A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. The mass of the satellite is very small as compared to the mass of the earth. Which of the following statement is correct?
  • The acceleration of S is always directed towards the center of the earth
  • The angular momentum of S about the centete of the earth changes its direction but its magnitude remains constant
  • The total mechanical energy of S remains constant
  • The linear momentum of S remains constant in magnitude
Both earth and moon are subject to the gravitational force of the sun. As observed from the sun, the orbit of the moon
  • will be elliptical
  • will not be strictly elliptical because the total gravitational force on it is not central
  • is not elliptical but will necessarily be a closed curve.
  • deviates considerably from being elliptical due to influence of planets other than earth.
The radius vector, drawn from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal lines. This is the statement of
  • Kepler’s third law
  • Kepler’s first law
  • Newton’s third law
  • Kepler’s second law
Time period of pendulum, on a satellite orbiting the earth, is
  • $\frac {1}{\pi}$
  • 0
  • $\infty$
  • $\pi$
0 h : 0 m : 1 s