tion Q3) A ‘new’ variety of rice was patented by a foreign company, though such varieties have been present in India for a long time. This is related to .... [NEET 2018]
  • a) Lerma Rojo
  • b) Sharbati Sonora
  • c) Co-667
  • d) Basmati
tion Q4) Which of the following characteristics represent ‘Inheritance of blood groups’ in humans ? [NEET 2018] a. Dominance b. Co-dominance c. Multiple allele d. Incomplete dominance e. Polygenic inheritance
  • a) b, d and e
  • b) a, b and c
  • c) b, c and e
  • d) a, c and e
tion Q5) Assertion: Induced mutations are exploited in plant breeding to induce variations. Reason: Mutations are the only reason for variation in living world.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
tion Q6) From a single ear of corn, a farmer planted 200 kernels which produced 140 tall and 40 short plants. The genotypes of these off springs are most likely.
  • a) TT ,tt
  • b) TT , Tt , tt
  • c) TT ,Tt
  • d) Tt ,tt
tion Q7) Which of the following conditions represent a case of co- dominant genes ?
  • a) A gene expresses itself , suppressing the phenotypic effect of its alleles.
  • b) genes that are similar in phenotypic effect when present separately, but when together interact to produce a different trait.
  • c) Alleles, both of which interact to produce effect in homozygous condition
  • d) Alleles, both of which interact to produce an independent effect in heterozygous condition.
tion Q8) What does the term recombination describe ?
  • a) Generation of non- parental gene combination
  • b) Generation of parental gene combination
  • c) Generation of internal gene combination
  • d) All of the above
tion Q9) What happens to excessive phenylalanine accumulation in the blood of phenylketonuria patient ?
  • a) Get deposited on synovial membrane
  • b) excreted in urine
  • c) Get deposited in storage organs
  • d) All of the above
on Q483) Two heterozygous round yellow seeded pea plants are intercrossed. In the progeny, the trait for seed shape will segregate in the ratio:
  • a) 1 : 1
  • b) 3 : 1
  • c) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
  • d) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
ion Q11) Assertion (A) - chromosomes undergo Segregation and independent assortment. Reason (R) - During mitosis, their number is reduced into half.
  • a) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  • b) If both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  • c) If (A) is true but (R) is false
  • d) If both (A) and (R) are false.
ion Q12) Lack of independent assortment of two genes A and B in fruitfly the Drosophilia is due to
  • a) Repulsion
  • b) Recombination
  • c) Linkage
  • d) Crossing over
ion Q13) In humans, an example of sex-linked trait is
  • a) Curly hair
  • b) Sickle-cell anaemia
  • c) Colour-blindness
  • d) Down's syndrome
ion Q14) Among the following which is a test cross?
  • a) Tt×Tt
  • b) TT×TT
  • c) TT×Tt
  • d) Tt×tt
ion Q15) Identify the incorrect statement regarding experiments on Pisum sativum by Gregor Mendel?
  • a) He conducted hybridisation experiments on garden peas for seven years (1856-1863) and proposed the laws of inheritance in living organisms.
  • b) It was for the first time that statical analysis and mathematical logic were applied to problems in biology.
  • c) Unfortunately his experiments had a small sampling size, which gave less credibility to the data that he collected.
  • d) He investigated characters in the garden pea plant that were manifested as two opposing traits.
ion Q16) Monohybrid cross can be defined as
  • a) Cross between plants differing in one chromosome
  • b) Cross between plants differing in one character only
  • c) Cross between plants differing in two traits
  • d) All of the above
ion Q17) Which of the following statement is correct?
  • a) Mendel’s work remained unrecognised till 1920.
  • b) Mendel’s work suggested that factors were discrete units.
  • c) Mendel provided physical proof of the existence of factors.
  • d) He used geographical approaches to solve the problems of biology.
ion Q18) How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE?
  • a) 4
  • b) 8
  • c) 16
  • d) 32
ion Q19) Out of a pair of monozygotic twins, one develops hare lip and the other does not. This can be an example of the genetic phenomenon of:
  • a) Pleiotropy
  • b) Incomplete penetrance
  • c) Variable expressivity
  • d) Incomplete dominance
ion Q20) Which of the following symbols represent consanguineous mating?

  • unit-7_ch-2_qn-20choice_img_no1.png

  • unit-7_ch-2_qn-20choice_img_no2.png

  • unit-7_ch-2_qn-20choice_img_no3.png

  • unit-7_ch-2_qn-20choice_img_no4.png
ion Q21) Which of the following statements are correct with respect to aneuploidy? (i) Aneuploidy is caused due to failure of segregation of chromatids (ii) Aneuploidy is caused by due to failure of segregation of alleles (iii) Aneuploidy results into loss or gain of chromosomes. (iv) Aneuploidy always results into gain of chromosomes. (v). Down’s syndrome is caused due to aneuploidy in chromosome 21.
  • a) (i), (iv) and (v)
  • b) (ii), (iii) and (v)
  • c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
  • d) (i), (iii) and (v)
ion Q22) In dogs, dark coat colour (A) is dominant to albino (a) and short hair (L) is dominant too long hair (l). Determine the probable genotype of the parent who are dark and short and have progenies in the following ratio: Dark and short-89 Dark and long -31 Albino and short- 29 Albino and long-11
  • a) AaLl
  • b) AALL
  • c) AaLL
  • d) AAll
ion Q23) Given below is a highly simplified representation of the human sex chromosomes from a karyotype. The gene a and b could be of:
  • a) Colour blindness and body height.
  • b) Sickle cell anaemia and Myotonic dystrophy.
  • c) Haemophilia and red – green colour blindness.
  • d) Phenyl ketonuria and haemophilia.
ion Q24) Haploids are more suitable for mutation studies than diploids. This is because:
  • a) Haploids are more abundant in nature than diploids.
  • b) All mutations, whether dominant or recessive are expressed in haploids.
  • c) Haploids are reproductively more stable than diploids.
  • d) Mutagens penetrate in haploids more effectively than diploids.
ion Q25) Assertion: An organism with lethal mutation may not even develop beyond the zygote stage. Reason: All types of gene mutations are lethal.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
ion Q26) A spontaneous mutation results in a couple having only female progeny. When the daughter marries and the children, none of them are males. However, in the third generation there are few male offspring. What is the most likely explanation of this observation?
  • a) The mutation reverses spontaneously in the third generation.
  • b) The mutation occurs on the X chromosome and is both recessive and lethal.
  • c) The mutation occurs on the X chromosome and is both recessive and dominant.
  • d) The mutation occurs on autosomes and is dominant.
ion Q27) If the egg of a female grasshopper is fertilized by A + O sperm, the sex of the progeny is:
  • a) Super male.
  • b) Female.
  • c) Male.
  • d) Super female.
ion Q28) Observe the following genotypes of parents who are allowed to cross: AaBbCcc × AaBbCc. How many different types of phenotypes and genotypes are expressed in the offspring’s?
  • a) 32 and 64.
  • b) 8 and 27.
  • c) 4 and 9.
  • d) 16 and 32.
ion Q29) Which of the following is significance of dominance ?
  • a) Organisms with dominant genes are more vital
  • b) Harmful mutations are not expressed due to dominant gene
  • c) Heterosis is due to dominant gene
  • d) All the above
ion Q30) In T. H. Morgan"s Experiment on Drosophilia what will be the result when F1 female flies are crossed with double recessive male files ?
  • a) 83% parental combinations 17% Recombinations
  • b) 41.5 % parental combinations 58.5% recombinations
  • c) 60% parental combinations 40 % recombinations
  • d) 90 % parental combinations 10% Recombinations
ion Q31) Match the following Column I Column II
Blood groups Possible Genotypes
A (a) IB IB, IB i
B (b) ii
AB (c) IA IA, IA i
O (d) IA IB
  • a) (1 - a) (2 - b) (3 - c) (4 - d)
  • b) (1 - c) (2 - a) (3 - b) (4 - d)
  • c) (1 - c) (2 - b) (3 - d) (4 - a)
  • d) (1 - c) (2 - a) (3 - d) (4 - b)
ion Q32) What do A, B, C represent in the given diagram?
  • a) Centromere, chromatids chiasma
  • b) Chromatid, chiasma, centromere
  • c) Centromere, chiasma, chromatid
  • d) Chromatid, chiasma centromere
ion Q33) Assertion (A) :- HbA HbS is a carrier of sickle cell anaemia Reason (R) :- Sickle cell anaemia is a recessive character caused by the recessive genes HbS HbS
  • a) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
  • b) If both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
  • c) If (A) is true but (R) is false
  • d) If both (A) and (R) are false.
ion Q34) The best method to determine whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous is
  • a) inbreeding
  • b) cross-breeding
  • c) back-crossing
  • d) self-fertilization
ion Q35) Albinism in corn plants is best described as
  • a) lethal
  • b) sex-linked
  • c) inbred
  • d) dominance
ion Q36) How many meiosis will be required to produce 102 pollen-grains?
  • a) 25
  • b) 25.6
  • c) 26
  • d) 26.5
ion Q37) Which of the following are correct regarding linked genes? I. are located near each other on the same chromosome. II. violate the law of independent assortment III. segregate together during meiosis
  • a) Only I and II
  • b) Only I and III
  • c) Only II and III
  • d) I, II, III
ion Q38) A pleiotropic gene
  • a) is expressed only in primitive plants
  • b) is a gene evolved during Pliocene
  • c) controls a trait only in combination with another gene
  • d) controls multiple traits in an individual
ion Q39) In which mode of inheritance do you expect more maternal influence among the offspring?
  • a) Autosomal
  • b) Cytoplasmic
  • c) Y-linked
  • d) X-linked
ion Q40) Our ancestors knew about the inheritance of characters and variations because-
  • a) They selectively breed plants and animals and selected for organisms that possessed desirable characters.
  • b) They introduced mutations
  • c) They performed natural hybridisation
  • d) All of the above
ion Q41) Which of the following about the law of segregation is true?
  • a) It states that each of two alleles for a given trait segregate into same gametes.
  • b) It can be explained by the segregation of heterologous chromosomes during meiosis.
  • c) It can account for the 3:1 ratio seen in the F2 generation of Mendel’s crosses.
  • d) It is a method that can be used to determine the number of chromosomes in a plant.
ion Q42) Which of the following statements are correct regarding Chromosomal basis of sex determination? (i) The mechanism of sex determination in insects is of XO type. (ii) XX insect is female while XO insect is male. (iii) The X chromosome is called sex chromosome because it was involved in sex determination. (iv) Grasshopper has XY type of sex determination. (v) Man has XX type of sex determination.
  • a) (iv), (v)
  • b) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
  • c) (i), (ii), (iii)
  • d) (i), (iv), (v)
ion Q43) Myotonic dystrophy is
  • a) Autosomal recessive trait
  • b) Autosomal dominant trait
  • c) X- linked dominant trait
  • d) X- linked recessive trait
ion Q44) In corn plant, the allele for tall plant (T) is dominant to small plant (t) and coloured seed (C) is dominant to (c). In a particular cross, the probability of offspring being tall is ½ and being coloured is ¾, which of the following will produce such progeny?
  • a) TTCc and ttCc
  • b) TTCc and TtCc
  • c) TtCc and ttCc
  • d) TTCC and ttCC
ion Q45) Gregor Mendel crossed a true breeding tall plant with true breeding dwarf plant, and raised F2 generation from his F1 hybrid. Mendel observed that out of the total 1064 F2 progenies 787 were tall and 277 were dwarf. How many plants are expected to be in heterozygous condition?
  • a) 277.
  • b) 787.
  • c) 532.
  • d) 510.
ion Q46) If the number of chromosome in the organisms A, B, C and D after the numerical change is as follows: Organism A – Double Trisomy – Organism B – Simple Nullisomy – Organism C – Double Tetrasomy – Organism D – Simple Monosomy – What will be the ‘2n’ of the same organisms A, B, C and D?
  • a) 20, 44, 30, 24.
  • b) 24, 50, 24, 24.
  • c) 24, 50, 20, 22.
  • d) 20, 50, 24, 22.
ion Q47) Genes present in the X chromosome of father will be inherited by:
  • a) 50% of male children and 100% of female children.
  • b) 50% of male children and 50% of female children.
  • c) 25% of male children and 75% of female children.
  • d) 0% of male children and 100% of female children.
ion Q48) Assertion: Polygenic inheritance is quantitative. Reason: Mendelism, multiple allelism and epistasis are qualitative.
  • a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.
  • c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
  • d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
ion Q49) A gene located an y - chromosome and therefore, transmitted from father to son is known as
  • a) Supplementary gene
  • b) Complementary gene
  • c) Duplicate gene
  • d) Holandric gene
ion Q50) Out of the following , Find out the reason for occurrence of free martin in cattles ?
  • a) Both the twins are connected by a common umbilical cord
  • b) Gonad of the male develop earlier then those of the female
  • c) Male hormones reach the female embryo and influence the development of male sex in the female embryo
  • d) All of the above
ion Q51) Inorder to find out the different types of gametes produced by a pea plant having the genotype AaBb it should be crossed to a plant with the genotype ... ....
  • a) AABB
  • b) AaBb
  • c) aabb
  • d) aaBB
ion Q52) ABO blood groups in humans are controlled by the gene I. It has three alleles - IA , IB and i . Since there are 3 different alleles six different genotypes are possible. How many phenotypes Occur?
  • a) Three
  • b) One
  • c) Four
  • d) Two
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