on 167 Which one of the following Palindromic base sequence in DNA can be easily cut at about the middle by some Particular restriction enzyme?
  • a) 5' ________ GATATG ________ 3' 3' ________ CTACTA ________ 5'
  • b) 5' ________ GAATTC ________ 3' 3' ________ CTTAAG ________ 5'
  • c) 5' ________ CACGTA _______ 3' 3' ________ CTCAGA _______ 5'
  • d) 5' ________ CGTTCG _______ 3' 3' ________ ATGGTA ________ 5'
ion 97 During which of the following techniques host cells are exposed to pulse of high voltage current ?
  • a) Electroporation
  • b) Particle Bombardments
  • c) Micro injection
  • d) lipofection
ion 98 TATAAT sequence near the RNA start point of prokaryotic promoter is......
  • a) NICKS
  • b) DNA marker
  • c) palindrome
  • d) pribnow box
ion 99 Assertion - Extraction and purification of enzymes is laborious and expensive Reason - protein engineering can be used to produce enzymes at large scale
  • a) Assertion is correct, Reason is explanation of Assertion
  • b) Assertion is correct, Reason is correct but it is not explanation of Assertion
  • c) Assertion is correct, Reason is false
  • d) Assertion is wrong, Reason is wrong
on 100 Production of a human protein in bacteria genetic engineering is possible because
  • a) Bacterial cell can carry out the RNA splicing reactions
  • b) The human chromosome can replicate in bacterial cell
  • c) The mechanism of gene regulation is identical in human and bacteria
  • d) The genetic code is universal
on 101 Variable number of tender repeats (VTNR) in the DNA molecule are highly useful in
  • a) Monoclonal antibody production
  • b) DNA finger printing
  • c) Recombinant DNA technology
  • d) stem cell culture
on 102 A technology which has found immense use in solving cases of disputed parentage is
  • a) DNA finger printing
  • b) Polymerase chain reaction
  • c) Recombinant DNA technology
  • d) Monoclonal antibody production
on 103 Why is a marker gene useful?
  • a) It shows you where the gene being added has been taken up
  • b) Its a way of labelling which gene you want to modify
  • c) It sticks with the striker gene
  • d) It marks the position of r-DNA
on 104 Paul Berg's gene splicing experiment created the first r DNA molecule which was a:
  • a) T4 phage fragment incorporated into SV40 vector
  • b) 位 phage fragment incorporated into SV40 vector
  • c) T4 phage fragment incorporated into PSC101 vector
  • d) 位 phage fragment incorporated into PSC 101 vector
on 105 Electroporation is
  • a) the process of separating charged molecules through a gel maintained in an electric field
  • b) the process of combining foreign DNA to an electrically charged vector molecule
  • c) the application of high voltage pulses
  • d) the process of multiplication of the cells
on 106 How does nucleic acid probe hybridize with a specific target sequence?
  • a) DNA binding regions of the probe form motifs that can align along the major groove and read the appropriate sequences
  • b) Probes will cut and integrate into specific regions of the DNA being analyzed, thereby making the desired location
  • c) Base – pairing between single stranded probes and denatured target DNA allows them to anneal
  • d) Reverse transcriptase amplifies the probe, which can then attract the target sequence from the DNA under analysis
on 107 A genomic library is:
  • a) a database where the sequence of an organism's genome is stored
  • b) a collection of many clones possessing different DNA fragments from the same organisms bound to vectors
  • c) a book that describes how to isolate DNA from a particular organism
  • d) a place where the information of the genetic organization of organisms are kept
on 108 Bacteria containing recombinant plasmids are often identified by which process?
  • a) examining the cells with an electron microscope
  • b) using radioactive tracers to locate the plasmids
  • c) exposing the bacteria to an antibiotic that kills cells lacking the resistant plasmid
  • d) removing the DNA of all cells in a culture to see which cells have plasmids
on 109 Exonucleases cleaving nucleotides one at a time from the end of polynucleotide chain are.
  • a) Specific for 5’ end of RNA strand
  • b) specific for 3’ end of RNA strand
  • c) specific for both 5’ and 3’ ends of nucleotide strand
  • d) Non- specific for 5’ and 3’ ends of nucleotide
on 110 SNP’s (Single nucleotide polymorphism) refers:
  • a) Location of RNA where a single base pair differs
  • b) Location of RNA where a single base differs
  • c) Location on the genome where a single base pair of DNA differs
  • d) Location on the genome where a single base of DNA differs
on 111 Which of the Following is a genetic vector?
  • a) Plasmid
  • b) Phage
  • c) Cosmid
  • d) All of these
on 112 When the number of genes increases in response to some signal the effect is called.....
  • a) gene dosage
  • b) Gene pool
  • c) gene amplification
  • d) gene frequency
on 113 Ti Plasmid is a cloning vector which works with
  • a) All the plants
  • b) Dicots only
  • c) Monocots only
  • d) Thallophytes only
on 114 Identify the process in PCR which takes place at low temperature:
  • a) Denaturation
  • b) Annealing
  • c) Synthesis
  • d) Extension
on 115 For transformation, micro particles coated with DNA are bombarded with gene gun made up of.
  • a) Platinum or Zinc
  • b) Silicon or Platinum
  • c) Gold or tungsten
  • d) Silver or Platinum
on 116 What is the function of Restriction endonuclease?
  • a) Restricts the synthesis of DNA inside the nucleus
  • b) Synthesizes DNA
  • c) Cuts DNA molecule randomly
  • d) cuts DNA molecule at specific sites
on 117 Widely used tool in genetic engineering of crop plants is ____
  • a) Protoplast fusion
  • b) Transposon
  • c) Micro injection
  • d) Agrobacterium mediation
on 118 A distinct advantage of continuous culture over batch culture is:
  • a) Higher productivity
  • b) Versatility
  • c) Can be used for different reactions every day
  • d) Continuous inflow of nutrients
on 119 Which is true? a) Biowar is the use of biological weapons against humans or their crops and animals. b) Bioethics is the unauthorized use of bio resources & traditional knowledge related to bio resources for commercial benefits. c) Biopatent is exploitation of bio resources of other nations without proper authorization.
  • a) a & c
  • b) a
  • c) a & b
  • d) b & c
on 120 If gene of interest is cloned at Pst I site of pBR 322 and resultant plasmid is transformed into E coli. Recombinant E coli will exhibit susceptibility to:
  • a) Tetracycline
  • b) Ampicillin
  • c) Chloramphenicol
  • d) Both A and B
on 121 Which of the following statements is not correct regarding PCR?
  • a) The number of molecules increases exponentially like an explosive chain reaction, is also called chain reaction
  • b) DNA must be cooled to 40ºC to allow the primers to anneal to their complementary sequences on the separated DNA strand
  • c) Denaturation is the first step of PCR reaction and involves the breaking of hydrogen bonds
  • d) DNA double helix would be separated by the enzyme helicase in PCR
on 122 Read the following statements and select the correct ones: (i) Electrophoresis is a technique used for the separation of substances based on their size and charge. (ii) Plasmids are extra – chromosomal, self-replicating, usually circular, double stranded DNA molecules found naturally in many bacteria and also in some yeast. (iii) It is not advisable to use an exonucleases enzyme while producing a recombinant DNA molecule. (iv) In EcoRI, the Roman numeral I indicates that it was the first enzyme isolated from Escherichia coli RY 13.
  • a) (i) and (ii)
  • b) (iii) and (iv)
  • c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
  • d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
on 123 Leaf disc transformation method is used in transferring genes into:
  • a) Wheat
  • b) Rice
  • c) Barely
  • d) Tobacco
on 124 Type I restriction enzyme:
  • a) Recognize the specific sequence and cut DNA at the specific sites
  • b) Do not recognize or cut the specific sequences
  • c) Recognize specific sequences but remove nonspecific sequences
  • d) None of the above
on 125 Extra chromosomal small circular double stranded DNA molecule in a bacterial cell is stranded DNA molecule in bacterial cell is
  • a) Plastid
  • b) Plasmid
  • c) Mitochondrion
  • d) Chloroplast
on 126 The sticky ends of Fragmented DNA molecules are made up of
  • a) Calcium salts
  • b) endo nuclease
  • c) unpaired bases
  • d) methyl groups
on 127 Improvement of genotype of an organism by addition of some foreign gene is......
  • a) Genetic diversity
  • b) gene handing
  • c) Tissue culture
  • d) genetic engineering
on 128 What is temperature required for annealing of DNA molecule?
  • a) 50-65° C
  • b) 30-35° C
  • c) 40-45° C
  • d) 20-25° C
on 129 Enzymes used in PCR is ....
  • b) gyrase
  • c) transcriptase
  • a) Taq polymerase
  • d) hexokinase
on 130 Assertion - Restriction enzymes of different organisms that recognize the identical sequences are called isoschizomers. Reason - They are present only in eukaryotes
  • a) Assertion is correct, Reason is explanation of Assertion
  • b) Assertion is correct, Reason is correct but it is not explanation of Assertion
  • c) Assertion is correct, Reason is false
  • d) Assertion is wrong, Reason correct
on 131 PCR and Restriction fragment length Polymorphism are the methods for.
  • a) genetic transformation
  • b) DNA Sequencing
  • c) DNA finger printing
  • d) Study of enzymes
on 168 Which of the following pair is correctly matched ?
  • a) Central dogma - codon
  • b) Okazaki fragments - splicing
  • c) RNA Polymerase - RNA Primer
  • d) Restriction enzymes - genetic engineering
on 132 The basis of DNA finger printing is
  • a) The double helix
  • b) Errors in base sequence
  • c) Poly morphism in sequence
  • d) DNA replication
on 133 First Biochemical to be produced commercially by microbial cloning and genetic engineering is ___
  • a) Interferon
  • b) penicillin
  • c) Human insulin
  • d) Fertility factors
on 134 Which one of the following is a wrong matching of a microbe and its industrial product while the remaining three are correct
  • a) Clostridium acetobutylicum - lactic acid
  • b) Aspergillus niger - citric acid
  • c) yeast - statins
  • d) Acetobacter aceti - acetic acid
on 135 In PCR, which of the following is used to produce multiple copies of DNA?
  • a) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
  • b) Escherichia coli
  • c) Thermus aquaticus
  • d) Bacillus thuringiensis
on 136 The deliberate modifications of an organism's genetic information by directly changing its nucleic acid content is a subject matter of
  • a) genetic engineering
  • b) population genetics
  • c) microbiology
  • d) protein engineering
on 137 What type of vectors was used for introducing nematode specific genes in the host plant?
  • a) Plasmid vectors
  • b) Retroviruses
  • c) Phasmid vectors
  • d) Agrobacterium vectors
on 138 Read the given statements and select the correct option: Statement 1: In Insertional inactivation, blue colour produced by bacterial colonies indicates that the plasmid does not have an insert into the bacterial genome. Statement 2: Presence of insert results into Insertional inactivation of β galactosidase enzyme and the colonies do not produce any colour.
  • a) Both statements -1 and statement - 2 are true and statement - 2 is the correct explanation of statement - 1
  • b) Both statements -1 and statement - 2 are true but statement - 2 is not the correct explanation of statement - 1
  • c) Statement -1 is true and statement - 2 is false
  • d) Statement -1 is false and statement - 2 is true
on 139 Transgenic organisms means:
  • a) An organism with all desirable genes
  • b) An organism with a number of mutated characters
  • c) An organism with foreign gene produced by genetic engineering
  • d) An organism with a particular mutated gene
on 140 The Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium contains gene for the production of an amino acid analogue called:
  • a) Auxin
  • b) Cytokinin
  • c) Opines
  • d) Agarose
on 141 How many of the following statements are true: (i) Stirred tank bioreactor is well stirred and tested design for large scale production of enzymes, proteins, etc. (ii) pBR 322 is an artificially reconstructed plasmid vector from the plasmid of E coli. (iii) In gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments are placed over the anode end. (iv) Prokaryotic DNA has normally a single origin of replication. (v) A bacterium which is modified through a foreign gene is called recombinant.
  • a) 1
  • b) 2
  • c) 3
  • d) 4
on 142 Many copies of a DNA molecule in a test tube are procured by
  • a) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • b) Molecular chain reaction (MCR)
  • c) Ephemeral chain reaction (ECR)
  • d) All of these
on 143 Which of the following is used in genetic engineering?
  • a) Restriction endonuclease
  • b) Mycobacterium
  • c) Entamoeba
  • d) Pepsin
on 144 How many restriction enzymes are known to be isolated?
  • a) More than 800
  • b) more than 700
  • c) More than 600
  • d) more than 900
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