Write location and numbers of malpighian tubules in periplaneta.
  • a) Surrounding gizzard, eight.
  • b) At the junction of foregut and midgut, about 150.
  • c) At the junction of colon and rectum, eight.
  • d) At the junction of midgut and hindgut, about 150.
The following figures A, B and C are types of muscle tissue. Identify A, B and C.
  • a) A Smooth muscle, B Cardiac muscle, C Skeletal muscle
  • b) A Skeletal muscle, B Smooth muscle, C Cardiac muscle
  • c) A Cardiac muscle, B Smooth muscle, C Skeletal muscle
  • d) A Smooth muscle, B Skeletal muscle , C Cardiac muscle
Refer the given figure and identify the correct characteristic feature. It is a type of loose connective tissue.It contains fibroblast, macrophages, collagen fibres and mast cells.The cells of this tissue are specialized to store fats.The wall of internal organs such as the blood vessels, stomach and intestine contains this type of tissue.
  • a) (1) & (2)
  • b) (1) & (3)
  • c) (3) & (2)
  • d) (3) & (4)
The intercellular material of the given figure is solid and resists compression. Identify the figure and the label marked as A & B.
  • a) Fig - Cartilage, A - Collagen, B - Chondrocyte
  • b) Fig - Cartilage, A - Microtubule, B - Collagen fibres
  • c) Fig - Bone, A - Chondrocyte, B - Chondroclast
  • d) Fig - Bone, A - Chondroclast, B – Osteoblast.
Identify the figure with its correct function:
  • a) Areolar connective tissue Serves as a support framework for epithelium.
  • b) Adipose tissue Store fats and act as heat insulators.
  • c) Dense regular tissue Provide flexibility.
  • d) Dense irregular tissue Provide strength and elasticity.
Which of the following types of connective tissue is mismatched with its matrix ?
  • a) Areolar - Loosely packed matrix of protein fibres
  • b) Bone - Mineralized matrix
  • c) Cartilage - Highly vascular matrix
  • d) Blood - Liquid matrix
Identify figures-I and II.
  • a) Figure I: Dense regular Dense irregular connective tissue, Figure II: connective tissue
  • b) Figure I:Loose irregular Loose regular connective tissue, Figure II: connective tissue
  • c) Figure I: Adipose tissue, Figure II: Specialized connective tissue
  • d) Figure I: Connective tissue, Figure II:Areolar tissue proper
Which of the following type of muscle tissue is being described on the basis of given statements ?These muscle fibres taper at both ends and do not show striations.The wall of internal organs such as the blood vessels, stomach and intestine contain this type of muscle tissue.They are involuntary as their function cannot be directly controlled.
  • a) Skeletal muscle
  • b) Smooth muscle
  • c) Cardiac muscle
  • d) All of these
Statement 1 : Intercalated discs are important regions of cardiac muscle cells. Statement 2 : Intercalated discs function as boosters for muscle contraction waves.
  • a) Statement-1 and statement-2 are true and statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1.
  • b) Statement-1 and statement-2 are true and ttatement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1
  • c) Statement-1 is true, and statement-2 is False
  • d) Both the statements are false.
Read the following statements and answer the question.It is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries.They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs.They are involved in functions like forming a diffusion boundary. Which of the following characteristics of tissue is being described by the above statements ?
  • a) Squamous epithelium
  • b) Columnar epithelium
  • c) Ciliated epithelium
  • d) Compound epithelium
Which of the following type of tissue is being described by the given statements ?They are named because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues/organs of the body.They include cartilage, bone, adipose and blood.They provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.They also secrete modified polysaccharides, which accumulate between cells and fibres and act as matrix.
  • a) Epithelial tissue
  • b) Connective tissue
  • c) Muscle tissue
  • d) Neural tissue
Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct ?Loose connective tissue contains fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells.Adipose tissue is a type of dense connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin.Tendons and ligaments are examples of dense irregular connective tissue.Cartilage, bones and blood are various types of specialized connective tissue.
  • a) Only (1)
  • b) Both (2) and (3)
  • c) Both (1) and (3)
  • d) (1), (3) and (4)
Read the following statements and answer the question.They have a hard and non-pliable ground substance rich in calcium salts and collagen fibres.They support and protect softer tissues and organs.Osteocytes are present in the spaces called lacunae.They also interact with skeletal muscles attached to them to bring about movements. Which of the following type of tissue is being described by above statements ?
  • a) Cartilage
  • b) Bone
  • c) Blood
  • d) Neurons
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about muscle tissue ?
  • a) Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres arranged in parallel arrays.
  • b) Muscle fibres contract (shorten) in response to stimulation, then relax (lengthen) and return to their uncontracted state in a coordinated fashion.
  • c) Muscles play an active role in all movements of the body.
  • d) All of the above
Which of the following statements is not correct regarding neural tissue ?
  • a) It exerts the greatest control over the bodys responsiveness to changing conditions.
  • b) Chondrocytes, the unit of neural system are excitable cells.
  • c) Neuroglial cells protect and support neurons.
  • d) When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an electrical disturbance is generated.
DLC not help to detect:
  • a) Leukaemia.
  • b) Parasitic toxins.
  • c) Anaemia.
  • d) Toxic effects of poisonous chemicals.
Circumferential lamellae and interstitial lamellae are present in:
  • a) Harvesian canal.
  • b) Volkmann’s canal.
  • c) Bone matrix.
  • d) Periosteum.
dentify the correct match regarding the epithelium and its location:
  • a) Stratified columnar – Parts of conjunctiva of eye.
  • b) Stratified cuboidal – Parts of urethra.
  • c) Non – Keratinised Squamous – Parts of respiratory tract.
  • d) Pseudostratified – Large salivary and pancreatic duct.
Muscle tissue cells are contractile, which means they
  • a) are responsible for the production and secretion of enzymes.
  • b) are specialized in contraction and relaxation.
  • c) help in the movement of involuntary organs only.
  • d) all of the above
The only type of cell seen in a tendon is
  • a) muscle fibres
  • b) reticular cells
  • c) collagenous cells
  • d) fibroblasts
The shape of a person’s ear is due to mainly to
  • a) dense regular connective tissue
  • b) dense irregular connective tissue
  • c) elastic cartilage
  • d) fibrocartilage
S : Ootheca is formed in female Cockroach by the group of fertile eggs. R : Nymph of Cockroach grows with adult by undergoing moulting process several times.
  • a) S - correct, R - Incorrect, R is explanation of S.
  • b) Both S and R correct but R is not a explanation of S.
  • c) S - correct, R - incorrect
  • d) S-incorrect, R – correct
In Cockroach .......... ganglia innervate the mouth pairs.
  • a) Suboesophageal
  • b) Circumoesophageal
  • c) Supraoesophageal
  • d) Three ganglia of thorax region
The walls of spiracles are framed from .......... .
  • a) Blood vessels
  • b) Chitinous Bristles
  • c) Ostia
  • d) Tissue fluid
In each ovary of female Cockroach the most developed ova are placed at .......... .
  • a) In the innerlayer of ovary
  • b) At the origin of ovarian tubules
  • c) At the distal free end of ovarian tubule
  • d) Anywhere is ovarian tubules
In which succession the three main layers of the body wall of a Cockroach from outer to Inner side are arraged ?
  • a) Cuticle, Epidermis and basement membrane
  • b) Epidermis, Basement membrane and Cuticle
  • c) Epidermis, Cuticle and basement membrane
  • d) Basement membrane, Cuticle and Epidermis
Each walking leg of periplaneta is made up of ..........segments.
  • a) four
  • b) five
  • c) six
  • d) nine
Which is the peculiarity of ninenth sternum of maleCockroach ?
  • a) Seventh and Eighth sternum are covered with it
  • b) Male genital openings occurs there
  • c) Anus occurs under it
  • d) A piar of anal cerci is associated with it
How many secreting lobes are present in each salivary gland of Cockroach ?
  • a) Two
  • b) Two pairs
  • c) Three
  • d) Six
The heart of Cockroach is made up of .......... units.
  • a) Four
  • b) Ten
  • c) Twelve
  • d) Thirteen
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