  • b) Sex - linked recessive
  • c) Sex - limited recessive
  • d) Autosomal dominant
on Q143) Assertion (A) :- Human beings are not suitable breeding experiments to Study the inheritance of human traits. Reason (R) :- In Human beings controlled hybridization is not possible
  • a) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  • b) If both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  • c) If (A) is true but (R) is false
  • d) If both (A) and (R) are false.
on Q144) Which kind of structural abnormality is seen in the above chromosome?
  • a) Terminal deletion
  • b) Duplication (Tandem)
  • c) Duplication (Reverse)
  • d) Inversion
on Q145) Match the following
Column I Column II
Johansen a. Coined the term gene
Mendel b. Crossing over in drosophila
T. H. Morgan c. Linkage in lathyrus odoratus
Bateson & punnett d. Law of segregation
  • a) (1 - d) (2 - c) (3 - b) (4 - a)
  • b) (1 - a) (2 - d) (3 - b) (4 - c)
  • c) (1 - c) (2 - d) (3 - b) (4 - a)
  • d) (1 - b) (2 - d) (3 - a) (4 - c)
on Q146) Which factor in nature causes discontinuous Variation in a population ?
  • a) Recombination
  • b) Shufflng of parental genes
  • c) Mutation
  • d) Geneflow
on Q147) Checkerboard method of calculations was developed by
  • a) Mendel
  • b) Bateson
  • c) punnett
  • d) Morgan
on Q148) Blood grouping in humans is controlled by
  • a) 4 alleles in which IA is dominant
  • b) 3 alleles in which IA and IB are dominant
  • c) 2 alleles in which none is dominant
  • d) 3 alleles in which IA is recessive
on Q149) In Mirabilis plant the appearance of the pink hybrid (Rr) between cross of a red (RR) and white (rr) flower parent indicates
  • a) Segregation
  • b) Dominance
  • c) Incomplete dominance
  • d) Heterosis
on Q150) Genetic recombinations occur through
  • a) Mitosis & fertilization
  • b) Mitosis & Meiosis
  • c) Meiosis & fertilization
  • d) None
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